How Many Dollars
A blog for Three-Dollar Kit
"Vengeance is mine"Reminder: Anjali considers herself a public figure, invited skepticism, abhors money, and declared her career was over by coming out with her alien story. See my introductory page for citations. Most screenshots below are from the following tweets:
Ethical doxingRemember “Wayne”? Anjali said the only thing she regrets was talking too much about tunnel-digger extraordinaire Wayne (incidentally, without his knowledge or permission, whatevs). This info helped people search for him, which caused him stress and exacerbated his illness. Hold that thought. Anjali doxed “Elizabeth” with her full name, citing uncommon words in a tweet to link her to a Twitter user, from which anyone can google keywords + the name she provided - and instantly discover Elizabeth's ID, workplace, etc. She calls this ethical. (This Twitter thread explains what happened.) Rinse & repeatBack to Wayne. We found a Wayne candidate, Anj confirmed. He got calls about his aliens. Wrong guy. Did Anj learn a lesson from this? Nope. Anj posts a name and the clear path to locate the woman, riles her fans to action with a sob story, and puts her in danger. Wrong woman. Anjali clearly says she’s going to take action, call the woman’s boss or send in the feds or something. If her crazed fans don’t get there first. Are you looking forward to Anjali’s public apology to this woman as much as I am? Family tiesAnj claims I contacted her family to tell them all these horrible things. Oh you wanted her evidence for the accusation? Seriously, you expected that? I've contacted no family but her daughter (see below). I’ve told no family member any of these things, f*ck you very much. I contacted one family member, Anj’s daughter - twice. In Aug ’21 (halcyon days) I wrote expressing concern over her mom’s messaging. She said don’t worry, transcendence just means “overcoming suffering”. (Little did she know!) In Apr ’22 I wrote to Anj’s daughter after hearing she was doing an interview with Ryan Gordon. I warned her he’s toxic. She blocked me but canceled the interview. As Anjali later discovered, he’s toxic. You’re welcome. Aside: 2 days after meeting ayys, the most incredible life-changing event in Anj's life, she posts her bangs on Facebook to see what her friends think. Wow, priorities. I was once contacted by someone claiming to be a relative of Anj’s ex. Who knows. He went off in my DMs (oh boy) and I said no thanks, I’m trying to understand her and expose what she’s up to NOW. All this to say she's lying about my interactions with her family. Irony is deadAnjali calls RG my “old close coworker”. HELLO I’M NOT THE ONE WHO PLANNED A TELL-ALL INTERVIEW SERIES WITH HIM?! I've never communicated with RG since July 2021 and NEVER about her (tho’ he tried). Oh, and who warned that Ryanjali would implode? You’re welcome. Guess why Anjali was motivated to work with RG after he and his vodka bottle tried to blackmail her with faked evidence? Because he had information about my identity and she wanted to sue me with the lies she invented. Noticing a pattern…? The lies (your fatal error, Anj):
You'll notice how Anjali lumps all her complaints into one turd and places the blame at one person's door because it's all mixed up in her head. The other day it was "Elizabeth", in the past it's been me. She NEVER provides a shred of evidence. (Her evidence that I said the things I never said is that Max or someone signed an affidavit swearing I wrote those things!) On the other hand, I bring receipts. I have no alts interacting in the ufo space, just my real account that is entirely separate. I've never lied in the ufo space, tho' I've been wrong and owned it. I make no money here. My main* motivation with respect to Anjali is to warn about culty behavior targeting vulnerable people. *After I met the landowners she used and manipulated, and after she threatened to sue me with a list of lies about things I never said, I admit my compassion for her diminished. The hope that hard facts will break through her delusion is long gone, but I can enlighten others. Twitter thread with the EVIDENCE that Anjali's list of reasons to sue me were all lies. A reminder that the landowners recognized her lies, refused to join her lawsuit when invited, and promptly contacted me with their story instead. Read moreMy Twitter threads about Anjali attempting to dox a Twitter user who has been warning about cults since Anjali appeared:
1 Comment
Spank Flaps
7/14/2023 04:46:39 pm
When Anjali says “trancension” she really means suicide cult.
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