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TRANSCENDENCE Apocalypse survival |
The beings communicate with Anjali via conscious communication. She likens her interpretation of their message to a disorganized pile of Lego bricks, but apparently it's the best she and the beings can do.
The key point seems to be that humanity needs to transcend into the 4th density in order to survive when Earth moves naturally into the 4th density - more recently she describes this in apocalyptic terms.
The question, then, is:
The key point seems to be that humanity needs to transcend into the 4th density in order to survive when Earth moves naturally into the 4th density - more recently she describes this in apocalyptic terms.
The question, then, is:
How to transcend?
Paraphrased from Anjali's Reddit post, July 24, 2021: Guidance to Grow in Conscious Connection on the path of Transcendence into the 4th density.
There doesn't seem to be a mystery here - nothing to remember or understand, since the higher beings have laid it all out. All you need to do is believe them.
An act of faith.
A religion.
More recently Anjali stated: "No one transcends until the cycle of birth/rebirth is ended, it seems." [Twitter, Jan 19, 2022] So transcendence now happens after the apocalypse and separation of wheat and chaff. However, this is contradicted by her Oct 2022 interview (below) where the transcended are taken off-world before the apocalypse.
Note: In Anjali's first Reddit post, she described the messages her lavender being gave her three years earlier. Lavvy emphasized the divisiveness of human language. In order to urgently bring about world peace ("essential for our continued existence") so that more humans would be able to transcend, we needed to focus "on changing our communication method and language use to speak to others as he was speaking to me" - that is, to consciously communicate with each other. Lavvy told her "humanity's survival actually depends on our success in evolving our communication method... and we essentially better get to work on this." Anjali has never provided instructions on how to achieve this and did not mention it at the press conference in August (or since).
- "Transcendence is a consciousness act, whereby you recognize your connectedness to all other expressions of consciousness, measured in the coalescence and density of light."
- Higher beings, who are morally and intellectually superior to humans, have always been guiding & nurturing our consciousnesses. When you pray or meditate, you are speaking with 5th & 6th density beings who are themselves seeking to raise their own consciousnesses while serving others.
- Consciousness is coalesced (dense) light. Your sensory experience in 3rd density is a path toward reuniting with the Source of light (pure love), which has the desire to create, learn, grow, coalesce, and splinter again in a cycle.
- You need to remember and understand (but not by using your intellect) that you are an expression of creation by the Source, connected to all other expressions of consciousness.
- Life, death, thoughts, perceptions and memories are illusory and cause suffering. You can choose to lift the veil and let go of the illusion, and transcend to 4th density.
- In order to vibrate at a higher frequency and transcend, be compassionate, kind, humble, gracious, patient. Love others as yourself. Be thankful to all expressions of consciousness (including bees and seas) so that they become extensions of yourself.
- Let go of anger, defensiveness, grief, guilt, all negative emotions. Tame your ego to become less self-absorbed and isolated. Forgive yourself. Give away excess possessions.
- Examine your own thoughts, meditate, and be present.
- Water is alive and your negative thoughts make it sad.
There doesn't seem to be a mystery here - nothing to remember or understand, since the higher beings have laid it all out. All you need to do is believe them.
An act of faith.
A religion.
More recently Anjali stated: "No one transcends until the cycle of birth/rebirth is ended, it seems." [Twitter, Jan 19, 2022] So transcendence now happens after the apocalypse and separation of wheat and chaff. However, this is contradicted by her Oct 2022 interview (below) where the transcended are taken off-world before the apocalypse.
Note: In Anjali's first Reddit post, she described the messages her lavender being gave her three years earlier. Lavvy emphasized the divisiveness of human language. In order to urgently bring about world peace ("essential for our continued existence") so that more humans would be able to transcend, we needed to focus "on changing our communication method and language use to speak to others as he was speaking to me" - that is, to consciously communicate with each other. Lavvy told her "humanity's survival actually depends on our success in evolving our communication method... and we essentially better get to work on this." Anjali has never provided instructions on how to achieve this and did not mention it at the press conference in August (or since).
The Anjapocalypse
Since Anjali announced the expedition to Wayne's mountain "postponed", in early Nov 2021 (in fact "Wayne" definitively denied her access to his property in October), her focus has shifted to spouting New Age platitudes and predicting the end of the world in a few years. This is mostly on Twitter, since she's done very few interviews and has vanished from Reddit.
Despite the sun due to cleanse the Earth in 2027, the entire urgent imperative to evolve and transcend by learning conscious communication with other humans has fallen by the wayside. Anjali is dipping her toe into reinterpreting Abrahamic religions, complete with a new profile image, and alluded to forthcoming secrets that the Beings will no doubt be sharing in the coming year:
Despite the sun due to cleanse the Earth in 2027, the entire urgent imperative to evolve and transcend by learning conscious communication with other humans has fallen by the wayside. Anjali is dipping her toe into reinterpreting Abrahamic religions, complete with a new profile image, and alluded to forthcoming secrets that the Beings will no doubt be sharing in the coming year:
Despite her past mouthpiece duties being translated by herself into tweets, she now quotes the Beings directly in their oddly archaic phrasing. For some reason they were unable to talk in human words until now.
And never forget: the material world is illusory.
And! There are humans already on a planet in Orion, where the non-transcended third density chaff will respawn after the separation. [Twitter, Feb 21, 2022]
And never forget: the material world is illusory.
And! There are humans already on a planet in Orion, where the non-transcended third density chaff will respawn after the separation. [Twitter, Feb 21, 2022]
The latest...
Apocalyptic stuff "from the beings", from Anjali's October 2022 interview by Alan Steinfeld and tweets during the same month:
During Anjali's podcast interview in August 2023, she reiterated some other points made previously:
"They just said that they were my family, and that these other children who were there were other attempts to put their consciousness into a human-enough body... I was successful and so they said that they planted me in my mother and here we are today."
"All they need us to do is wake up so that they can find us. They want to find their people."
"They have said that if there are some people who don't want to transcend to the next density of consciousness, coalescence, if they want to stay in the material third density experience, that they can do that, and that they will just suddenly wake up and they're living a life somewhere else, they have no idea that this ever even happened."
- We need to prepare our consciousnesses for contact, because "a solar thing" on Earth, that we are manifesting with our intentions and our thoughts, will cause us to physically see and sense other beings
- "Very large, humongous changes" to our solar system (or perhaps the universe) will begin in 2026-27. We should move to the mountains and caves and will know when it's time to do so.
- "[H]umanity will experience great difficulties" - war, permanent blackouts, famine, starvation, and "passing of souls" ("Humans call it death, but it is only passing from here to another state of being.") This suffering will last for about a decade.
- Conscious communication will be the only way humans can talk to each other across distances (due to the blackouts). Note that world peace, not absence of electricity, was the reason she gave in March 2021 for why humans must learn conscious communication.
- There will then be a "final sun cleansing": the Earth will erupt, flood, and freeze.
- The Earth's consciousness will "upgrade" or "transcend to the next density" and "begin to merge with other worlds & beings with whom we share this beautiful planet."
- Those who have awakened to the knowledge that we are all one consciousness have chosen to transcend to fourth density. They have a little "light of consciousness" in them, so they can be found by their families of beings who are searching for them. These beings will pull them out before Earth "cleanses itself for its upgrade", and take them "home", which is "offworld".
- Those who prefer the physical density and choose not to transcend will "continue this kind of experience somewhere else" (Orion).
- Your biotechnology (physical body) limits your consciousness’s ability to understand what is really happening around you. Those who experience more personal suffering or struggling, like Anjali, are more open to discarding their perception of reality in the physical world.
- Seven member races of the council are here now to "administer the end of this cycle of birth and rebirth, and the end of this Earthly cycle", and we need to learn to consciously communicate with them. They will become visible to our senses when the veil falls. (She thinks the veil is geomagnetic.)
- Don't be afraid tho!
- A divine woman told her that we are creating "all of this" and can choose at any time to stop creating and hurting ourselves and each other, and instead "return to our divine Oneness".
During Anjali's podcast interview in August 2023, she reiterated some other points made previously:
- The higher beings consider hybrids to be their "family" (and will rescue them from Earth before the apocalypse)
- The higher beings are searching for their family (somehow they lost track of them) and can find them if they meditate in order to contact the hybees.
- Those who don't meditate and awaken will wake up one day on another (third density) planet with no memory of Earth (she's called this "respawning").
"They just said that they were my family, and that these other children who were there were other attempts to put their consciousness into a human-enough body... I was successful and so they said that they planted me in my mother and here we are today."
"All they need us to do is wake up so that they can find us. They want to find their people."
"They have said that if there are some people who don't want to transcend to the next density of consciousness, coalescence, if they want to stay in the material third density experience, that they can do that, and that they will just suddenly wake up and they're living a life somewhere else, they have no idea that this ever even happened."
Heaven's Gate alert
In response to the following legend:
"At the beginning of a cataclysm, or maybe just minute or hours before the start, a plethora of space vehicles descends and picks up those whom they can so that they may survive." and the comment: "I heard you... talk about how 'they' will evacuate some of their people during the cataclysm..." Anjali did not dismiss a word of it, but rather appeared to support the idea with a message from her beings: "The Beings say: Those of you who awaken, We will see your awakening light and know that it is You. You will hear our conscious call and know that it is We. We Are One and We have come to place posterity [future generations] in a world prepared for our coming: a renewed, fertile world of light." |
As history has tragically shown, when devoted, hopeful, vulnerable people think they're special and that they're going to be saved, and then rescue does not arrive, it can lead to tragedy.
Anjali's describes her apocalypse as a solar flare that causes worldwide blackouts, massive floods that wipe the earth clean, and then an Ice Age. But all this is preceded by:
And that's the problem. Because if people are hoping to be taken offworld by their ET family before the main event, these minor (by comparison) preceding events will be seen as signs that rescue is imminent.
As rational non-delusional people know, this rescue will never come.
What will Anjali's panicking acolytes do, to ensure they leave the planet in time?
Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles' core teaching sounds an awful lot like Anjali's: you can transform yourself into an immortal extraterrestrial being (Anjali's becoming one with the Source) by rejecting your human nature, and you will ascend to heaven (transcendence), referred to as the "Next Level" or "The Evolutionary Level Above Human" (fourth density and beyond). While they initially believed their bodies would be taken to heaven aboard a UFO, after Nettles' death in 1985 this was changed to only their consciousnesses need to be saved, with new bodies available after death.
This resulted in 39 suicides in 1997.
Anjali consistently devalues biotechnology (the physical body), perhaps because she's having so much trouble with her own. She's never described what fourth density will look like, except that third-density humans can't survive on fourth-density Earth. She's also specified that her own elevated consciousness from Orion required her embryonic biotechnology to be genetically tinkered with.
So, clearly some sort of physical change to our biotechnology will be necessary. And given the higher density beings are made of light, it's not a stretch to conclude that painful debilitating degenerative afflictions and diseases will be alleviated when one transcends to fourth density.
Essentially, a new body.
If the physical body is merely biotechnology to house a consciousness, why not dispose of it and get a better, ET-engineered body for fourth density? And if ETs don't show up to collect the awakened among us, will the awakened take matters into their own hands to ensure their consciousnesses escape the apocalypse and get fourth density biotechnology to proceed into the new world?
Anjali's describes her apocalypse as a solar flare that causes worldwide blackouts, massive floods that wipe the earth clean, and then an Ice Age. But all this is preceded by:
- war
- blackout, all electricity permanently disabled
- famine and starvation
- passing of souls
And that's the problem. Because if people are hoping to be taken offworld by their ET family before the main event, these minor (by comparison) preceding events will be seen as signs that rescue is imminent.
As rational non-delusional people know, this rescue will never come.
What will Anjali's panicking acolytes do, to ensure they leave the planet in time?
Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles' core teaching sounds an awful lot like Anjali's: you can transform yourself into an immortal extraterrestrial being (Anjali's becoming one with the Source) by rejecting your human nature, and you will ascend to heaven (transcendence), referred to as the "Next Level" or "The Evolutionary Level Above Human" (fourth density and beyond). While they initially believed their bodies would be taken to heaven aboard a UFO, after Nettles' death in 1985 this was changed to only their consciousnesses need to be saved, with new bodies available after death.
This resulted in 39 suicides in 1997.
Anjali consistently devalues biotechnology (the physical body), perhaps because she's having so much trouble with her own. She's never described what fourth density will look like, except that third-density humans can't survive on fourth-density Earth. She's also specified that her own elevated consciousness from Orion required her embryonic biotechnology to be genetically tinkered with.
So, clearly some sort of physical change to our biotechnology will be necessary. And given the higher density beings are made of light, it's not a stretch to conclude that painful debilitating degenerative afflictions and diseases will be alleviated when one transcends to fourth density.
Essentially, a new body.
If the physical body is merely biotechnology to house a consciousness, why not dispose of it and get a better, ET-engineered body for fourth density? And if ETs don't show up to collect the awakened among us, will the awakened take matters into their own hands to ensure their consciousnesses escape the apocalypse and get fourth density biotechnology to proceed into the new world?
(c) Charlie Wiser 2021-22