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Interviews with the real "Wayne & Trisha" and more.
To address the strawman that cannabis caused Anjali to hallucinate or misremember her experience in Jan 2018, that is not the argument I've made, though it's the one she keeps making in order to avoid the discomfort of facing my actual argument. Anjali has proven visual and time distortions in her memories of the day, most likely due to ingesting Rick Simpson oil. She says she forgot going into a tunnel by the next day and only remembered the events reliably two years later. She was already primed by her previous holographic ET visitations in the month leading up to Jan 21, 2018, along with talk in the coffee shop of historical sightings of UFOs on the mountain. Bearing in mind "Wayne" aka Bryan does not have the skills or finances to dig the tunnel she describes, does not recall digging it, and does not have such a tunnel on his land, it seems clear Anjali's memories of events are fabricated. The most likely explanation seems to be that in the ensuing weeks and months, by talking about and reflecting on the confusing day - such as during meditation (i.e. self-hypnosis) - her imagination filled in the blanks with a narrative about meeting aliens.
- Reconstructed timeline from the property owners' perspective, compared to Anjali's
- Aug 16, 2021 Video call between Bryan, his wife, and Anjali (day before her press conference). This is my own transcript, as the one Anjali posted was unedited and had many errors. Parts are inaudible.
- Mar 12, 2022 "Wayne" (aka Bryan) on Truthseekers
- Apr 23, 2022 "My 2018 contact experience is not a cover memory for trauma"
To address the strawman that cannabis caused Anjali to hallucinate or misremember her experience in Jan 2018, that is not the argument I've made, though it's the one she keeps making in order to avoid the discomfort of facing my actual argument. Anjali has proven visual and time distortions in her memories of the day, most likely due to ingesting Rick Simpson oil. She says she forgot going into a tunnel by the next day and only remembered the events reliably two years later. She was already primed by her previous holographic ET visitations in the month leading up to Jan 21, 2018, along with talk in the coffee shop of historical sightings of UFOs on the mountain. Bearing in mind "Wayne" aka Bryan does not have the skills or finances to dig the tunnel she describes, does not recall digging it, and does not have such a tunnel on his land, it seems clear Anjali's memories of events are fabricated. The most likely explanation seems to be that in the ensuing weeks and months, by talking about and reflecting on the confusing day - such as during meditation (i.e. self-hypnosis) - her imagination filled in the blanks with a narrative about meeting aliens.
Reconstructed timeline (i.e. what really happened)
To avoid repetition, unsourced comments below are all direct quotes from personal communications (texts and calls) between myself and Bryan and his wife in Feb and Mar 2022. [TS] = Truthseekers Mar 12, 2022
Before 2018
During the years before 2018, were you using explosives to dig a long tunnel through your mountain?
BRYAN: No, nope… Our house is seen from the whole city. The whole city would know.
January 21, 2018
Morning: The coffee shop
Anjali's version: She talked with Bryan about their health issues and her job, and then he abruptly asked what she thought of aliens, told her he'd met some on his mountain and felt compelled to dig a tunnel to their base.
BRYAN: She did mention that she worked… for the Department of Defense. And we knew that she wasn't lying, I mean she had stickers all up and down her windshield. [Source: Truthseekers Mar 12, 2022, full transcript below (TS)]
BRYAN: All I said was, there’s been sightings of aliens on the mountain… the legend, the book in the 60s, that’s all it was. And I was just gonna show her the mountain.
Who brought up aliens first?
BRYAN: I couldn't answer that. It was just a conversation about aliens so I don't know who did.
I never claimed there was aliens in my mountain, ever... I wouldn't say that to anybody. I wouldn't bullshit somebody to say, “Hey come meet some aliens” when there's no aliens there. That's not my style. So the only thing that was ever talked about is the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, that's it.
Have you seen UFOs?
Nothing other than what you see in the skies, like fast moving objects that you can say, “Hey, was that that?” That’s about the extent of what I’ve ever seen. [TS]
Around noon: They take Rick Simpson oil
Anjali and Bryan's wife say they all took RSO at the shop. Bryan at first wasn't sure if it was at home or at the shop. Anjali has said it was the first and only time she'd had cannabis in this form.
ANJALI: When I discussed my medication debacle, I told you what the docs Had Done to me… I had decided to suffer and to not take opioids beginning in August 2017… So, I had turned to medicinal cannabis for whatever relief I could get. That is why you offered me the cannabis oil/resin. [text to Bryan's wife, Sep 2021]
WIFE: He did carry a little pouch around his neck with a little knife in his pocket and dig a little bit of it out, give it to people... The oil is called Phoenix Tears, or Rick Simpson Oil. You can research this to see just how strong it is. I don’t know about aliens, but yes you CAN hallucinate, and especially have paranoid delusions, anxiety, etc if you take too much.
BRYAN: I used to go around and hemp-itize everybody. Anybody that wanted it… The facility gave me permission to share cannabis oil with the patients because it’s recommended. They recommend all cancer patients take this oil… I told her it was strong.
WIFE: Bryan takes it for cancer but it can also help with other conditions which is why he showed it to her in the first place at the coffee shop… She came off as chill, normal, convincing. I had no other reason to think otherwise.
BRYAN: This stuff it can be strong. I've found out through the years, if you're on any kind of pharmaceutical drugs and you mix this with that, it can have a different effect. I'm not saying that that's the case. These are just things that I know, that I've learned by people's stories... She was inebriated, she was not sober here, so I think most of us were more sober than her.
She claimed she was completely and totally sober during this event. You would dispute that?
BRYAN: Absolutely I'll dispute that. My oil - you're not sober on that oil. I mean it puts you in a good place. [TS]
Bryan invites Anjali home
Anjali's version: Bryan invited Anjali (and another couple) home to meet the aliens in the tunnel he dug.
BRYAN: There was a circle of us people talking, and we’re just talking about aliens and stuff. It just came up. We were talking about cancer and everything. I don’t know, I’m funny like that, sometimes I say, “Come on everyone, let’s go to my house.” Our friends were coming up anyway, so she just happened to be there and I just invited her, that’s all. It’s not like a big deal.
WIFE: It wasn’t like some formal invitation that he gave her, it was just very casual [to all the] people, “Hey let’s go back to my house.” We’d been there hours... Bryan invited her over, he always invites people over. Clients, new people he meets, he’s just a super sociable friendly guy and loves to talk, it was a nice day. Until an ambulance pulled up in my driveway... She came over for both reasons, the cannabis oil conversation they were having somehow led to him mentioning [1960s UFO sightings on the mountain], she obviously went full swing with that… for some reason.
Did she mention at the time the previous three visitations of a lavender ET?
No! No mention of anything like that.
Why did you take home a perfect stranger?
BRYAN: Yes, I do things like that sometimes. I don't know. I don't do that anymore… But there for a minute I was just feeling friendly, I suppose... I used to invite people, you know. I was a little - I used to be a lot - I was friendly. And I didn't always think, either. I'll just tell you that. The radiation that I took kind of zapped my brain for a while. [TS]
Between 2 and 3PM: They arrive home (a short drive away) and walk around the property
Anjali's version: She drove to their house and they waited for the other couple to arrive. Bryan showed her the archway where the aliens returned him after previous meetings. At 3PM the men donned headlamps and all five walked for 5-10 minutes through a tunnel to an alien base where she met the lavender mantis she'd previously met holographically, and her consciousness was removed in a white healing light while the beings gave her messages. The encounter lasted 6 hours from 3-9PM.
ANJALI: The tunnel is the first pin, I believe. We walked up that hill and I struggled to get up it. That’s why I remembered it and that may be why Bryan hasn’t seen it and had been digging again. [text to Bryan when sending them a map in Aug 2021]
WIFE: I think she made this picture up with the pins. A. There is nothing there. No cave!! B. Rough terrain!! She could not hike that in her condition. No way.
None of that happened?
BRYAN: Well, not in physical appearance here. I mean, if it happened in her experience, that's her experience… we don't remember any tunnel. We don't remember any part of that... We never hiked any mountain. We walked up the driveway about another 200 or 150 feet up. We just went up and I just showed her, them, that area... There’s not a tunnel on this mountain… There's a shed in front of where I'm gonna be digging, so that's what she's talking about. We weren't outside too long, probably maybe a couple hours maybe, before it started getting dark. [TS]
Were you guys talking about aliens when you were at your house?
BRYAN: We probably were - it was a subject, as far as the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, of a book that we're all looking for… But I don't think it was too deep because the other people that were with us, they weren't much into that. [TS]
At any time did Anjali appear to be in a disoriented or disassociated state like having micro-seizures?
BRYAN: No, not like that, no. Just disoriented, I would say. Too much cannabis is what it was… She wasn't feeling good, and that's one of the symptoms when you've had too much. You get the spins… But she appeared to be walking just fine… I don't know how disoriented she was.
Were there any other drugs taken?
Not to my knowledge… We don't have any pharmaceuticals here. [Anjali was taking Pindolol, Cymbalta, Prilosec & Prednisone according to a Sep 2021 text, and Adderall, Famotidine & Cymbalta according to Mar 13, 2022 Truthseekers interview]
Can RSO make you feel like you're out of your own body and a few other strange effects?
Oh, for sure. For sure. [TS]
BRYAN: You were high as kite that night and you are lying to everyone about that. [text to Anjali, Nov 2021]
4:05PM: Bryan's wife and the other couple return to house
Bryan and Anjali were outside for a few more minutes - were they in your line of sight?
WIFE: Yes. I think I’d notice if my husband disappeared with a woman into a cave for six hours.
Myself and two friends walked back before Bryan and Angelia, but they were in our sights the whole time.
Was there any time that you didn't see Anjali?
BRYAN: She was awake the whole time and there was not any time that I did not see her. [TS]
4:15PM: Bryan and Anjali return to house
Anjali's version: After 6 hours, at 9PM she and Bryan were teleported out of the base, back to the house under the archway.
Were you instantly teleported back to your home?
BRYAN: I didn't have that experience… We walked right back down the same way we walked up, and came in the house… It's not an archway. It's just a door.
We didn't lose any time on our end. [TS]
WIFE: We have never teleported there. It’s actually a sliding barn door that’s always open.
She says that when she was zapped back underneath the arch with you, that you bombarded her with questions because she had just gone into this alien base.
BRYAN: No, no, no. [laughing] She said something out of the blue, like, “What the fuck am I doing here?” or something like that. Me and Lorenzo just looked at her. I remember saying, “Oh yeah, well, you’re right here.”
She obviously phased out on the walk back from the shed. She just doesn’t remember those two minutes.
WIFE: You know what, that’s entirely possible... From where we sit in the living room, you can see right there where they stood [outside] maybe only another 5 or 10 minutes, talking before they came in and joined us. She randomly yelled out “What the fuck! I’m in here again!!” Randomly!! (But again, no mention of aliens, ambulances) And my friend said sarcastically, “Yep. Here you are.”
4:20PM: Anjali texts her daughter
4:27PM: Daughter calls 911
These timestamps come from the ambulance call record which gives time of incident and time of report.
Anjali's version: She texts her daughter incoherently about meeting aliens, which worries her daughter who calls 911 for a welfare check.
ANJALI: My daughter called the ambulance because I texted her that I had just met several different aliens, and she knew I had taken the cannabis oil you had offered me. She was afraid I had been given something else because I was telling her that aliens lived inside the mountain in a base you had taken me to, through a tunnel you had dug. [text to wife, Sep 2021; there is no corroboration from the daughter about exactly what Anjali texted her]
BRYAN: We were all in the living room, just hanging out… and I remember looking over at her and she was on the phone, and I didn’t think much of it.
4:55PM: Sheriff arrives, then ambulance
Anjali's version: The ambulance arrived between 10PM and midnight.
BRYAN: When I walked outside, I told the sheriff, I said, “Man, you got the wrong house again,” because they've mixed up my address before… He said, “No, is Angelia here?” ... The ambulance came… that kind of definitely changed the energy, when everybody's all buzzed up and I say, you got a sheriff here and an ambulance here, on this stranger that we just brought home. ... She was in the paramedics [vehicle] for about, probably, I don't know, 20 minutes or so, 15 minutes. [TS]
BRYAN: The sheriff asked her to come outside... I told [the sheriff] straight up, “Look, I gave her too much cannabis oil, that’s all it is. So whatever’s happening, she’s probably having a reaction.” … And you can have a reaction from that stuff. Especially if you’re on any kind of pharmaceuticals.
5:14PM Ambulance leaves and Anjali calls a friend for a ride home
Anjali's version: She calls a friend to pick her up around 10PM
Rest of the evening: Bryan and Anjali talk while waiting for her friend
Anjali's version: She has never specified what she and Bryan talked about during these several hours.
BRYAN: The ambulance let her out. She came right back in the house. The sheriff took off. She called for a ride from her male friend.
That other couple didn't see aliens or have an alien experience, that night, right?
No, of course not, no. They left on a normal night. They took off. It was just a simple evening.
WIFE: Then we were stuck with her the rest of the time because she couldn’t drive after taking the cannabis oil... They were talking and talking and talking, probably about health, whatever. I don’t remember... I was sitting right next to them… It was cold, we had a fire going, I had taken the oil, I drank some wine, and after several hours of blah-blah-blah, whatever, I dozed off for probably an hour.
BRYAN: There was no mention of aliens that night, other than the aliens that we were talking about anyway [sightings in the 1960s], but nothing about a cave or anything like that, that night… It wasn't even an alien conversation or anything. I can't even really remember.
Did you or Anjali fall asleep during those 6 hours?
No, neither one of us.
ANJALI: Your wife was awake the entire time we were in your home. [text to Bryan, Nov 2021]
BRYAN: There wasn’t any aliens in sight that night. A normal night... It was just Anjali and I for a couple hours bullshitting in the living room waiting for her ride to show up. [TS]
~11:30PM Anjali's friend arrives and drives her home
Anjali's version: Her friend arrived at 3AM to take her home.
BRYAN: He came back and picked her up about 11:30 that night. She left her car here because she couldn't drive her car.
So she was impaired enough to know that she couldn't drive?
Oh yes. Absolutely.
When he came to pick her up, there was no words exchanged. She just got in his car and they took off. [TS]
NEXT DAY and beyond
Noon: Anjali returns to collect her car
BRYAN: So she came back the next day and got her car about noon and not one word [about tunnels or meeting aliens]… Nothing about any aliens until just last August. [TS]
WIFE: She might’ve resurfaced a week later, or something. Eventually I just didn’t respond to her and I never heard from her again, and I never thought about her again. Literally I never thought about her again, until one day I just got that text message that said, “I really need to talk to you about your husband.” I just went “What the fuck?”
And I did tell her my “story” on the Zoom call. No story, that’s the story!! Same for Bryan.
BRYAN: We didn't know anything about it when it happened, we didn't know, we had no clue - none of this was even talked about. Perhaps she had an experience three years later, or two years later, and this is what came in her mind.
Anjali, I guess all I can say is whatever journey you're doing and you're on, is stay on it and believe in what you believe in, but there's no reason to be dragging us into it and doing this to our life. So please just respect that. That would be it. That’d be what I would like to say. [TS]
Before 2018
During the years before 2018, were you using explosives to dig a long tunnel through your mountain?
BRYAN: No, nope… Our house is seen from the whole city. The whole city would know.
January 21, 2018
Morning: The coffee shop
Anjali's version: She talked with Bryan about their health issues and her job, and then he abruptly asked what she thought of aliens, told her he'd met some on his mountain and felt compelled to dig a tunnel to their base.
BRYAN: She did mention that she worked… for the Department of Defense. And we knew that she wasn't lying, I mean she had stickers all up and down her windshield. [Source: Truthseekers Mar 12, 2022, full transcript below (TS)]
BRYAN: All I said was, there’s been sightings of aliens on the mountain… the legend, the book in the 60s, that’s all it was. And I was just gonna show her the mountain.
Who brought up aliens first?
BRYAN: I couldn't answer that. It was just a conversation about aliens so I don't know who did.
I never claimed there was aliens in my mountain, ever... I wouldn't say that to anybody. I wouldn't bullshit somebody to say, “Hey come meet some aliens” when there's no aliens there. That's not my style. So the only thing that was ever talked about is the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, that's it.
Have you seen UFOs?
Nothing other than what you see in the skies, like fast moving objects that you can say, “Hey, was that that?” That’s about the extent of what I’ve ever seen. [TS]
Around noon: They take Rick Simpson oil
Anjali and Bryan's wife say they all took RSO at the shop. Bryan at first wasn't sure if it was at home or at the shop. Anjali has said it was the first and only time she'd had cannabis in this form.
ANJALI: When I discussed my medication debacle, I told you what the docs Had Done to me… I had decided to suffer and to not take opioids beginning in August 2017… So, I had turned to medicinal cannabis for whatever relief I could get. That is why you offered me the cannabis oil/resin. [text to Bryan's wife, Sep 2021]
WIFE: He did carry a little pouch around his neck with a little knife in his pocket and dig a little bit of it out, give it to people... The oil is called Phoenix Tears, or Rick Simpson Oil. You can research this to see just how strong it is. I don’t know about aliens, but yes you CAN hallucinate, and especially have paranoid delusions, anxiety, etc if you take too much.
BRYAN: I used to go around and hemp-itize everybody. Anybody that wanted it… The facility gave me permission to share cannabis oil with the patients because it’s recommended. They recommend all cancer patients take this oil… I told her it was strong.
WIFE: Bryan takes it for cancer but it can also help with other conditions which is why he showed it to her in the first place at the coffee shop… She came off as chill, normal, convincing. I had no other reason to think otherwise.
BRYAN: This stuff it can be strong. I've found out through the years, if you're on any kind of pharmaceutical drugs and you mix this with that, it can have a different effect. I'm not saying that that's the case. These are just things that I know, that I've learned by people's stories... She was inebriated, she was not sober here, so I think most of us were more sober than her.
She claimed she was completely and totally sober during this event. You would dispute that?
BRYAN: Absolutely I'll dispute that. My oil - you're not sober on that oil. I mean it puts you in a good place. [TS]
Bryan invites Anjali home
Anjali's version: Bryan invited Anjali (and another couple) home to meet the aliens in the tunnel he dug.
BRYAN: There was a circle of us people talking, and we’re just talking about aliens and stuff. It just came up. We were talking about cancer and everything. I don’t know, I’m funny like that, sometimes I say, “Come on everyone, let’s go to my house.” Our friends were coming up anyway, so she just happened to be there and I just invited her, that’s all. It’s not like a big deal.
WIFE: It wasn’t like some formal invitation that he gave her, it was just very casual [to all the] people, “Hey let’s go back to my house.” We’d been there hours... Bryan invited her over, he always invites people over. Clients, new people he meets, he’s just a super sociable friendly guy and loves to talk, it was a nice day. Until an ambulance pulled up in my driveway... She came over for both reasons, the cannabis oil conversation they were having somehow led to him mentioning [1960s UFO sightings on the mountain], she obviously went full swing with that… for some reason.
Did she mention at the time the previous three visitations of a lavender ET?
No! No mention of anything like that.
Why did you take home a perfect stranger?
BRYAN: Yes, I do things like that sometimes. I don't know. I don't do that anymore… But there for a minute I was just feeling friendly, I suppose... I used to invite people, you know. I was a little - I used to be a lot - I was friendly. And I didn't always think, either. I'll just tell you that. The radiation that I took kind of zapped my brain for a while. [TS]
Between 2 and 3PM: They arrive home (a short drive away) and walk around the property
Anjali's version: She drove to their house and they waited for the other couple to arrive. Bryan showed her the archway where the aliens returned him after previous meetings. At 3PM the men donned headlamps and all five walked for 5-10 minutes through a tunnel to an alien base where she met the lavender mantis she'd previously met holographically, and her consciousness was removed in a white healing light while the beings gave her messages. The encounter lasted 6 hours from 3-9PM.
ANJALI: The tunnel is the first pin, I believe. We walked up that hill and I struggled to get up it. That’s why I remembered it and that may be why Bryan hasn’t seen it and had been digging again. [text to Bryan when sending them a map in Aug 2021]
WIFE: I think she made this picture up with the pins. A. There is nothing there. No cave!! B. Rough terrain!! She could not hike that in her condition. No way.
None of that happened?
BRYAN: Well, not in physical appearance here. I mean, if it happened in her experience, that's her experience… we don't remember any tunnel. We don't remember any part of that... We never hiked any mountain. We walked up the driveway about another 200 or 150 feet up. We just went up and I just showed her, them, that area... There’s not a tunnel on this mountain… There's a shed in front of where I'm gonna be digging, so that's what she's talking about. We weren't outside too long, probably maybe a couple hours maybe, before it started getting dark. [TS]
Were you guys talking about aliens when you were at your house?
BRYAN: We probably were - it was a subject, as far as the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, of a book that we're all looking for… But I don't think it was too deep because the other people that were with us, they weren't much into that. [TS]
At any time did Anjali appear to be in a disoriented or disassociated state like having micro-seizures?
BRYAN: No, not like that, no. Just disoriented, I would say. Too much cannabis is what it was… She wasn't feeling good, and that's one of the symptoms when you've had too much. You get the spins… But she appeared to be walking just fine… I don't know how disoriented she was.
Were there any other drugs taken?
Not to my knowledge… We don't have any pharmaceuticals here. [Anjali was taking Pindolol, Cymbalta, Prilosec & Prednisone according to a Sep 2021 text, and Adderall, Famotidine & Cymbalta according to Mar 13, 2022 Truthseekers interview]
Can RSO make you feel like you're out of your own body and a few other strange effects?
Oh, for sure. For sure. [TS]
BRYAN: You were high as kite that night and you are lying to everyone about that. [text to Anjali, Nov 2021]
4:05PM: Bryan's wife and the other couple return to house
Bryan and Anjali were outside for a few more minutes - were they in your line of sight?
WIFE: Yes. I think I’d notice if my husband disappeared with a woman into a cave for six hours.
Myself and two friends walked back before Bryan and Angelia, but they were in our sights the whole time.
Was there any time that you didn't see Anjali?
BRYAN: She was awake the whole time and there was not any time that I did not see her. [TS]
4:15PM: Bryan and Anjali return to house
Anjali's version: After 6 hours, at 9PM she and Bryan were teleported out of the base, back to the house under the archway.
Were you instantly teleported back to your home?
BRYAN: I didn't have that experience… We walked right back down the same way we walked up, and came in the house… It's not an archway. It's just a door.
We didn't lose any time on our end. [TS]
WIFE: We have never teleported there. It’s actually a sliding barn door that’s always open.
She says that when she was zapped back underneath the arch with you, that you bombarded her with questions because she had just gone into this alien base.
BRYAN: No, no, no. [laughing] She said something out of the blue, like, “What the fuck am I doing here?” or something like that. Me and Lorenzo just looked at her. I remember saying, “Oh yeah, well, you’re right here.”
She obviously phased out on the walk back from the shed. She just doesn’t remember those two minutes.
WIFE: You know what, that’s entirely possible... From where we sit in the living room, you can see right there where they stood [outside] maybe only another 5 or 10 minutes, talking before they came in and joined us. She randomly yelled out “What the fuck! I’m in here again!!” Randomly!! (But again, no mention of aliens, ambulances) And my friend said sarcastically, “Yep. Here you are.”
4:20PM: Anjali texts her daughter
4:27PM: Daughter calls 911
These timestamps come from the ambulance call record which gives time of incident and time of report.
Anjali's version: She texts her daughter incoherently about meeting aliens, which worries her daughter who calls 911 for a welfare check.
ANJALI: My daughter called the ambulance because I texted her that I had just met several different aliens, and she knew I had taken the cannabis oil you had offered me. She was afraid I had been given something else because I was telling her that aliens lived inside the mountain in a base you had taken me to, through a tunnel you had dug. [text to wife, Sep 2021; there is no corroboration from the daughter about exactly what Anjali texted her]
BRYAN: We were all in the living room, just hanging out… and I remember looking over at her and she was on the phone, and I didn’t think much of it.
4:55PM: Sheriff arrives, then ambulance
Anjali's version: The ambulance arrived between 10PM and midnight.
BRYAN: When I walked outside, I told the sheriff, I said, “Man, you got the wrong house again,” because they've mixed up my address before… He said, “No, is Angelia here?” ... The ambulance came… that kind of definitely changed the energy, when everybody's all buzzed up and I say, you got a sheriff here and an ambulance here, on this stranger that we just brought home. ... She was in the paramedics [vehicle] for about, probably, I don't know, 20 minutes or so, 15 minutes. [TS]
BRYAN: The sheriff asked her to come outside... I told [the sheriff] straight up, “Look, I gave her too much cannabis oil, that’s all it is. So whatever’s happening, she’s probably having a reaction.” … And you can have a reaction from that stuff. Especially if you’re on any kind of pharmaceuticals.
5:14PM Ambulance leaves and Anjali calls a friend for a ride home
Anjali's version: She calls a friend to pick her up around 10PM
Rest of the evening: Bryan and Anjali talk while waiting for her friend
Anjali's version: She has never specified what she and Bryan talked about during these several hours.
BRYAN: The ambulance let her out. She came right back in the house. The sheriff took off. She called for a ride from her male friend.
That other couple didn't see aliens or have an alien experience, that night, right?
No, of course not, no. They left on a normal night. They took off. It was just a simple evening.
WIFE: Then we were stuck with her the rest of the time because she couldn’t drive after taking the cannabis oil... They were talking and talking and talking, probably about health, whatever. I don’t remember... I was sitting right next to them… It was cold, we had a fire going, I had taken the oil, I drank some wine, and after several hours of blah-blah-blah, whatever, I dozed off for probably an hour.
BRYAN: There was no mention of aliens that night, other than the aliens that we were talking about anyway [sightings in the 1960s], but nothing about a cave or anything like that, that night… It wasn't even an alien conversation or anything. I can't even really remember.
Did you or Anjali fall asleep during those 6 hours?
No, neither one of us.
ANJALI: Your wife was awake the entire time we were in your home. [text to Bryan, Nov 2021]
BRYAN: There wasn’t any aliens in sight that night. A normal night... It was just Anjali and I for a couple hours bullshitting in the living room waiting for her ride to show up. [TS]
~11:30PM Anjali's friend arrives and drives her home
Anjali's version: Her friend arrived at 3AM to take her home.
BRYAN: He came back and picked her up about 11:30 that night. She left her car here because she couldn't drive her car.
So she was impaired enough to know that she couldn't drive?
Oh yes. Absolutely.
When he came to pick her up, there was no words exchanged. She just got in his car and they took off. [TS]
NEXT DAY and beyond
Noon: Anjali returns to collect her car
BRYAN: So she came back the next day and got her car about noon and not one word [about tunnels or meeting aliens]… Nothing about any aliens until just last August. [TS]
WIFE: She might’ve resurfaced a week later, or something. Eventually I just didn’t respond to her and I never heard from her again, and I never thought about her again. Literally I never thought about her again, until one day I just got that text message that said, “I really need to talk to you about your husband.” I just went “What the fuck?”
And I did tell her my “story” on the Zoom call. No story, that’s the story!! Same for Bryan.
BRYAN: We didn't know anything about it when it happened, we didn't know, we had no clue - none of this was even talked about. Perhaps she had an experience three years later, or two years later, and this is what came in her mind.
Anjali, I guess all I can say is whatever journey you're doing and you're on, is stay on it and believe in what you believe in, but there's no reason to be dragging us into it and doing this to our life. So please just respect that. That would be it. That’d be what I would like to say. [TS]
Aug 16, 2021 Video call between Bryan, his wife, and Anjali
Anjali posted the almost complete audio on March 16, 2022 (linked above). Previously she had sent the first half (before the call cut out and reconnected) to Steven Cambian at Truthseekers, including 5 minutes of near silence at the start where Anjali and her partner Adam ("Max") discuss recording the conversation.
Adam: [unclear] We definitely have it recording on the [---] just in case some shit happens.
Anjali: Okay. Yeah. It's saved us before.
Adam: It has.
[2 minutes near-silence waiting for Bryan & his wife to come to the call]
Anjali: Hello. You’re muted.
Bryan: How’s that?
Anjali: Yay. Hi.
Bryan: Hi, how you doing?
Anjali: I’m doing very well. How are you guys?
Bryan: Oh, you know busy.
Bryan's Wife: Okay.
Anjali: Yeah? You look great. Bryan.
Bryan: What’s up?
Anjali: The last time that that I saw you, you were still struggling with lymphoma. I believe it was lymphoma.
Bryan: Yeah I’m still fighting. I’m still fighting. I’m at about a stage one now.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: So, still going - eight years now, eight years in and I got a couple more years of treatment that I know of right now.
Anjali: Wow.
Bryan: Yeah, I’m feeling good. I’m back to work. I mean, you know, I’m healthy enough to work. Thanks to my beautiful healer right here.
Anjali: Ah, that’s amazing.
Bryan: She does it all, you know, she does it all.
Anjali: That’s amazing. Wow. Well, thank goodness. So um –
Bryan: How are you doing?
Anjali: I - you know what, I’m doing okay. I’m busy right now. My health is a lot better than it was the last time I saw you.
Bryan: Oh, good.
Anjali: Um, and - yeah, you know, I have a lot of good energy coming at me from a lot of different directions. And I just don’t have anything to complain about.
Bryan: Well, good. That’s a good thing.
Anjali: That’s right. That’s right. Hold on just a moment. [drinks]
Bryan: Hey no problem.
Wife: That’s wonderful.
Bryan: Well, you look good. You look happy.
Anjali: Oh, thank you, thank you. How are you doing, ___?
Bryan: You look like you’re being productive.
Anjali: Um, well, I have - I haven’t worked. Sometimes I still have problems with walking and I, you know, can end up in the wheelchair. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and some genetic, actually, mutations that are kind of interesting that that affect me, unfortunately.
Bryan: Sorry.
Anjali: And so, yeah, it’s okay because everything happens for a reason. And um I truly believe that if I were a healthy, able-bodied person, like I used to be, that I probably wouldn’t have the time or focus to slow down and do what I’m doing now. That requires a lot less of my physical energy and more of my conscious energy, you know, so in that way it’s a real blessing that I get to have so much time on my hands to explore what I’m doing right now. So yeah. So, guys -
Bryan: So what ya doing now?
Anjali: That’s what we’re about to talk about. Okay.
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: Do you remember why you guys invited me over? Why you had me come over to the house?
Bryan: Was it because of the aliens on the mountain?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: Do you remember that?
Wife: I was pretty - I have to admit, just to interject here, I was pretty drunk that night.
Bryan: We were all a little buzzed.
Wife: My memory is really fuzzy. And I know I fell asleep in the living room. So I don’t remember much.
Bryan: No, this all started when we were at the coffee shop, right? The conversation started at the coffee shop.
Anjali: That’s right.
Bryan: And that’s why she came home, was for the energy. Okay, so tell me about it. Tell me about that.
Anjali: So what happened is, you and I, mostly, you had a couple of - Hold on, I just want to get, I want to get the order correct. You, Bryan, were telling me why I was sick. And some of the things that you said resonated with me, with an experience that I had had recently. And so it really caught my attention. And so we got involved in a pretty in-depth conversation about how our thoughts and our environment can essentially infect us and make us sick. And, you know, we get that body burden of the things that we’ve energetically experienced in the world. And out of the blue in that conversation, you asked me, “What do you think of aliens?’ And I said, ‘What do I think about ‘em? You know, I love them!” And you said, “Well, would you like to meet some?” And I said, “Well, what are you talking about?” And so you said, “Well, you know, I told you I own this construction company. Well, I –” You said that you excavated a tunnel after you had met some aliens. And that this tunnel was on your property. And that when you tunneled in, you at one point you made a turn in the tunnel, and found the base of the aliens that you had met on top of the mountain, okay.
Bryan: I don’t remember telling you any of that.
Anjali: Yeah, I know. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, cuz you will. You will remember. You will.
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: So you asked me if I wanted to meet them. And I said, “Of course I want to meet them,” you know. So I sent a text out to my daughter. You guys gave me your contact information. And you gave me, I asked for your names, and your address and your phone number. Because here I was about to go into a - supposedly go into a tunnel that people that I had just met were saying would lead to some aliens. And I thought, Well, this is either going to be the best day of my life or it could be the final day of my life. And a good way to know is to ask you for all of that information. And you guys just gave it all to me. And so I texted it to my daughter and to a couple of friends of mine, let them know where I was going. And why. And, so, as we were about to leave the coffee shop, another couple came in that you knew - um, a younger couple, black hair, both of them. He’s - they’re both very thin. She’s very pretty. Um -
Wife: Jolynn and Lorenzo.
Anjali: I’m sorry?
Wife: Jolynn and Lorenzo.
Anjali: Okay. I’ve never remembered what their names were. Okay. Yes. Okay. And you said - when they said, “Hey, where you guys going?” Bryan, you said, “She wants to meet the aliens. Do you guys want to come?” And he said, “Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, we’ll come.” Like it was the most normal thing that anybody has ever done. And so I’m like, this is really, you know, getting really interesting. So we go to your home. Lorenzo and Jolynn were - they came a little bit later, I don’t know why. But I followed you guys up and we were up there maybe 10, 15 minutes. Not very long. Just the three of us waiting for them to come up. Hold on, I need to drink some more water.
Bryan: No problem. I get it. We’re having Kombucha.
Anjali: Mm, yes.
Bryan: Got some Kombucha.
Wife: We don’t drink anymore by the way.
Bryan: Yeah, we don’t do alcohol no more.
Anjali: Neither do I. Neither do I.
Bryan: Because that shit sucks, you know. Alcohol sucks. It just sucks.
Anjali: It does. It’s poison in your body. Okay, so -
Bryan: Poison in everything.
Anjali: Yes, absolutely. So, um, while we were waiting there, we were standing in that area between where your kitchen island was. I don’t know what your kitchen’s like anymore. But where you -
Bryan: Still the same.
Anjali: Okay, where your kitchen island was. And then you have that arched way that leads to a second area of the house. Remember? Or, you know what I’m talking about?
Bryan: Mmm.
Anjali: That - okay. So we were standing by the island. And you said to me, “Oh,” and you go stand under the arch. And you’re like, “This, this is where they always put me back when we’re done.” And I said, “What do you mean?” And you said, “Well, every time we’re done talking, no matter where I am, this is where they put me back. I’m just suddenly back right here.” And it was like under this archway. And I was, now I was a little nervous. But again, I’m thinking, This is either the greatest day of my life or something terrible. So, um, your friends showed up and we all headed down the path up to an area where you had some kind of military camouflage netting, and like a shed or some kind of structure right beside it. And you had explained to me about how you had been very careful so that nobody had seen what you were doing. And, long story short, guys, you took me inside this tunnel. We were in there for a few minutes. ____, you and Jolynn were like having a conversation like this was nothing. I mean literally just chatting with each other. And Bryan, you were talking a little bit with Lorenzo, but Lorenzo and you were really more interested in getting me to - like you are really focused on getting me to these - what you kept saying “aliens”, alright. And we went around a small bend and we could see the light from - coming up the tunnel, okay. I mean, we could see it, that it was ahead, that there was a light ahead. And we went up there. And when we turned the corner there were four beings of a different race. That’s how they refer to it, they do not refer to it as species, they refer to it as race. And they were standing there. And they spoke directly to me, and I walked up to them, and I stepped up inside their base. And they asked the rest of you to go. And now Bryan, this is the neatest thing - you wouldn’t leave. You said no, you weren’t leaving, that you weren’t going to leave me there and have me go somewhere, you know. And so they told you that you could stay there, but that everybody else had to go back to the house. So you stood there while everyone else left and went back to the house. And they took me into - they took me deeper into the base. I spent quite a bit of time there with them and we talked about things [short laugh]. And I came back out and you were still standing in the exact same place. And you stepped forward to come to come to where I was standing with them. And as soon as you hit the inside of the base, it was like bam! We were standing in your house again. And I threw my hands out to the side of my head and said, “What the fuck is going on?!” And Lorenzo goes, “Oh, you’re back. That’s what’s going on.”
Bryan: [long pause] Wow. That happened?
Anjali: That happened at your house.
Bryan: When? That day?
Wife: She just told you when. That day.
Anjali: January 21st of 2018. At three o’clock in the afternoon we walked into that tunnel. At nine o’clock in the evening, you and I were standing under that archway all of a sudden.
Bryan: Hmm. Wow.
Anjali: And what has happened since then, is these beings have visited me. They have come - they came to my house. They came to my RV. They visited me in the desert. They had visited me now where I live in the Midwest because I have left California. Um and they told me that you didn’t remember because that’s the way that they needed it to be.
Bryan: Hmm.
Anjali: Because your function was to get me inside of that tunnel to meet them. And what you need to do when we get off the phone, is you guys need to take a walk on your property and find this tunnel and go see them. Because they told me to contact you because it’s time for them to have contact with us. And that’s what they want.
Bryan: Okay. The tunnel’s in my mountain.
Anjali: Huh?
Bryan: The tunnel’s in my mountain?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: The tunnel’s in the mountain.
Anjali: Yes. Do you know that? Do you remember now?
Bryan”: Well, no, I don’t really remember all that. I mean, but I mean we’re digging in the mountain. You know that, right? You know, I mean, I haven’t really been working on it much but my plan is to dig in this mountain. It always has been.
Anjali: You did, darling.
Bryan: I did.
Anjali: You dug a tunnel. And you took me in there. And you’re about to go on the greatest, wildest ride of your life. Because those higher beings - that’s what I refer to them as because they are higher, higher, much more highly evolved than we are, much more highly technologically advanced. They have higher wisdom, higher knowledge, higher love and compassion. So, no, I didn’t know you were still - when’s the last time you started digging into that mountain?
Bryan: I haven’t really done much. We’re not even far, we’re not even far into it.
Anjali: When was the last time?
Bryan: That I touched it? Probably a couple months, a bit - a couple months anyway, because I’ve been working so much, I don’t have any energy when I get home, you know.
Anjali: Why are you digging into the mountain?
Bryan: Because I want to.
Anjali: Yes. Do you know why you want to dig into the mountain?
Bryan: Not necessarily.
Anjali: Because there are higher beings inside of your mountain, my darling, and you need to go find that tunnel and stop digging because you already found them. That’s why I’m calling you. You’ve already found them. They wanted you to forget and now it is time to remember, okay, it’s time to remember. There is a tunnel that you have already dug. And when you walked into that tunnel, you found them.
Bryan: Hmm.
Anjali: You just don’t remember.
Bryan: No, I don’t remember.
Anjali: It’s okay.
Bryan: I guess I have to find the tunnel, huh?
Anjali: Yeah.
Bryan: You don’t know where it is?
Anjali: Oh, I do.
Bryan: You know where the tunnel is?
Anjali: Oh, yes, you’re damn right I know where it is [laughs]. When I left your home, I dropped a pin on it, on where it was. I didn’t wanna - I didn’t want to forget.
Bryan: Okay, so when you come back here, you’ll remember?
Anjali: Oh, I know where it is. Yeah. Yeah.
Bryan: When they come and visit you now, where do they come and visit you? Just wherever you are?
Anjali: Yes. Um, they’ve taken me back to their base. I don’t know –
Bryan: Hang on.
Anjali: Oh, it’s okay.
Bryan: You’re frozen. What happened?
Wife: It froze up.
Bryan: You’re frozen.
Wife: She’s frozen.
Anjali: Hmm.
Bryan: Frozen.
Anjali: Okay, just a moment. Can you hear me?
Bryan: Breaking up and you’re freezing.
Anjali: Hold on just a minute. I’m so sorry.
Bryan: It’s okay. You’re right.
Anjali: Hmm. Um. Let’s see. Oops. Hey.
Bryan: Hey.
Anjali: Is that better?
Bryan: Yeah.
Anjali: I don’t know what that was. Oh, goodness.
Wife: It’s trying to do it again.
Anjali: Is it better?
Bryan: You’re froze up again.
Anjali: Dagonnit.
Bryan: There you are. Oop, now you’re gone.
Anjali: Is this any better?
Wife: Like, we can hear you.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: You’re froze up.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: Can you hear us?
Wife: Maybe it’s me. It says my – [cuts out]
Anjali: Let’s see. [To Adam] I don’t know what to do. Darn. Let’s see - more. We could stop the video. And now I can invite them?
Adam: New invite, yeah.
Anjali: I think so. [whispers to self while trying to reconnect] What the fuck? What is this? What the fuck is going on? [reconnects] Yay.
Wife: I don’t know if that’s me or what?
Anjali: Oh, I don’t either but I’m just glad you made it back.
Wife: Okay, now we see you perfectly fine.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: So that pin that you dropped on it, can you send it over so we can find it?
Anjali: [laughs] Yes, of course I can do that. Of course. Um.
Bryan: We’re losing you again.
Anjali: Oh, this is terrible. I’m so sorry. I’m, you know, I’m in a hotel and I’m trying to hotspot off of a booster that I have. That could be very well it. I don’t trust wi-fi. So.
Wife: You wanna talk on the phone, so - ?
Bryan: You want me to FaceTime you?
Anjali: Oh, yeah, yeah, let’s do that. We can do that.
Bryan: I’ll FaceTime you.
Anjali: That’s a great idea. Awesome. Okay, bye bye. [call ends]
Adam: FaceTime on your computer.
Anjali: God, they’re taking it so well.
Adam: [excited] They are, they really are.
Anjali: It’s because it’s all meant to be.
Adam: Watching their – watching their body language change as you tell them the story was really something, like he – he –
Anjali: He believes it.
Adam: They both do.
Anjali: A hundred percent.
Adam: They both do.
Anjali: He can’t figure out why he’s digging into the mountain, Adam.
Adam: Yeah.
Anjali: Isn’t it beautiful?
Adam: [laughs] It is, it is.
Anjali: Maybe he’s digging in so we can get to them.
Siri: [incoming call]
Anjali: That’s the only way I know to do it. [answering call] Shit. [incoming call, she answers] So sorry.
Bryan: That’s okay. How’s that? Better?
Anjali: I think it’s gonna be. Hold on. I think so. Yeah, this is better. I think this is better.
Bryan: Okay, you got it. Alright, well, now we can go outside. Let’s take her outside. Now we’re taking you outside.
Anjali: [gasps] Good! Oh, my god, yes, let’s do this. I’ve gotta screen-record this though.
Bryan: Hey you wanna see the mountain?
Anjali: I do.
Bryan: There’s the mountain.
Anjali: Uh-huh.
Wife: It’s messy.
Bryan: There’s our mountain.
Anjali: Yeah. Oh, oh my. Okay, so listen to me, my friends.
Wife: [inaudible] back here.
Anjali: You have the most incredible beings living in your mountain [laughs]. And um, they are ready to talk to you –
Bryan: [to Wife] Let’s go this way.
Anjali: - so that they can help you to prepare for the next thing that comes –
Bryan & Wife: [inaudible talking to each other]
Anjali: - which is me with some folks who will bring back all of the evidence. Like, scientists. I don’t even know because they still have to tell me, okay. I’m still waiting for exactly who they want to be there. But what they are want - Okay, listen, I haven’t even told you the big kicker of this. I mean, okay, this is the big kicker. This is all the big kicker you have – you have, you have some shanty that’s built up near the - it’s like right up against the house. Or excuse me, the mountain.
Bryan: Mm-hmm.
Anjali: It’s like a - it was like a storage - a small storage shack or something like that, that um –
Bryan: There, you mean?
Anjali: Mmm.
Bryan: You mean, uh, are you talking about this right here that was built into the mountain?
Anjali: Hold on, hold on, hold on. Nope, nope. No, no, no, no, no, no. Not at all. Uh-uh.
Bryan: [inaudible] You’re talking about the one on the upper hill, right?
Anjali: Maybe. It – maybe.
Bryan: If I walk you up there - let’s walk up there.
Anjali: Yes. Let’s walk up there.
Bryan: You’re not talking about – okay, so here’s one cave that I’m digging, but that’s as far as it is. You see that?
Anjali: Yeah, I see that. That’s not where we went.
Bryan: [inaudible] up here. Let’s take her up the hill.
Anjali: I love that you’re digging tunnels into the hill. Isn’t it a beautiful thing that I’m calling you and telling you about a tunnel you took me into? [laughs]
Bryan: Yeah. I’d like to know where it is.
Anjali: Yes. I want you to know where it is.
Bryan: I want you to send that pin drop that you dropped the pin on.
Anjali: Yes, yes. Yes. Okay.
Bryan: [to Wife] I don’t know if we should walk that way cuz there’s – there might be cholla. We better go this way. [to Anjali] So where are you at now? Where are you living at?
Anjali: Um, I am living outside of Rapid City, South Dakota, in the Black Hills.
Bryan: Wow. Good for you.
Anjali: Yeah, they’re beautiful. They’re beautiful.
Bryan: What made you go up there?
Anjali: Love.
Bryan: Love?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: Good for you.
Anjali: [laughs] Yeah, yes, his mother, after she passed away, came to see me several times in the desert and said that it was it was time to go. So I did. [laughs]
Bryan: Good for you.
Anjali: Yeah, it was amazing, so -
Bryan: That is amazing.
Anjali: Oh, yeah. Oh, honey, you have no idea. You have no idea how amazing your own life is. You just don’t even remember. It’s so beautiful. I just, it’s so beautiful because they said that they were going to protect it. They told me that they weren’t in any danger and that I didn’t need to worry. And all of this time I’ve been so concerned. And then when [Bryan's wife] said that you guys had no idea what I was talking about - I told my partner –
Wife: [inaudible as they walk] message I just went, What the fuck? What the fuck? I mean, but I also don’t not believe these things. Because long before I met Bryan, long before I ever moved into this house, when I was a teenager, I heard stories from a reputable person that she saw in this exact same area – I’m out of breath – something, I don’t remember what it was she saw. It was alien something.
Anjali: Yeah, it was.
Bryan: Do you remember –
Wife: The same mountain.
Bryan: And what [my wife's] referring to right there – check this out. You know we haven’t seen her –
Wife: No, that’s my childhood -
Bryan: The people that came up - the people that came up here. Does that look like the dwelling and the mountain?
Anjali: Um, hold up. You gotta get closer. I can’t – uh. Okay, so what you – nope. Okay, so look, what you’ve done is you have, you have a - you had a camouflage netting. Do you – [sighs]
Bryan: Yeah, I know, I moved it. I’ve got that netting - I still have the netting but it’s probably, I probably moved it.
Wife: The netting was down there.
Anjali: Go to where you –
Bryan: The netting the netting was actually down there, down the hill where we just came from.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: Let me show her this view. Let me show you another view.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: So – okay, now we’re on the upper path, okay. There’s the upper path. There’s the shack behind me. See it?
Anjali: Yeah. What’s up behind that shack?
Bryan: Now looking down there, down there is a lower path that we just came from.
Anjali: Uh-huh.
Bryan: See that? That’s where the net was. The net used to be down there on the lower path.
Anjali: Okay. When you say used to be, like, how long?
Wife: It was there when you were here.
Bryan: It was there when you were here.
Wife: We put it up before you were here.
Bryan: That chair’s on its back. What the hell happened? Somebody cut into that. No way. That thing’s ripped to shreds, something ripped into that.
Wife: A wild animal. Check it out. We had a honey –
Bryan: Some somebody ripped into our honey.
Anjali: Oh my gosh.
Bryan: We had a huge honey hive in this chair. I just moved over and it’s completely trashed.
Anjali: Oh, that’s terrible.
Bryan: Check this out. So, I’m gonna keep digging in my mountain. Do they want me to do that?
Anjali: Look, we’ve already been in your mountain [laughs]. I’m telling you, there’s a tunnel there. We’ve already been in it. We walked in it for several - for a few minutes. You did add a knock down job, I have to tell you. You did a great job. It was pretty impressive.
Bryan: We need to find this.
Anjali: Yes.
Wife: And supposedly I was aware of it?
Anjali: Oh, hon, you were there the whole time. I mean, you were walking with us. Absolutely. You and your friend Lorenzo, and Bryan.
Bryan: And Jolynn. Wow.
Anjali: Yep. And they knew. They had already been there.
Wife: We don’t talk with them anymore. They move to Arizona [inaudible].
Bryan: We don’t drink alcohol anymore. And they’re drinkers and they cut us off.
Anjali: Yeah, that happens.
Bryan: Some people cut you off when you don’t drink.
Anjali: I know. It’s sad.
Bryan: It’s okay though. It’s all right. I don’t want the drinking here anymore.
Anjali: It’s not a good energy.
Bryan: That was just a short spit of our life, anyway. We never drink alcohol here.
Wife: So what are they saying to you, when they’re visiting you? What are they sharing with you?
Anjali: Okay, let me – [laughs]
Bryan: As you’re looking at the mountain in the background, see this mountain you’re looking at? That is the mountain.
Anjali: I know [laughs]. I know. It’s - it’s actually really quite something when I look at it.
Bryan: That’s amazing.
Anjali: Okay. So what they’re telling - what they what they have been saying is that there are two things that are happening simultaneously. One is that we’re coming to the end of the cycle, of this cycle of birth and rebirth. And that this is a natural cycle of like consciousness evolution. And that the evolution of the Earth itself, like the consciousness of the Earth, is moving, is evolving into - they call it densities, and a density is the –
Bryan: Hang on one second. We got that happening. [flyover] Okay, it went over the mountain. Okay, so it’s gonna be a little bit quieter. Okay, alright, we’re back.
Anjali: Okay, so, um, there are these things that are called density, and it’s the way that we evolve consciousness, okay. And so what we’re experiencing right now in this world is what they call the third density. Density is like the density of light consciousness, okay. So the lower the density, the lower the light consciousness. The higher the density, the higher. We’re at the third density of consciousness. And they say that this density is what is called the density of choice, which is why you hear all of the very ancient ideas of, like, reincarnation, birth and rebirth, you know, karmic debt and learning and going over and over and over again. It’s a cycle of consciousness development. And it’s set for a specific period of time. And this cycle is almost finished. And so at this point, what will happen is that people will make a choice. Do they want to continue in this - in a third density life, which is essentially sensory learning for experiential growth of consciousness. So consciousness wants to experience so that it can grow and understand everything. And one of the ways that it does that is by varying its expressions, such as expressing itself as Bryan and as [your wife] and, you know, and as me, and as a bird, and as water. And I know this is all, like, really heady stuff here. But please try to stay with me.
Bryan: No, we’re with you. I can take everything you’re saying.
Anjali: Okay, great. Whew, wow, this is even better than I thought it would be. So we’re at the end of this cycle here. And so humanity has a decision if -when they say that it’s the density of choice, it means that we can choose how we are going to explore our path of consciousness back to the pure light that everything originates from . And that the way that we do that is we choose either to serve ourselves as an expression of the source, but in a way that’s typically deemed in a more negative way, just people who are very much more concerned about their own wellbeing than the wellbeing of the whole. So it’s like they haven’t recognized that their own consciousness is actually a part of a whole consciousness, but they still believe that they are this actual separated piece which just simply cannot exist. But it believes that it is, and it goes down that path of learning and self-discovery again. Or we can go to the service to others, where we form a society and a consciousness exploration that’s based on a more immediate return to light, which is serving others in love and kindness, compassion, all in recognition that we are all a part of a greater whole that’s right now more difficult here in this density for us to understand, because they also say that it’s also the density of illusion in that we are like living beneath a veil. And it is time for the unveiling, okay, for the lifting of the veil. And this is coinciding with a cyclical change in the Earth as well. So it’s not only is the Earth moving up into the fourth density, where humanity - those who choose, who have recognized their consciousness as one of those two things, that’s both moving up into fourth density, or staying, like I said, in sensory learning, which is a third choice. And so this is coinciding with a cycle that the Earth goes through that, like, I’m gonna say this just flat out say it, it’s like it just wipes the slate clean.
Bryan: So that’s what they want, is a slate wiped clean.
Anjali: They want us to prepare for what’s inevitable. And they want to get as many of us having a consciousness awakening so that we can meet those thresholds and move up in fourth density consciousness. And the reason that this is important is because as you go up in density levels, consciousness begins to coalesce and come together. So, you know, a being who’s like a sixth density being could be millions of years old and could actually represent the coalescence of millions and millions of consciousness experiences that has maybe decided to incorporate into a physical avatar, okay.
Bryan: Uh-huh.
Anjali: And so they know that these changes are coming on the Earth and they are inevitable. There is nothing that we can do about it. And so they want to make contact with us, to begin the process of helping us to deal with what’s about to come.
Bryan: So we have the choice to help or take off or stick around.
Anjali: Essentially, essentially, yep. Like this will become - they’re saying it’s going to become a fourth density planet, which means that those who really want to remain in third density learning will reincorporate in a different place. They will no longer vibe with the Earth. And I think we’re seeing a lot of that already, you know, with people that are having a very difficult time on Earth.
Bryan: Oh yeah.
Anjali: Right. And so they’re just not gonna vibe here. And this will only be - it’s moving towards fourth density positive. And so the next civilization that will erupt here will be a fourth density civilization at a higher consciousness level, with their assistance.
Bryan: Okay, okay.
Anjali: And they’re saying they’ve been through this. They’ve already been here. This is - they’ve done this.
Bryan: I know they’re here. So how do I - how do we talk to them?
Anjali: I have a feeling that you have been, and that’s why you’re digging into your mountain. The question is why you can’t remember. Um. And –
Bryan: Why I can’t remember, is that what you said?
Anjali: Yeah, you know, they didn’t want you to remember. They didn’t want you to take anyone else there. But now they want you to remember. They’re saying, “It’s time to remember, Bryan.” [laughs]
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: And by the way [laughs], okay, so remember I said that, oh, that’s the doozy? Well, here’s the next thing is that they have instructed me to give a press conference and to announce - nobody knows who you are, nobody knows where anything is. There’s not going to be anything, any of that. But they want me to give a press conference telling them that I have been to - that I have met them and that I am putting together a team who will go there and meet with them. Because they want disclosure. And then I will give a message that they have asked to deliver and talk a little bit about the team. And then take questions and answers from the press.
Bryan: [inaudible syllable]
Anjali: Now you have one hundred percent my word, nobody knows your names, where you live, none of those things.
Bryan: Okay, cool. Cuz that’s confidential.
Anjali: Of course. Absolutely. I would never ever ever. Um, out there in the world, you are Wayne and Trisha. And people have been talking about you guys for about the last six months.
Bryan: Wayne And Trisha. [laughs] I like it.
Anjali: [laughs]
Bryan: Are you writing a book or anything?
Anjali: No. No. No.
Bryan: So listen. Listen, I’m gonna tell you something. Speaking of books.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: I don’t know if it was before you were here or after you were here. I want to say it was after, right? It was after? Anyway, maybe it was. Maybe it was around the time. Maybe you’ll remember if I say this.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: Two different people came up my road and stopped at the bottom looking to get up this mountain because evidently there was a book written about aliens in this mountain in the 1960s. So we need to find this book. And I can’t remember the title of this book. I can’t remember what they said. But it was in the sixties and it was about this mountain. And it’s a real book that somebody wrote. So maybe you can help me find that book.
Anjali: I will help you find that book.
Bryan: It’s in the sixties and it’s written - and I don’t know what it’s called. I don’t know how we would try to figure it out. I don’t even know how we figure it out.
Wife: Google.
Anjali: Yeah, I get it. I will find - I know exactly how to figure it out. I have been – look, I gotta tell you something that’s really funny. When I told people that Wayne had excavated a tunnel in the mountain, they said that that was impossible. They told me there was no way Wayne could ever do such a thing. And I told them to fuck right off. Because you already did. [laughs]
Bryan: [chuckles] That’s great.
Anjali: But I want you to know that everybody was out there saying that you couldn’t do it. I was like, “What? You guys are fools. You don’t even know. You don’t even know the Mojave.”
Bryan: Uh-huh, that’s right.
Anjali: You don’t know this man. He is obsessed. He’s getting in that mountain. [laughs]
Bryan: Oh, yes. I am getting in that mountain. Now I’m really getting in the mountain.
Anjali: [still laughing] I know you are.
Bryan: I’m gonna find this tunnel while I’m digging these two, I’ll tell you that.
Anjali: Ohhh. Well, we walked - we turned around that corner and there they all stood and it was a glorious sight. My life has never been the same.
Bryan: From that day.
Anjali: Yeah. That night. I was beside myself. I think you guys were already forgetting as the night went on.
Wife: Yeah, I mean, we were all on the cannabis oil.
Anjali: Yep.
Wife: And drinking, and so I just passed out.
Anjali: Yeah.
Wife: I don’t, I mean, I certainly –
Bryan: Well, you did have a quite an experience here. You did. You.
Anjali: Oh, it was an amazing experience. Amazing.
Wife: You remember the police coming, right?
Anjali: Yes. That was my daughter.
Bryan: And the ambulance.
Anjali: My daughter [laughs]. I mean - look, I told her that you had taken me into the mountain and I had met aliens.
Wife: So all of that happened before?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: Yes.
Anjali: She flipped.
Bryan: That all happened right after, at the same time as she – Yeah, well this is all making sense now.
Anjali: Yep, she flipped out. She thought - she didn’t know what had happened. She thought maybe you guys had drugged me and taken me into - like, try to make some kind of snuff film or something.
Bryan: It’s all making sense. Well, gosh dang, man.
Anjali: Yeah. It’s been a wild few years. [laughs]
Bryan: That’s crazy.
Wife: Well yeah.
Bryan: Well, you know what? So, you ever coming out this way, or what?
Anjali: Oh my god, as soon as possible. I’m gonna try to get out there next month.
Bryan: Alright, well come on by when you do.
Anjali: Oh, my god I can’t wait. Listen, I’m gonna - I have to prepare for tomorrow. I’m gonna send you all kinds of information but I’m going to send you first the pin. I just need to get onto Google Earth so I can pull it off, okay?
Bryan: No problem. Well, we’ll keep in touch, we’ll be talking.
Anjali: I cannot wait to talk to you guys soon. [blows kiss]
Bryan: Nice talking to you. And we’re [inaudible]. Hey, we’re all about this man.
Anjali: I know. I can see.
Bryan: We’re right here.
Anjali: Yes, they said that everything would be fine.
Bryan: That’s really cool. I can dig this. I’m really glad for the talk.
Anjali: Oh, me too. I just - I’m so excited for you. You’re about to just - your minds are going to explode. I’m so happy for you.
Wife: It already is right now.
Bryan: Right on.
Anjali: [laughs] Thank you. Thank you. I’ll talk soon. [blows kiss]
Bryan: Okay, bye bye.
Adam: [unclear] We definitely have it recording on the [---] just in case some shit happens.
Anjali: Okay. Yeah. It's saved us before.
Adam: It has.
[2 minutes near-silence waiting for Bryan & his wife to come to the call]
Anjali: Hello. You’re muted.
Bryan: How’s that?
Anjali: Yay. Hi.
Bryan: Hi, how you doing?
Anjali: I’m doing very well. How are you guys?
Bryan: Oh, you know busy.
Bryan's Wife: Okay.
Anjali: Yeah? You look great. Bryan.
Bryan: What’s up?
Anjali: The last time that that I saw you, you were still struggling with lymphoma. I believe it was lymphoma.
Bryan: Yeah I’m still fighting. I’m still fighting. I’m at about a stage one now.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: So, still going - eight years now, eight years in and I got a couple more years of treatment that I know of right now.
Anjali: Wow.
Bryan: Yeah, I’m feeling good. I’m back to work. I mean, you know, I’m healthy enough to work. Thanks to my beautiful healer right here.
Anjali: Ah, that’s amazing.
Bryan: She does it all, you know, she does it all.
Anjali: That’s amazing. Wow. Well, thank goodness. So um –
Bryan: How are you doing?
Anjali: I - you know what, I’m doing okay. I’m busy right now. My health is a lot better than it was the last time I saw you.
Bryan: Oh, good.
Anjali: Um, and - yeah, you know, I have a lot of good energy coming at me from a lot of different directions. And I just don’t have anything to complain about.
Bryan: Well, good. That’s a good thing.
Anjali: That’s right. That’s right. Hold on just a moment. [drinks]
Bryan: Hey no problem.
Wife: That’s wonderful.
Bryan: Well, you look good. You look happy.
Anjali: Oh, thank you, thank you. How are you doing, ___?
Bryan: You look like you’re being productive.
Anjali: Um, well, I have - I haven’t worked. Sometimes I still have problems with walking and I, you know, can end up in the wheelchair. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and some genetic, actually, mutations that are kind of interesting that that affect me, unfortunately.
Bryan: Sorry.
Anjali: And so, yeah, it’s okay because everything happens for a reason. And um I truly believe that if I were a healthy, able-bodied person, like I used to be, that I probably wouldn’t have the time or focus to slow down and do what I’m doing now. That requires a lot less of my physical energy and more of my conscious energy, you know, so in that way it’s a real blessing that I get to have so much time on my hands to explore what I’m doing right now. So yeah. So, guys -
Bryan: So what ya doing now?
Anjali: That’s what we’re about to talk about. Okay.
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: Do you remember why you guys invited me over? Why you had me come over to the house?
Bryan: Was it because of the aliens on the mountain?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: Do you remember that?
Wife: I was pretty - I have to admit, just to interject here, I was pretty drunk that night.
Bryan: We were all a little buzzed.
Wife: My memory is really fuzzy. And I know I fell asleep in the living room. So I don’t remember much.
Bryan: No, this all started when we were at the coffee shop, right? The conversation started at the coffee shop.
Anjali: That’s right.
Bryan: And that’s why she came home, was for the energy. Okay, so tell me about it. Tell me about that.
Anjali: So what happened is, you and I, mostly, you had a couple of - Hold on, I just want to get, I want to get the order correct. You, Bryan, were telling me why I was sick. And some of the things that you said resonated with me, with an experience that I had had recently. And so it really caught my attention. And so we got involved in a pretty in-depth conversation about how our thoughts and our environment can essentially infect us and make us sick. And, you know, we get that body burden of the things that we’ve energetically experienced in the world. And out of the blue in that conversation, you asked me, “What do you think of aliens?’ And I said, ‘What do I think about ‘em? You know, I love them!” And you said, “Well, would you like to meet some?” And I said, “Well, what are you talking about?” And so you said, “Well, you know, I told you I own this construction company. Well, I –” You said that you excavated a tunnel after you had met some aliens. And that this tunnel was on your property. And that when you tunneled in, you at one point you made a turn in the tunnel, and found the base of the aliens that you had met on top of the mountain, okay.
Bryan: I don’t remember telling you any of that.
Anjali: Yeah, I know. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, cuz you will. You will remember. You will.
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: So you asked me if I wanted to meet them. And I said, “Of course I want to meet them,” you know. So I sent a text out to my daughter. You guys gave me your contact information. And you gave me, I asked for your names, and your address and your phone number. Because here I was about to go into a - supposedly go into a tunnel that people that I had just met were saying would lead to some aliens. And I thought, Well, this is either going to be the best day of my life or it could be the final day of my life. And a good way to know is to ask you for all of that information. And you guys just gave it all to me. And so I texted it to my daughter and to a couple of friends of mine, let them know where I was going. And why. And, so, as we were about to leave the coffee shop, another couple came in that you knew - um, a younger couple, black hair, both of them. He’s - they’re both very thin. She’s very pretty. Um -
Wife: Jolynn and Lorenzo.
Anjali: I’m sorry?
Wife: Jolynn and Lorenzo.
Anjali: Okay. I’ve never remembered what their names were. Okay. Yes. Okay. And you said - when they said, “Hey, where you guys going?” Bryan, you said, “She wants to meet the aliens. Do you guys want to come?” And he said, “Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, we’ll come.” Like it was the most normal thing that anybody has ever done. And so I’m like, this is really, you know, getting really interesting. So we go to your home. Lorenzo and Jolynn were - they came a little bit later, I don’t know why. But I followed you guys up and we were up there maybe 10, 15 minutes. Not very long. Just the three of us waiting for them to come up. Hold on, I need to drink some more water.
Bryan: No problem. I get it. We’re having Kombucha.
Anjali: Mm, yes.
Bryan: Got some Kombucha.
Wife: We don’t drink anymore by the way.
Bryan: Yeah, we don’t do alcohol no more.
Anjali: Neither do I. Neither do I.
Bryan: Because that shit sucks, you know. Alcohol sucks. It just sucks.
Anjali: It does. It’s poison in your body. Okay, so -
Bryan: Poison in everything.
Anjali: Yes, absolutely. So, um, while we were waiting there, we were standing in that area between where your kitchen island was. I don’t know what your kitchen’s like anymore. But where you -
Bryan: Still the same.
Anjali: Okay, where your kitchen island was. And then you have that arched way that leads to a second area of the house. Remember? Or, you know what I’m talking about?
Bryan: Mmm.
Anjali: That - okay. So we were standing by the island. And you said to me, “Oh,” and you go stand under the arch. And you’re like, “This, this is where they always put me back when we’re done.” And I said, “What do you mean?” And you said, “Well, every time we’re done talking, no matter where I am, this is where they put me back. I’m just suddenly back right here.” And it was like under this archway. And I was, now I was a little nervous. But again, I’m thinking, This is either the greatest day of my life or something terrible. So, um, your friends showed up and we all headed down the path up to an area where you had some kind of military camouflage netting, and like a shed or some kind of structure right beside it. And you had explained to me about how you had been very careful so that nobody had seen what you were doing. And, long story short, guys, you took me inside this tunnel. We were in there for a few minutes. ____, you and Jolynn were like having a conversation like this was nothing. I mean literally just chatting with each other. And Bryan, you were talking a little bit with Lorenzo, but Lorenzo and you were really more interested in getting me to - like you are really focused on getting me to these - what you kept saying “aliens”, alright. And we went around a small bend and we could see the light from - coming up the tunnel, okay. I mean, we could see it, that it was ahead, that there was a light ahead. And we went up there. And when we turned the corner there were four beings of a different race. That’s how they refer to it, they do not refer to it as species, they refer to it as race. And they were standing there. And they spoke directly to me, and I walked up to them, and I stepped up inside their base. And they asked the rest of you to go. And now Bryan, this is the neatest thing - you wouldn’t leave. You said no, you weren’t leaving, that you weren’t going to leave me there and have me go somewhere, you know. And so they told you that you could stay there, but that everybody else had to go back to the house. So you stood there while everyone else left and went back to the house. And they took me into - they took me deeper into the base. I spent quite a bit of time there with them and we talked about things [short laugh]. And I came back out and you were still standing in the exact same place. And you stepped forward to come to come to where I was standing with them. And as soon as you hit the inside of the base, it was like bam! We were standing in your house again. And I threw my hands out to the side of my head and said, “What the fuck is going on?!” And Lorenzo goes, “Oh, you’re back. That’s what’s going on.”
Bryan: [long pause] Wow. That happened?
Anjali: That happened at your house.
Bryan: When? That day?
Wife: She just told you when. That day.
Anjali: January 21st of 2018. At three o’clock in the afternoon we walked into that tunnel. At nine o’clock in the evening, you and I were standing under that archway all of a sudden.
Bryan: Hmm. Wow.
Anjali: And what has happened since then, is these beings have visited me. They have come - they came to my house. They came to my RV. They visited me in the desert. They had visited me now where I live in the Midwest because I have left California. Um and they told me that you didn’t remember because that’s the way that they needed it to be.
Bryan: Hmm.
Anjali: Because your function was to get me inside of that tunnel to meet them. And what you need to do when we get off the phone, is you guys need to take a walk on your property and find this tunnel and go see them. Because they told me to contact you because it’s time for them to have contact with us. And that’s what they want.
Bryan: Okay. The tunnel’s in my mountain.
Anjali: Huh?
Bryan: The tunnel’s in my mountain?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: The tunnel’s in the mountain.
Anjali: Yes. Do you know that? Do you remember now?
Bryan”: Well, no, I don’t really remember all that. I mean, but I mean we’re digging in the mountain. You know that, right? You know, I mean, I haven’t really been working on it much but my plan is to dig in this mountain. It always has been.
Anjali: You did, darling.
Bryan: I did.
Anjali: You dug a tunnel. And you took me in there. And you’re about to go on the greatest, wildest ride of your life. Because those higher beings - that’s what I refer to them as because they are higher, higher, much more highly evolved than we are, much more highly technologically advanced. They have higher wisdom, higher knowledge, higher love and compassion. So, no, I didn’t know you were still - when’s the last time you started digging into that mountain?
Bryan: I haven’t really done much. We’re not even far, we’re not even far into it.
Anjali: When was the last time?
Bryan: That I touched it? Probably a couple months, a bit - a couple months anyway, because I’ve been working so much, I don’t have any energy when I get home, you know.
Anjali: Why are you digging into the mountain?
Bryan: Because I want to.
Anjali: Yes. Do you know why you want to dig into the mountain?
Bryan: Not necessarily.
Anjali: Because there are higher beings inside of your mountain, my darling, and you need to go find that tunnel and stop digging because you already found them. That’s why I’m calling you. You’ve already found them. They wanted you to forget and now it is time to remember, okay, it’s time to remember. There is a tunnel that you have already dug. And when you walked into that tunnel, you found them.
Bryan: Hmm.
Anjali: You just don’t remember.
Bryan: No, I don’t remember.
Anjali: It’s okay.
Bryan: I guess I have to find the tunnel, huh?
Anjali: Yeah.
Bryan: You don’t know where it is?
Anjali: Oh, I do.
Bryan: You know where the tunnel is?
Anjali: Oh, yes, you’re damn right I know where it is [laughs]. When I left your home, I dropped a pin on it, on where it was. I didn’t wanna - I didn’t want to forget.
Bryan: Okay, so when you come back here, you’ll remember?
Anjali: Oh, I know where it is. Yeah. Yeah.
Bryan: When they come and visit you now, where do they come and visit you? Just wherever you are?
Anjali: Yes. Um, they’ve taken me back to their base. I don’t know –
Bryan: Hang on.
Anjali: Oh, it’s okay.
Bryan: You’re frozen. What happened?
Wife: It froze up.
Bryan: You’re frozen.
Wife: She’s frozen.
Anjali: Hmm.
Bryan: Frozen.
Anjali: Okay, just a moment. Can you hear me?
Bryan: Breaking up and you’re freezing.
Anjali: Hold on just a minute. I’m so sorry.
Bryan: It’s okay. You’re right.
Anjali: Hmm. Um. Let’s see. Oops. Hey.
Bryan: Hey.
Anjali: Is that better?
Bryan: Yeah.
Anjali: I don’t know what that was. Oh, goodness.
Wife: It’s trying to do it again.
Anjali: Is it better?
Bryan: You’re froze up again.
Anjali: Dagonnit.
Bryan: There you are. Oop, now you’re gone.
Anjali: Is this any better?
Wife: Like, we can hear you.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: You’re froze up.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: Can you hear us?
Wife: Maybe it’s me. It says my – [cuts out]
Anjali: Let’s see. [To Adam] I don’t know what to do. Darn. Let’s see - more. We could stop the video. And now I can invite them?
Adam: New invite, yeah.
Anjali: I think so. [whispers to self while trying to reconnect] What the fuck? What is this? What the fuck is going on? [reconnects] Yay.
Wife: I don’t know if that’s me or what?
Anjali: Oh, I don’t either but I’m just glad you made it back.
Wife: Okay, now we see you perfectly fine.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: So that pin that you dropped on it, can you send it over so we can find it?
Anjali: [laughs] Yes, of course I can do that. Of course. Um.
Bryan: We’re losing you again.
Anjali: Oh, this is terrible. I’m so sorry. I’m, you know, I’m in a hotel and I’m trying to hotspot off of a booster that I have. That could be very well it. I don’t trust wi-fi. So.
Wife: You wanna talk on the phone, so - ?
Bryan: You want me to FaceTime you?
Anjali: Oh, yeah, yeah, let’s do that. We can do that.
Bryan: I’ll FaceTime you.
Anjali: That’s a great idea. Awesome. Okay, bye bye. [call ends]
Adam: FaceTime on your computer.
Anjali: God, they’re taking it so well.
Adam: [excited] They are, they really are.
Anjali: It’s because it’s all meant to be.
Adam: Watching their – watching their body language change as you tell them the story was really something, like he – he –
Anjali: He believes it.
Adam: They both do.
Anjali: A hundred percent.
Adam: They both do.
Anjali: He can’t figure out why he’s digging into the mountain, Adam.
Adam: Yeah.
Anjali: Isn’t it beautiful?
Adam: [laughs] It is, it is.
Anjali: Maybe he’s digging in so we can get to them.
Siri: [incoming call]
Anjali: That’s the only way I know to do it. [answering call] Shit. [incoming call, she answers] So sorry.
Bryan: That’s okay. How’s that? Better?
Anjali: I think it’s gonna be. Hold on. I think so. Yeah, this is better. I think this is better.
Bryan: Okay, you got it. Alright, well, now we can go outside. Let’s take her outside. Now we’re taking you outside.
Anjali: [gasps] Good! Oh, my god, yes, let’s do this. I’ve gotta screen-record this though.
Bryan: Hey you wanna see the mountain?
Anjali: I do.
Bryan: There’s the mountain.
Anjali: Uh-huh.
Wife: It’s messy.
Bryan: There’s our mountain.
Anjali: Yeah. Oh, oh my. Okay, so listen to me, my friends.
Wife: [inaudible] back here.
Anjali: You have the most incredible beings living in your mountain [laughs]. And um, they are ready to talk to you –
Bryan: [to Wife] Let’s go this way.
Anjali: - so that they can help you to prepare for the next thing that comes –
Bryan & Wife: [inaudible talking to each other]
Anjali: - which is me with some folks who will bring back all of the evidence. Like, scientists. I don’t even know because they still have to tell me, okay. I’m still waiting for exactly who they want to be there. But what they are want - Okay, listen, I haven’t even told you the big kicker of this. I mean, okay, this is the big kicker. This is all the big kicker you have – you have, you have some shanty that’s built up near the - it’s like right up against the house. Or excuse me, the mountain.
Bryan: Mm-hmm.
Anjali: It’s like a - it was like a storage - a small storage shack or something like that, that um –
Bryan: There, you mean?
Anjali: Mmm.
Bryan: You mean, uh, are you talking about this right here that was built into the mountain?
Anjali: Hold on, hold on, hold on. Nope, nope. No, no, no, no, no, no. Not at all. Uh-uh.
Bryan: [inaudible] You’re talking about the one on the upper hill, right?
Anjali: Maybe. It – maybe.
Bryan: If I walk you up there - let’s walk up there.
Anjali: Yes. Let’s walk up there.
Bryan: You’re not talking about – okay, so here’s one cave that I’m digging, but that’s as far as it is. You see that?
Anjali: Yeah, I see that. That’s not where we went.
Bryan: [inaudible] up here. Let’s take her up the hill.
Anjali: I love that you’re digging tunnels into the hill. Isn’t it a beautiful thing that I’m calling you and telling you about a tunnel you took me into? [laughs]
Bryan: Yeah. I’d like to know where it is.
Anjali: Yes. I want you to know where it is.
Bryan: I want you to send that pin drop that you dropped the pin on.
Anjali: Yes, yes. Yes. Okay.
Bryan: [to Wife] I don’t know if we should walk that way cuz there’s – there might be cholla. We better go this way. [to Anjali] So where are you at now? Where are you living at?
Anjali: Um, I am living outside of Rapid City, South Dakota, in the Black Hills.
Bryan: Wow. Good for you.
Anjali: Yeah, they’re beautiful. They’re beautiful.
Bryan: What made you go up there?
Anjali: Love.
Bryan: Love?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: Good for you.
Anjali: [laughs] Yeah, yes, his mother, after she passed away, came to see me several times in the desert and said that it was it was time to go. So I did. [laughs]
Bryan: Good for you.
Anjali: Yeah, it was amazing, so -
Bryan: That is amazing.
Anjali: Oh, yeah. Oh, honey, you have no idea. You have no idea how amazing your own life is. You just don’t even remember. It’s so beautiful. I just, it’s so beautiful because they said that they were going to protect it. They told me that they weren’t in any danger and that I didn’t need to worry. And all of this time I’ve been so concerned. And then when [Bryan's wife] said that you guys had no idea what I was talking about - I told my partner –
Wife: [inaudible as they walk] message I just went, What the fuck? What the fuck? I mean, but I also don’t not believe these things. Because long before I met Bryan, long before I ever moved into this house, when I was a teenager, I heard stories from a reputable person that she saw in this exact same area – I’m out of breath – something, I don’t remember what it was she saw. It was alien something.
Anjali: Yeah, it was.
Bryan: Do you remember –
Wife: The same mountain.
Bryan: And what [my wife's] referring to right there – check this out. You know we haven’t seen her –
Wife: No, that’s my childhood -
Bryan: The people that came up - the people that came up here. Does that look like the dwelling and the mountain?
Anjali: Um, hold up. You gotta get closer. I can’t – uh. Okay, so what you – nope. Okay, so look, what you’ve done is you have, you have a - you had a camouflage netting. Do you – [sighs]
Bryan: Yeah, I know, I moved it. I’ve got that netting - I still have the netting but it’s probably, I probably moved it.
Wife: The netting was down there.
Anjali: Go to where you –
Bryan: The netting the netting was actually down there, down the hill where we just came from.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: Let me show her this view. Let me show you another view.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: So – okay, now we’re on the upper path, okay. There’s the upper path. There’s the shack behind me. See it?
Anjali: Yeah. What’s up behind that shack?
Bryan: Now looking down there, down there is a lower path that we just came from.
Anjali: Uh-huh.
Bryan: See that? That’s where the net was. The net used to be down there on the lower path.
Anjali: Okay. When you say used to be, like, how long?
Wife: It was there when you were here.
Bryan: It was there when you were here.
Wife: We put it up before you were here.
Bryan: That chair’s on its back. What the hell happened? Somebody cut into that. No way. That thing’s ripped to shreds, something ripped into that.
Wife: A wild animal. Check it out. We had a honey –
Bryan: Some somebody ripped into our honey.
Anjali: Oh my gosh.
Bryan: We had a huge honey hive in this chair. I just moved over and it’s completely trashed.
Anjali: Oh, that’s terrible.
Bryan: Check this out. So, I’m gonna keep digging in my mountain. Do they want me to do that?
Anjali: Look, we’ve already been in your mountain [laughs]. I’m telling you, there’s a tunnel there. We’ve already been in it. We walked in it for several - for a few minutes. You did add a knock down job, I have to tell you. You did a great job. It was pretty impressive.
Bryan: We need to find this.
Anjali: Yes.
Wife: And supposedly I was aware of it?
Anjali: Oh, hon, you were there the whole time. I mean, you were walking with us. Absolutely. You and your friend Lorenzo, and Bryan.
Bryan: And Jolynn. Wow.
Anjali: Yep. And they knew. They had already been there.
Wife: We don’t talk with them anymore. They move to Arizona [inaudible].
Bryan: We don’t drink alcohol anymore. And they’re drinkers and they cut us off.
Anjali: Yeah, that happens.
Bryan: Some people cut you off when you don’t drink.
Anjali: I know. It’s sad.
Bryan: It’s okay though. It’s all right. I don’t want the drinking here anymore.
Anjali: It’s not a good energy.
Bryan: That was just a short spit of our life, anyway. We never drink alcohol here.
Wife: So what are they saying to you, when they’re visiting you? What are they sharing with you?
Anjali: Okay, let me – [laughs]
Bryan: As you’re looking at the mountain in the background, see this mountain you’re looking at? That is the mountain.
Anjali: I know [laughs]. I know. It’s - it’s actually really quite something when I look at it.
Bryan: That’s amazing.
Anjali: Okay. So what they’re telling - what they what they have been saying is that there are two things that are happening simultaneously. One is that we’re coming to the end of the cycle, of this cycle of birth and rebirth. And that this is a natural cycle of like consciousness evolution. And that the evolution of the Earth itself, like the consciousness of the Earth, is moving, is evolving into - they call it densities, and a density is the –
Bryan: Hang on one second. We got that happening. [flyover] Okay, it went over the mountain. Okay, so it’s gonna be a little bit quieter. Okay, alright, we’re back.
Anjali: Okay, so, um, there are these things that are called density, and it’s the way that we evolve consciousness, okay. And so what we’re experiencing right now in this world is what they call the third density. Density is like the density of light consciousness, okay. So the lower the density, the lower the light consciousness. The higher the density, the higher. We’re at the third density of consciousness. And they say that this density is what is called the density of choice, which is why you hear all of the very ancient ideas of, like, reincarnation, birth and rebirth, you know, karmic debt and learning and going over and over and over again. It’s a cycle of consciousness development. And it’s set for a specific period of time. And this cycle is almost finished. And so at this point, what will happen is that people will make a choice. Do they want to continue in this - in a third density life, which is essentially sensory learning for experiential growth of consciousness. So consciousness wants to experience so that it can grow and understand everything. And one of the ways that it does that is by varying its expressions, such as expressing itself as Bryan and as [your wife] and, you know, and as me, and as a bird, and as water. And I know this is all, like, really heady stuff here. But please try to stay with me.
Bryan: No, we’re with you. I can take everything you’re saying.
Anjali: Okay, great. Whew, wow, this is even better than I thought it would be. So we’re at the end of this cycle here. And so humanity has a decision if -when they say that it’s the density of choice, it means that we can choose how we are going to explore our path of consciousness back to the pure light that everything originates from . And that the way that we do that is we choose either to serve ourselves as an expression of the source, but in a way that’s typically deemed in a more negative way, just people who are very much more concerned about their own wellbeing than the wellbeing of the whole. So it’s like they haven’t recognized that their own consciousness is actually a part of a whole consciousness, but they still believe that they are this actual separated piece which just simply cannot exist. But it believes that it is, and it goes down that path of learning and self-discovery again. Or we can go to the service to others, where we form a society and a consciousness exploration that’s based on a more immediate return to light, which is serving others in love and kindness, compassion, all in recognition that we are all a part of a greater whole that’s right now more difficult here in this density for us to understand, because they also say that it’s also the density of illusion in that we are like living beneath a veil. And it is time for the unveiling, okay, for the lifting of the veil. And this is coinciding with a cyclical change in the Earth as well. So it’s not only is the Earth moving up into the fourth density, where humanity - those who choose, who have recognized their consciousness as one of those two things, that’s both moving up into fourth density, or staying, like I said, in sensory learning, which is a third choice. And so this is coinciding with a cycle that the Earth goes through that, like, I’m gonna say this just flat out say it, it’s like it just wipes the slate clean.
Bryan: So that’s what they want, is a slate wiped clean.
Anjali: They want us to prepare for what’s inevitable. And they want to get as many of us having a consciousness awakening so that we can meet those thresholds and move up in fourth density consciousness. And the reason that this is important is because as you go up in density levels, consciousness begins to coalesce and come together. So, you know, a being who’s like a sixth density being could be millions of years old and could actually represent the coalescence of millions and millions of consciousness experiences that has maybe decided to incorporate into a physical avatar, okay.
Bryan: Uh-huh.
Anjali: And so they know that these changes are coming on the Earth and they are inevitable. There is nothing that we can do about it. And so they want to make contact with us, to begin the process of helping us to deal with what’s about to come.
Bryan: So we have the choice to help or take off or stick around.
Anjali: Essentially, essentially, yep. Like this will become - they’re saying it’s going to become a fourth density planet, which means that those who really want to remain in third density learning will reincorporate in a different place. They will no longer vibe with the Earth. And I think we’re seeing a lot of that already, you know, with people that are having a very difficult time on Earth.
Bryan: Oh yeah.
Anjali: Right. And so they’re just not gonna vibe here. And this will only be - it’s moving towards fourth density positive. And so the next civilization that will erupt here will be a fourth density civilization at a higher consciousness level, with their assistance.
Bryan: Okay, okay.
Anjali: And they’re saying they’ve been through this. They’ve already been here. This is - they’ve done this.
Bryan: I know they’re here. So how do I - how do we talk to them?
Anjali: I have a feeling that you have been, and that’s why you’re digging into your mountain. The question is why you can’t remember. Um. And –
Bryan: Why I can’t remember, is that what you said?
Anjali: Yeah, you know, they didn’t want you to remember. They didn’t want you to take anyone else there. But now they want you to remember. They’re saying, “It’s time to remember, Bryan.” [laughs]
Bryan: Okay.
Anjali: And by the way [laughs], okay, so remember I said that, oh, that’s the doozy? Well, here’s the next thing is that they have instructed me to give a press conference and to announce - nobody knows who you are, nobody knows where anything is. There’s not going to be anything, any of that. But they want me to give a press conference telling them that I have been to - that I have met them and that I am putting together a team who will go there and meet with them. Because they want disclosure. And then I will give a message that they have asked to deliver and talk a little bit about the team. And then take questions and answers from the press.
Bryan: [inaudible syllable]
Anjali: Now you have one hundred percent my word, nobody knows your names, where you live, none of those things.
Bryan: Okay, cool. Cuz that’s confidential.
Anjali: Of course. Absolutely. I would never ever ever. Um, out there in the world, you are Wayne and Trisha. And people have been talking about you guys for about the last six months.
Bryan: Wayne And Trisha. [laughs] I like it.
Anjali: [laughs]
Bryan: Are you writing a book or anything?
Anjali: No. No. No.
Bryan: So listen. Listen, I’m gonna tell you something. Speaking of books.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: I don’t know if it was before you were here or after you were here. I want to say it was after, right? It was after? Anyway, maybe it was. Maybe it was around the time. Maybe you’ll remember if I say this.
Anjali: Okay.
Bryan: Two different people came up my road and stopped at the bottom looking to get up this mountain because evidently there was a book written about aliens in this mountain in the 1960s. So we need to find this book. And I can’t remember the title of this book. I can’t remember what they said. But it was in the sixties and it was about this mountain. And it’s a real book that somebody wrote. So maybe you can help me find that book.
Anjali: I will help you find that book.
Bryan: It’s in the sixties and it’s written - and I don’t know what it’s called. I don’t know how we would try to figure it out. I don’t even know how we figure it out.
Wife: Google.
Anjali: Yeah, I get it. I will find - I know exactly how to figure it out. I have been – look, I gotta tell you something that’s really funny. When I told people that Wayne had excavated a tunnel in the mountain, they said that that was impossible. They told me there was no way Wayne could ever do such a thing. And I told them to fuck right off. Because you already did. [laughs]
Bryan: [chuckles] That’s great.
Anjali: But I want you to know that everybody was out there saying that you couldn’t do it. I was like, “What? You guys are fools. You don’t even know. You don’t even know the Mojave.”
Bryan: Uh-huh, that’s right.
Anjali: You don’t know this man. He is obsessed. He’s getting in that mountain. [laughs]
Bryan: Oh, yes. I am getting in that mountain. Now I’m really getting in the mountain.
Anjali: [still laughing] I know you are.
Bryan: I’m gonna find this tunnel while I’m digging these two, I’ll tell you that.
Anjali: Ohhh. Well, we walked - we turned around that corner and there they all stood and it was a glorious sight. My life has never been the same.
Bryan: From that day.
Anjali: Yeah. That night. I was beside myself. I think you guys were already forgetting as the night went on.
Wife: Yeah, I mean, we were all on the cannabis oil.
Anjali: Yep.
Wife: And drinking, and so I just passed out.
Anjali: Yeah.
Wife: I don’t, I mean, I certainly –
Bryan: Well, you did have a quite an experience here. You did. You.
Anjali: Oh, it was an amazing experience. Amazing.
Wife: You remember the police coming, right?
Anjali: Yes. That was my daughter.
Bryan: And the ambulance.
Anjali: My daughter [laughs]. I mean - look, I told her that you had taken me into the mountain and I had met aliens.
Wife: So all of that happened before?
Anjali: Yes.
Bryan: Yes.
Anjali: She flipped.
Bryan: That all happened right after, at the same time as she – Yeah, well this is all making sense now.
Anjali: Yep, she flipped out. She thought - she didn’t know what had happened. She thought maybe you guys had drugged me and taken me into - like, try to make some kind of snuff film or something.
Bryan: It’s all making sense. Well, gosh dang, man.
Anjali: Yeah. It’s been a wild few years. [laughs]
Bryan: That’s crazy.
Wife: Well yeah.
Bryan: Well, you know what? So, you ever coming out this way, or what?
Anjali: Oh my god, as soon as possible. I’m gonna try to get out there next month.
Bryan: Alright, well come on by when you do.
Anjali: Oh, my god I can’t wait. Listen, I’m gonna - I have to prepare for tomorrow. I’m gonna send you all kinds of information but I’m going to send you first the pin. I just need to get onto Google Earth so I can pull it off, okay?
Bryan: No problem. Well, we’ll keep in touch, we’ll be talking.
Anjali: I cannot wait to talk to you guys soon. [blows kiss]
Bryan: Nice talking to you. And we’re [inaudible]. Hey, we’re all about this man.
Anjali: I know. I can see.
Bryan: We’re right here.
Anjali: Yes, they said that everything would be fine.
Bryan: That’s really cool. I can dig this. I’m really glad for the talk.
Anjali: Oh, me too. I just - I’m so excited for you. You’re about to just - your minds are going to explode. I’m so happy for you.
Wife: It already is right now.
Bryan: Right on.
Anjali: [laughs] Thank you. Thank you. I’ll talk soon. [blows kiss]
Bryan: Okay, bye bye.
Mar 12, 2022 "Wayne" (aka Bryan) on Truthseekers
Steven: For the first time we are gonna get to hear from the actual Wayne in Anjali’s story and of course I was incredibly interested in hearing if he would confirm or deny her telling of the events… We are bringing it to you in a Truthseekers exclusive story. My thanks to Charlie Wiser and James A Conrad and others for helping to make this possible… I think it's very brave what this guy is doing because this could turn into a circus very quickly… I really wanted to give him an opportunity to tell the story from his perspective and after tonight we will get closer to the actual and real truth about AnjalI and her alien experiences. So without further ado, let's bring in our very special guest Wayne.
Bryan: Hey, how you doing?
S: I can call you Bryan now, right?
B: Sure you can. You can call me Bryan.
S: Well thanks for doing this tonight. I'm very happy that I get to bring the public your side of the story. I don't know where to begin but I thought that we could begin with the beginning. How did you meet this woman? How did you end up inviting her back to your home? Let's take it from there.
B: Okay. Well, we met at a coffee shop.
S: So that part's true.
B: Yeah, we were at a coffee shop. This coffee shop’s kind of set up like a living room, at the time anyway. I haven't been there in a long time… couches… so you're kind of intimate in this place. Whoever is laying around the circle is part of the conversation. I used to wear this medicine bag around my neck for about five years when I was fighting cancer. [holds it up, shows the spoon]
S: So you believe that’s what got the conversation started?
B: It could be. I think the conversation might have started with health. I don't remember just walking into a coffee shop and immediately talking about aliens on the mountain. I would say it started with health and I was the guy that used to like to dose everybody. [inaudible]
S: You're my kind of friend, Bryan.
B: I believe I dosed her in the coffee shop along with anybody that wanted any.
S: Okay just to be clear though, when you say dosed - because you know my original theory was that she got dosed with some sort of hallucinogen, but you dosed her with THC concentrate cannabis oil, correct?
B: Yes, cannabis oil, THC, yes. And you know, if you're not used to this stuff it can be strong. If you have - I've found out through the years, if you if you're on any kind of pharmaceutical drugs and you mix this with that, it can have a different effect. I'm not saying that that's the case. These are just things that I know, that I've learned through people, learned by people's stories.
S: Yeah, I’ve heard that as well. I’ve heard that if you're on any kind of - especially if you're on any kind of psychological medication, like for depression or anxiety, it could it could interfere with that.
B: Definitely enhance – it does bring things out, for sure.
S: [from chat] Did she did she know she was getting dosed? You didn't like slip it in her drink?
B: Oh no, no absolutely not.
S: She knew she was taking it, right?
B: Absolutely, yeah, for sure. You have to actually eat it.
S: So you meet her in this coffee shop, you're having a conversation, you start talking about the cannabis oil and she takes a dose of it, right.
B: We probably all did, around the circle, who knows, you know? And this coffee shop serves wine, by the way, so some of us were drinking alcohol and some weren't. I don't know who was and who wasn't really. And then soon after that we came back up to my place. I used to invite people, you know. I was a little - I used to be a lot - I was friendly. And I didn't always think, either. I'll just tell you that. The radiation that I took kind of zapped my brain for a while.
S: But I think that's okay, so you're like happy to be alive and you meet new people, you socialize and say, “Hey, come and hang out at our house”.
B: Yeah it was kinda like - well then we were talking about aliens in the coffee shop, so that's what brought her - that story did come up. The conversation of aliens came up and that's probably what we brought her up here for, just to show her the mountain. All we were saying is, there's alien sightings on our mountain in the 60s. And there's a book out there.
S: I tried to find the book. I have to reach out to a friend of mine who's like a walking encyclopedia of UFO stuff. He would know
B: I’d like to know.
S: Apparently, yes, apparently there is a book that details somebody seeing or experiencing or meeting aliens right in that area, in that mountain, so you were talking to her about the history of there may be some - and sometimes there's UFO sightings in that area, and things like that, right?
B: Yes, yes, and that's all it really was. So when we all came up here - let's see if I can right remember this right. She had a male friend with her, but he didn't come. She drove herself. He left. Other friends came up as well, our friends that stay here sometimes. They were in their car. So anyway we all came up and proceeded to have some more cannabis oil. You know, why not? Now you're home.
S: Yeah I know, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. So she takes one dose at the coffee shop, drives to your house, and then –
B: I don't know if she did a second or not, maybe, I really can't call that one, if she did or not. I know I did, because I was home and I wanted some more.
S: So you go back to your house, maybe there was some more cannabis oil.
B: There definitely was. We walked around the land. We showed - I showed her - now as far as digging, as far as the tunnels –
S: Oh yeah I was gonna get into that. According to according to Anjali's story, you told her that you knew there was an alien mountain base, there was aliens inside the mountain, so you dug a tunnel to reach the base. That's what she said that you relayed to her.
B: No. I haven't even started digging yet. I am digging two tunnels on my land, but I haven't even got a chance to start yet. But the only reason I'm doing that is because I feel like there's water. There's water in the mountain, that's all. It wasn't - I never claimed there was aliens in my mountain, ever.
S: So that contradicts a lot of her story. You did tell me off air though, that you were explaining to her that you were basically going to dig some tunnels and you were gonna build a wine cellar and a man cave in there, right?
B: Yeah, absolutely.
S: It wasn't about aliens.
B: No.
S: It was just about building something into the mountain.
B: Yeah, exactly.
S: But you hadn't begun, you had not – and to this day you have not begun doing anything.
B: I have not even – nope, haven't even started yet.
S: So there's no tunnels on the mountain that you're aware of?
B: There's not a tunnel. There’s not a tunnel on this mountain.
S: Is there any caves or anything, that you're aware of?
B: [shakes head]
S: No. So that kind of contradicts a large part of her story.
B: Where she's claiming these [tunnels] are, you know, is absolutely not.
S: So, no tunnels, no caves that you're aware of, or entrances.
B: No.
S: Someone also suggested that there could be some kind of a shed hiding an entrance into the tunnel or something. Are you aware of anything like that?
B: There's a shed in front of where I'm gonna be digging, so that's what she's talking about and that's where - that was just a conversation anyway, so.
S: But she took it and said that you had already dug the tunnel into the mountain. That you met the aliens, that they take people and then they teleport them back into your house.
B: No, I never told her any of that. The conversation of me digging a hole, I mean I didn't really even talk about that too much with people, you know, because I didn't really want people to know what I was doing. But I mean of course, if you're in a helicopter you're gonna see what I'm doing or whatever, you know. The squirrel's got great houses in the mountains, so I was kind of following the squirrels, you know. It wasn't the aliens.
S: So you yourself have not had an alien experience at the mountain or inside the mountain? And you have never been teleported by the aliens? None of that?
B: No, no. It’d be cool, though. It would be pretty cool.
S: Just to be clear though, you have a bit of an interest in UFOs and aliens, right?
B: Oh I love aliens.
S: That's why you were talking –
B: For sure. Aliens, they exist for sure. I believe they live here now. There's no doubt in my mind that they live underground.
S: But you haven't seen them in your mountain.
B: No.
S: Or dug a tunnel to them, or communicated with any of the aliens.
B: No.
S: So explain for me, when she was at your home - because she tends to say basically that she took a hike to the tunnel with you and another couple, and then you all went in the tunnel, and then this is where she meets the aliens. None of that happened?
B: Well, not in physical appearance here. I mean, if it happened in her experience, that's her experience. I don't want to really take that away from her. If that's what she thinks happened then that's cool. What a great story. I’d be keeping it to myself [inaudible].
S: She described it as a physical experience – she, you and your wife and another couple went into the tunnel.
B: We didn't - we don't remember any tunnel. We don't remember any part of that.
S: So what did happen? She just walked around the grounds, around the mountain, took a hike and then that was it?
B: We all went - okay as far as the hike goes, it wasn't like a hike. It was just up my driveway to the upper level of the of our - of what is cut, you follow me? Like what pads are cut, you know, like where you can walk without hiking the mountain. We didn't hike. We never hiked any mountain. We walked up the driveway about another - I don't know, it's another 200 or 150 feet up. We just went up and I just showed her, them, that area. That's all. And if it was - to my knowledge she wanted to see more of the land, or something maybe. I can't even remember why we walked up there because it was unusual that I walked up there on that day.
S: So basically you guys were just hanging out and you were kind of showing her your –
B: Yeah, that’s all.
S: Your land, right? You have a big chunk of land there, a nice chunk of land with nice scenery and a mountain on it, and you're just showing her the mountain and the land and things like that.
B: Yeah, yeah, that's all, just casual.
S: Could you estimate for me like how long was she at your home in total, and how long was she walking around the grounds?
B: Well, let's see, we got back from the coffee shop probably about two o'clock, maybe three or so. We weren't outside too long, probably maybe a couple hours maybe, before it started getting dark maybe. I don't even remember - it was probably, it was January so yeah, it probably got dark around four. And it was cold. So from that point I can see us coming inside by the fire. And it was about that time though that I think that call - it was still light when - because when the ambulance showed up and the sheriff showed up –
S: Oh yeah, I was going to say, just just to be clear because we're trying to get to confirm or deny some bits of her story. We'll get to the ambulance. I have that on my list. But she claimed that you guys were all in the mountain and then either her or you, I'm a little foggy on the story, it's been a little bit since I’ve reviewed it all, either her or all of you were inside the mountain in this tunnel and you were instantly teleported back to your home.
B: Well I don't - I didn't have that experience.
S: You don’t recall that? You didn’t have that experience.
B: We walked down – we walked right back down the same way we walked up, and came in the house. And you know, she was on her phone. She was on her phone and I didn't think much of it. I mean, you know, a person has a phone call, you know what I mean. So the next thing you know there's a sheriff in my front yard and there's an ambulance right with them.
S: Can you explain to us why would an ambulance show up for her at your home?
B: [shrugs]
S: But they did a wellness check of her, right?
B: It was a welfare check. When I walked outside, I told the sheriff, I said, “Man, you got the wrong house again,” because they've mixed up my address before.
S: Yeah, it happens, especially in rural areas.
B: So I said, “You got the wrong place,” and he said, “No, is Angelia here?” and was like “Well what the fuck is that?” You know? “Yeah.” I mean what - you know, who is this person, you know what I mean? Like I just brought this person to my house and now there's a sheriff here and now there's an ambulance here, you know. Anyway he didn't give me any information until he saw her. And then after he saw her, and then the ambulance was checking her out, then once she was in the ambulance, then the sheriff and I had a, you know, we had talks. And some laughs actually, you know. I straight up told him, I said, “Hey, so what's the deal here? I mean what's up?” And he said “Well somebody called in for a welfare check for her.” I go, “Oh okay, so I mean what's the problem? Are they thinking that she's inebriated or something, or what?” And he goes, “Well I really don't know.” And I go, whatever. He couldn't really - he didn't he wanna share the information with me cuz I guess you can't, because it's investigation stuff or whatever.
S: And I think I’ve heard her explain maybe that her daughter called because she was concerned about her or couldn't reach her on the phone so she called the local authorities to do a wellness check.
B: Right.
S: What goes on for a wellness check? The paramedics just checked her out, checked her vitals to see if she was okay?
B: She was in the paramedics for about, probably, I don't know, 20 minutes or so, 15 minutes. And me and the sheriff, we were just we were laughing. I said, “Hey man, I overdosed her with cannabis oil, that's all that's going on here. you know what I mean. She's probably took way too much.
S: You told the sheriff? You must have a good sheriff.
B: Oh yeah, he was laughing his ass off, man. We were joking about it, you know.
S: Let's get back to the cannabis oil. My original hypothesis is that she took some kind of drugs and that led to her having this strange experience that she related to aliens somehow. And meeting a purple being, which is very very similar to a description that many people give of a DMT experience. How strong is this stuff, and does it really really hit you that hard that you could maybe have some kind of a just out-of-it experience, and somehow interpret it as aliens?
B: Well I’ve eaten this stuff by the spoonfuls and I haven't yet seen an alien yet. I mean, maybe if it's mixed with something, perhaps? I'm not saying that somebody else can't, you know. Maybe it affects people in a different way.
S: I have done a little bit of research and checked in with a few friends who are frequent users, and there's a certain kind - I can't recall it off the top of my head - that somebody recounted to me could definitely knock you on your butt and make you feel like you're out of your own body and a few other strange effects.
B: Oh, for sure. For sure.
S: After this wellness check, did she recount, did she say, talk about aliens or being in a tunnel with the aliens or any of that kind of stuff?
B: No, no, no.
S: So she didn't even mention the aliens to you.
B: The ambulance let her out. She came right back in the house. The sheriff took off. She called for a ride from her male friend. He came back and picked her up about 11:30 that night. She left her car here because she couldn't drive her car. So she came back the next day and got her car about noon and not one word.
S: So she was she was impaired enough to know that she couldn't drive?
B: Oh yes. Absolutely.
S: So the next day she comes back to get her car. Does she tell you about - any talk about the alien experience that she had or anything like that?
B: No. Nothing about any aliens until just last August.
S: And I guess we can pick up the story there, because apparently she doesn't really talk to you guys for several years.
B: About three years.
S: What happens, she starts contacting you, telling you about her alien experience and wanting to bring people there? Take us through that because that's important.
B: My wife was informing me that this lady was trying to get ahold of me and I honestly didn't remember who she was. She goes, “You know, the lady that was here - that worked for the Department of Defense and, you know had the experience here, the ambulance and all that?” Anyway I said, “Oh well, gosh, what would she want? What can she possibly want? It's been years. What the heck.”
S: Yeah you haven't heard from her in a long time, right?
B: Yeah, years and then all of a sudden now this. Now you have to know we met this person one day, one day at a coffee shop. I brought her home, we all hung out for a few hours or whatever, and then that happened. The next day when she picked up her car, we never spoke again. We didn't keep in touch or anything. It was one of those.
S: So then she starts contacting you three years later.
B: She's contacting us, and my wife is informing me that she wants to talk to me. And I was like a little hesitant and reluctant and I didn't really know what to think about it or whatever. Anyway, when she finally said something that sparked an interest, like I want to talk to you about how your husband and I walked up the mountain together after you went to bed. Of course now my wife wants to know what this woman has to say.
S: Oh, that’s terrible.
B: That was a manipulative kind of move there, you know, because we never - her and I never walked together alone up in the mountain. So anyway. Where was I at?
S: About her contacting you and what she wanted, right?
B: Yeah. So finally I went ahead and reached out to her, and we had a talk and we even had a Zoom, we had a couple Zoom calls and whatever, FaceTime. I think it was FaceTime we did. Talked, and she told me her story and she told me what was going on, and of course we’re completely taken back – like whoa, like wow, okay.
S: Because she's recounting an experience that she claims you all had together and your recollection of the events is completely –
B: Not there.
S: Normal, right? I mean it was just like a normal day –
B: It was a normal day.
S: Normal night, no aliens, no UFOs, you didn't see anything strange or even talk about the experience.
B: No, there wasn’t any aliens in sight that night. [inaudible] A normal night.
S: When she contacts you, then at some point she starts telling you that she had this alien experience, there's aliens in your mountain, and she wants to bring a whole team of investigators, right? How do you react to that? How did you react?
B: Well, at first we were almost receptive, we're talking about it, like, okay, I was listening. When she was telling me some of the way it was gonna go down, then I was –
S: Were you open to the idea or did you think - ?
B: I was open for it if she was gonna pay me money to uproot my life and stop me from going to work and stuff like that. Absolutely, sure, you wanna come over and dig in my mountain and bring all your equipment over here, well somebody's writing a check.
S: That's very honest of you, but it's true because I'm sure that you knew that this would turn into some kind of a media circus maybe, because of her Defense Intelligence background or whatever, right?
B: And that's what she - she gave us that threat, too. I mean there's been some threats here. When we started saying no to this, and started going the other way, when it wasn't going in a positive direction, then she was starting - then she was using threats like, you know, “Hey, I’m intel, I work for the government. Who do you think you are? I'm not going away.” Shit like that. “We're coming whether you like it or not.” Shit like that, now that's gotten me pissed off, where you're gonna tell me what you're gonna do on my land. Well, we're not gonna do that because there is nothing on this land. There’s no tunnels on this land. So maybe perhaps Angelia had her - I mean I'm not gonna sit here and say she has not seen aliens or dealt with aliens or anything like that. Perhaps she has. She she probably has, how about that. She probably has had these experiences and they're coming out like this. And that's cool, okay. Whatever - Here's the thing. She can have her experiences, but they're not here on my land. Physically they're not here, you know? And that’s what I want everybody to understand.
S: Were you thinking like, none of this happened so why would she even want to dig here? Did you talk to her and say none of this happened the way that you recall?
B: Yes. Oh, we have –
S: And she just argued with you, right, that you didn't remember it.
B: No, she's telling us we do not remember, and that the beings took our memories away, and now they're telling her that it's time for us to remember.
S: Wow.
B: That's what she's telling me and my wife, that we are now supposed to remember these things. So in other words, it's almost as if she's trying to manipulate our brains or something to believe her story and then go ahead and get on this show here and say, “Yeah Steve, it's totally true. I got aliens in my mountain, I got tunnels –
S: Oh no.
B: [inaudible] would I do that? I wouldn't wanna do that. I mean, you know, why would I do that?
S: Yeah, I hate to say it but your version of the story is quite the letdown, obviously. One thing, point of clarification though. Was she contacting you and doing these phone calls to you, and Zoom calls, before this big press conference she did at the Lincoln Memorial? Or after that?
B: It was coming up to the week of the press conference, like the next week, okay.
S: Okay, so she was trying to get you to agree.
B: We were not aware of this press conference whatsoever. I happened to give her a call. When I finally called her and it happened to be like, I don't know, a couple days before the conference. She kind of - she sugar-coated that conference. She was basically just saying, “Well you know, I'm going to go to Washington and I had an experience at your house and I'm gonna go share my story and I’ve been writing about it for three years and I haven't told you anything. But now I'm ready to tell you. I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna go do this, and is it okay with you?” And we're like, “Well sure,” you know? I mean, “Knock yourself out, I guess.” I didn't really - it was so shocking what she had to say, we really didn't know what to tell her, you know what I mean? So, she never sent us a link to the conference. She never sent us the information so we can watch the conference. We didn't get that information until like a week later.
S: Wow. How did you feel knowing that she stood at the Lincoln Memorial and was telling this story about aliens at your house and involving you and your wife?
B: It was chilling. It was it was tripping us out, man. I mean, we had no idea it was going to end up where it is now.
S: I can imagine.
B: We had no - we didn't know what to do. It actually freaked us out pretty well, how about that. It was - it's been a stressful experience, how about that. This whole thing has been a bunch of stress that we haven't needed. We've never had cameras before. We got ‘em now. There's other things I haven't had before on this mountain that's on this mountain now, you know.
S: So you have to worry about your security.
B: Yeah exactly, security. It’s bullshit. To get everybody vamped up without - how about this: if you want to do this, Anjali, this is what I got to say to you. If you really want to do this, and you really want to bring your people here, then get that checkbook out. Go ahead and buy the land. The starting bid is 10 million dollars, I already told you that, and write a check and you can go dig all you want up here. Straight up.
S: I think that's a very fair way to do it. Just have her buy the mountain, right?
B: Very simple.
S: So after you got wind of the press conference, and you guys, you and your wife, started checking around, were you shocked by the internet? By all the stories on the internet, and the views that her stories were getting, and her following that was getting really big, based on all these stories?
B: Oh yeah, all the shit talk? Yeah, oh yeah. That's what was really starting to stress us out, yeah. People saying they're gonna come and do it anyway, and come take our - do what they want anyway. Shit like that. So yeah, it was definitely scary and still is.
S: Yeah, and there was one filmmaker who – again, back to the wrong Wayne, and we can get into that situation, but somebody threatened to just fly drones over Bryan's mountain but they had the wrong location, thankfully. But people were – yeah, just so every - I wanna make sure that we're very clear on this point. Believers of Anjali, or critics and cynics who wanted to prove her stories were fake, were threatening to just go on to Bryan's land or find Bryan's mountain and find the tunnel. Believers wanted to go and find the tunnel and find the alien. And I think that this is very dangerous because you never know what - you know, hopefully somebody, maybe they're just a little obsessed with aliens and they're not thinking right. But you never know the mindset of somebody that's willing to trespass on somebody else's land or go digging around somebody's basically backyard. It's like your - this thing is in his backyard, basically. Got a huge backyard, lucky guy, he's got a big plot of land there. But the fact that there was all these people on the internet saying, she said, “We're doing the expedition,” then she started saying you wouldn't allow the expedition so then she's saying, “We're gonna do it anyway, or we're going to find a way to do it anyway.” And can you talk a little more about - you mentioned that she basically threatened you that she worked for the government and all these things. So she was trying to twist your arm into her will to do this expedition, right?
B: Basically, when it wasn't working out, when we were pulling back on even thinking about it, that's when she started - that's when the more negative words were coming out.
S: So she has the press conference and then does she continue to pressure you to do this? After the press conference she continues to contact you telling you that she's going to do this expedition. How did you and your wife feel about that? I mean I heard you say, well pay us.
B: Yeah, right. Pay us, pay us. I basically said – cuz I didn't really want to deal with all the stress of, “What are you doing in my land?” I like the land just the way it is. What kind of energy is coming to my land, stuff like that. We're real protective about who we have around us. It was all really a lot to think about. So we just decided, well how about this, how about just a bag of money and then you guys can have it and then we'll just go fishing somewhere, maybe we'll just move to Florida or something. You can have this cool mountain and if everything is true of what she says, then she should be able to make billions with Bigelow or Elon or, you know. If you're so sure about it, then buy it and have at it.
S: Maybe the Skinwalker Ranch owner would be interested, who knows, right?
B: Hey you never know, it might be here. It might be here.
S: After the press conference, and her trying to twist your arm, you guys basically said no, according to her. That “You're not coming here.”
B: Yeah, not without the deal that I just put on the table. You pay us money, we leave, you dig. That's it.
S: And then you guys started actively sort of following what she was saying on the internet. That had to be frustrating for you, knowing that most of her story didn't happen the way she described but she was going on shows and getting all this attention.
B: It was pissing us off, listening to the lies and the changing of the story. Not only was it not true, but she was changing the story, too. So there was some things that she was not remembering what she was saying to people, evidently, because we've been following this pretty closely, from the sidelines of course.
S: This is a personal question and I understand if maybe you just want to keep things private, but it is kind of pertinent to her story. [from chat] At the beginning of the interview Bryan said that he'd beaten cancer, yet Anjali told us - and this was a recurring theme for her, Bryan, just so that you know that we were stressing you out. Everybody questioning her story was stressing you out and making your cancer worse with our questions. So people are very curious, is your recovery recent or was Anjali lying to guilt us and stop us from trying to contact you?
B: I have been fighting cancer since 2013 and I'm still fighting cancer.
S: Sorry to hear that.
B: It started out stage 4 lymphoma and thyroid. I don't know if you can - there's a scar. [shows scar across neck]
S: So you had some surgery to remove the lymph nodes and things?
B: The surgery was actually above my heart, on my heart, on my aortic bridge, that's where it started. I didn't even really know about all the lymph nodes and the thyroid. I'm probably - I don't even know, last I checked I was about a stage 2, stage 1 area.
S: Well that's progress, at least, right?
B: Yeah yeah, I'm in treatment, I’m still in treatment every week and so I got a test coming up here shortly to see if things are moving in the right direction on that. So yes I'm – the cancer never went away. I'm still fighting a lot on it, and it takes a lot to do that, you know. It takes a lot.
S: I’m hesitant to mention this, but I have to voice this concern of mine. One might question the integrity or the ethics of somebody who would involve somebody that's fighting cancer in a story like this. Because obviously she has to know this is going to bring some kind of stress and anxiety on you that you really don't need right now, right? You should be focused on your recovery.
B: We asked her nicely, my wife asked her nicely. We said, “Look, it's not the time.” And it wasn't the time. It's just not the time. I got too much shit going on right now and I got way too much treatment going on. To be gone doing treatment while people are on my land without me here, that's not going to happen. Unless you just go ahead and buy it.
S: Just for any rich people out there who want to buy a mountain that may have aliens in it, it's 10 million dollars, right?
B: It may have. It may. Well, that's the starting number. I'd like to see the bidding war go a little higher than that.
S: God bless you. So we get to the - there's been a lot of back and forth about, yeah, we were stressing you out. I think it's her causing the stress, not people asking questions about her story on the internet or trying - Were you aware that all these people on the internet - it was like, I don't know if you saw that documentary, “Don't mess with cats”, but it was almost like that, like a whole team of people got together on the internet and decided that this story was interesting and we want to hear from Wayne. So whole teams of people, like a whole bunch of different researchers all started doing this detective work trying to find you. I called all these construction companies looking for a guy that owned a mountain. I can't tell you how many dudes hung up on me. Like, “What? I don't have time for this shit. What, aliens? No I don't own a mountain with aliens.” Click. But people were able to find – see, she threw us off the trail because once she said, “Well I changed Trisha's name to something else, but I didn't change Wayne's name.” [Anjali never said this.] So we found a guy who was named Wayne, who owned a construction company, and we could look at the satellite maps and see a mountain right behind his home. We were convinced that was the guy. She lied and said yes that's the guy, claiming that she was trying to just protect you, the real guy. Were you aware that there was like a whole bunch of researchers all over the internet looking for you?
B: Yeah, we were shitting our pants.
S: I'm sorry if I put any stress on you, because I was one of those idiots out there looking for you.
B: No, that’s okay, we didn't - we weren't really mad at you. I mean, how are we going to be mad at thousands of people when one person is doing this, you know?
S: Yeah. And I have to tell you it's a little bit surreal getting to talk to you in person because in my mind I go through this journey I’ve been on, on this whole story of me spending a week on the phone calling all these construction companies. I was looking over satellite maps. Then I started going to public information sites, like okay, who owns this land where this mountain is? Does he own a construction company? There's this whole journey to try to get to you, and it's a little bit surreal to me that a few months later, here you are. And also this kind of humanized part of the story because at first I thought you were her imaginary friends and she just made you two up. Because you were anonymous and the story seems pretty crazy and outlandish. But now having spoken to you and heard parts of your side of the story, it humanizes it a bit more to me. Because people need to remember, when these stories start, that these are real people with real lives and Bryan's got a wife and children and a job and health concerns right now. So it's just odd to me that she would sort of blame us because we went to find you, but she dropped - Didn't you feel she dropped an awful lot of breadcrumbs along the way?
B: She was dropping breadcrumbs. That was pissing us off too, and her and I had talks about that. I said, “You're pretty much giving us up, where we are, who we are.” I mean, it wasn't hard to find out after all those breadcrumbs, you know. So anyway, here it is, this is who I am, and here we are, and we're gonna lay everything out on the table here, and just be truths about it. Because we're on Truthseekers. I like Truthseekers.
S: Thank you, Bryan. I appreciate that Bryan actually, off air, he told me, we have to be careful because I don't wanna beat her up or –
B: Oh no, absolutely not. I wish her the best.
S: He was very clear with me that we have to be respectful to her, which I really respect because he could have come here all guns blazing, cursing her out for causing his family all this stress.
B: No, no, I wish her the best. Good luck with your journey. I think it's an amazing story. I believe that she has amazing experiences from her career. She must. That's all I really can say about that. She's probably had an amazing career in the military.
S: When met her did she talk to you about working for the Defense Intelligence Agency and all that stuff?
B: Very little, not too much. We just knew she did. But she did mention that she worked there and that was about it. Worked for the Department of Defense. And we knew that she wasn't lying, I mean she had stickers all up and down her windshield. A lot of them.
S: I have to tell you the truth. When she first came out with her story, I said this woman's fake, she never worked for the military, she never worked - because most of the time, just so you're aware, a lot of times people come out with these fantastical stories and they make all these claims about where they worked or their education. And it turns out most of the stuff is fabricated. So I was kind of shocked when I started digging in and going, oh, she really was in the Air Force. Oh, she really did work for the Defense Intelligence Agency, not once but twice, once as a contractor and once as a direct employee. So then I got more interested in the story cuz why is this woman that worked for these government agencies suddenly talking about all these aliens, right?
B: Maybe a lot of her - I mean, I think she's had experiences to the point where –
S: She believes those experiences, right?
B: Yes, but you know, it's said that these beings have the ability to take away your memory and all that. Have you heard about anything like that?
S: Sure, and missing time, sure.
B: Yeah and missing time and stuff. So if she got to have that experience here, that's amazing. But again, we're not digging [inaudible].
S: That brings me to another one of my questions. At any point, did you sort of second-guess yourself and go looking more on that mountain?
B: No.
S: Or sitting out there at night looking for spaceships landing or anything?
B: No, no, I'm not gonna do all that. I’ve been up on this mountain a lot of years so I know a lot of - I know pretty much every rock up here. The only thing I thought was, maybe we were stopped in time and she wasn't. That's the only thing I was thinking. Because you hear other stories. You hear other stories of people being abducted and they didn't get to remember anything. So the only thing I was thinking, is it would be something like that with her mind, that she got in her mind only. Not - we didn't get anything, we didn't lose any time on our end. We remember -
S: Not that you’re aware of.
B: Not that we’re aware of, exactly right.
S: Just to play devil's advocate here.
B: Who knows, right? But as far as physical tunnels in my backyard, they're not there. If they're in her mind, then they're there, because she has a pretty descriptive story about my tunnels and my tools and my equipment.
S: Yes, she's very imaginative. And to her credit, she's a writer. She's written fiction books. You have to be imaginative to do that.
B: This could be another one.
S: Yeah, it's quite possible. There was a push - people in the UFO community near her, close to her, were sort of pushing her to write a book and make a documentary, and I believe she had plans to do that at the beginning of this. But then she got a lot of flack for trying to cash in on the story, she's just trying to cash in. So then she canceled those plans for a documentary and a book. So it appears then the motive’s not money, which again makes her a bit of a unicorn because she claims she doesn't want money from the story.
B: Well, you know, I wouldn't claim that at this point. She's got a lot of attention on this story, you know. I mean look, she brought Wayne out of the tunnel.
S: Yeah, I'm telling you, this is very surreal that this is - When I heard that I was actually going to get to talk to you and then - and I have to say, Bryan, I got to talk to Bryan on the phone and I said, “Look, I don't know how to ask you this but people really want to hear your side of the story. Is there any way on earth you would do an interview?” And he said, “Let me think about it – yes! Whenever you want to do it.” And I was like, great, you know, because people did. People want to hear your side of what happened that night. It's a great story, but if this story only happened in her own mind, it's a lot less compelling to me. And again, I agree with you, she may believe - I believe she believes she had this strange experience and met these several different races of aliens. That's the other thing, were you surprised at the level of detail of her story, and how she met human-looking aliens and some of them were gray aliens and then there was the mantis alien. Were you surprised at the detail?
B: Yes. See, that's what - I am surprised of that detail, and also that's what makes me think that she's had a lot of experiences in her career.
S: Yeah, maybe.
B: That maybe she's seen these things in her life and maybe she saw them again here, I don't know. She claims that she's had other experiences in her life, when she was young. She does have other stories here, so why this one is the big one, they really –
S: Well I think maybe because that's where the story begins for many people, that's what they first hear from her. But like many of these people it seems that her story has evolved through a little bit of time and now I believe - last night, really, I think that she claims that she has conscious contact, what she calls conscious contact with the aliens, which is sort of telepathic contact but a little deeper than that because it involves emotions. And she claims she has that every day, which I have a little bit of a problem with because just recently she posted some very fake-looking UFO photos and my question is always why didn't the aliens that you talk to every day tell you, “Those are fake photos, don't tweet those out because it could embarrass you”, or whatever. I don't understand if she's talking to aliens every day, why they wouldn't warn her against certain things, I suppose.
B: Well, that'd be my question too.
S: And somebody else asked if she's in such close contact with the aliens, why wouldn't she ask the aliens to heal you, Bryan, as a favor? After all, they're living in your mountain.
B: What the hell, man? Yeah, right.
S: The least they could do is do you a solid there, right?
B: Yeah, do me a solid, man. I'm tired of IVs, you know.
S: Yeah, that's never fun. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad for your progress, certainly.
B: Oh yeah, well man, it's not that bad actually. It's been an amazing journey. It's been a hard one and a good one at the same time, if that makes sense.
S: Sure.
B: I'm grateful for it all.
S: I wanted to talk about – just, you know, there was this - you first contacted Charlie Wiser. That's why you're here. Can you talk a little bit about that, and why you decided, “I'm just gonna go public” because that's an important part of the story. [Brian produces lavender] Oh, your flowers, here I'll give you the solo layout there. Purple lavender, right?
B: These are for - these represent Charlie.
S: Yeah, Charlie's another mysterious character here.
B: I got you some purple flowers from the desert.
S: After everybody was trying to find you for so long, why is it that you decided to out yourself?
B: Because, well, number one, it was already getting out there. We were figuring out that people were figuring it out. Number two, we saw something that was - some kind of lawsuit that was against Charlie Wiser, and we were being listed as people in this lawsuit, evidently.
S: Yeah, so you decided to contact Charlie.
B: That was by Anjali so it just pissed me off. You're not gonna - that was over the top right there. So I decided to reach out to Charlie Wiser, to personally tell her that we have nothing to do with this. And of course, you know, the trust to figure out that we're who we are, and you know, we had to go through that motion a little bit too, just to make sure we are who we are, you know.
S: Yeah, but that can be confirmed by the 911 call, and also Anjali has confirmed that you are the correct, quote, Wayne, unquote, that she was referencing. She's admitted that on Twitter publicly, and by the way wished you well for the interview.
B: Well thank you, thank you for that. And like I said, I'm not here to bash her. I'm not here to bash her, I'm just here basically to protect us.
S: Yeah, and tell your side of this story because obviously there's two sides of it, and her side is a very fantastical story but when we realized that she involved you, and claimed that you and your wife and another couple were also in this mountain, the story takes on a different meaning when we pull away these so-called witnesses that dispute her telling of the events. I would assume it kind of pokes an awful lot of holes in the story now.
B: Well I would think, you know. I'm sure there's other mountains that there's tunnels in, you know. As far as I'm concerned, these beings live under the earth anyway. They're all underneath us, and over us, and in the sea, in the snow, in the ice.
S: Could be.
B: Maybe they even live in the sun.
S: Yeah, anything is possible, sure. Getting back to - you so you come out to Charlie Wiser and then that brings you to me. Didn't you think that it was kind of ridiculous - because I don't know if you know this, but Charlie Wiser is in Australia, so Anjali threatening to sue Charlie Wiser, who by the way is a researcher and very very critical of Anjali, for anybody that doesn't know, she runs a blog and sort of picks apart everything that Anjali has said and shows inconsistencies in her story. But didn't you think it was kind of ridiculous because - or improbable that she's actually going to sue her because she would have to like go to Australia to sue somebody in Australia, and she's American and it doesn't make a lot of sense, right?
B: Yeah but I didn't even think about it like that, you know, because if somebody wants to sue somebody and if they have some money, all you gotta do is just call a lawyer in that country, right?
S: Yeah, I guess you're right.
B: I mean that's why there's lawyers and legal workers. And, you know, I just, I wasn't having that shit, that's all.
S: Yeah, because apparently she was going to use you guys as witnesses or something to sue Charlie Wiser, is that the gist of it?
B: That's what I was getting out of it. So we just went ahead and put a stop to that and here we are.
S: And you communicated to Charlie Wiser that you wouldn't be a part of that, right?
B: Absolutely not. Absolutely not.
S: And have you and your wife sort of - you were following Charlie Wiser's blog about some of this information coming out?
B: Oh yes.
S: And some other shows and things like that?
B: We've been following everybody. Everybody.
S: That would be quite surreal, right?
B: People on both sides, just watching everything, you know? Mostly my wife. She reads a lot faster than I do. So if she saw something critical, she'd let me know, “Hey look at this, look at that.” And it's like, wow, this is crazy. So yeah, we're trying to brush it off. We went through a stressful period where it was just real stressful, we didn't know what to do. We didn't know what to think. It was definitely making us lose sleep. Then there for a while we thought that this was just going to go away, because Anjali was posting more guru stuff, kind of veering attention away from this. And I thought it was done.
S: Were you and your wife surprised at the amount of attention this story got?
B: Absolutely.
S: Because there's thousands of Reddit posts, thousands of Twitter posts, there's podcasts talking about this, there's shows, mine and others, talking about this, or hosting her, talking about it.
B: It's crazy, it's nuts. I think it's amazing, how about that. It's amazing.
S: It is a little bit amazing, yeah.
B: I mean it is, I mean she's got a lot of people on this story. But in order to back this up, well, she knows what needs to be done.
S: And did you find surprising that the story got this much attention, given that she had just her story and no real physical evidence or corroborating witnesses that would –
B: I'm sorry, say it again.
S: Did you find it surprising that this story got this much attention, given that it was just her story, she didn't have evidence, she didn't have corroborating witnesses that would come forward to confirm what she was saying was true. I found it surprising, that's why I was wondering what you thought of it.
B: It was it was very surprising because we were basically going off of what she said, and this is the way it is, and you just don't remember.
S: [from chat] Completely aside from Anjali's situation, has Bryan ever seen a UFO on his land or elsewhere? You obviously have some interest in this subject, right?
B: Nothing other than what you see in the skies, like fast moving objects that you can say, “Hey, was that that?” That’s about the extent of what I’ve ever seen. I'd love to - I haven't seen anything on my land, but as far as the desert sky, how many people have seen a fast object in the desert sky, or any sky for that matter?
S: Yeah I see lights in the sky but I’m never that excited by just a light in the sky.
B: And that's why I never really made [inaudible] of it, I mean how do you know really what you saw, number one. You're gonna run out there and say, god dang, is this is what it is? That's what it is? I don't know. I really don't know, how about that, to answer that question. I don't know if I have or not. I think, I hope.
S: The devil, Bryan, they say is in the details, and I'm very interested in the fact that people are very very interested in the minutia of parts of her story. And one part of her story is that after her alien experience she was teleported back to a place in your home where there's a big archway and that you said, “That's where the aliens teleport us back to.” Is there an archway like that in your home? Have you ever felt like you were teleported in or out of your home? Is there that archway? People are very focused on this archway, because she made a big deal of this archway in your home.
B: Well, it's not an archway. It's just a door. It's a doorway that goes from one side of the house to the other side of the house. That's it. And I guess you could call it a hallway, if that's what you want to call it. You immediately step into another room. It used to be a hallway, I guess, before I ripped all the walls out. There's no real walls there now. But no it's not an arch, it's just a doorway, a regular door - 32 or 36 inch doorway with a with a barn door on it.
S: That's interesting. She really went into detail about there being this real distinctive archway. I guess that wasn't accurate then, or she remembered it wrong maybe?
B: That's what I'm saying, this is her experience. This is what she experienced. As far as the physical aspect of this story, the archway is square, and there's no tunnels.
S: Okay. Just to play the devil's advocate, I wanted to ask you, have you experienced any strange or paranormal activity in or around your home, the mountain, missing time or anything like that?
B: I wouldn't say missing time or paranormal things like that, but you can definitely feel an energy here. There's definitely an energy here.
S: Well that's interesting. Maybe she felt it more than you.
B: Perhaps, but I mean there's energy in a lot of places, you know. I go hiking and there's energy. So am I being - is that being too silly by saying that? Doesn’t anywhere on the planet – anywhere has energy, you know what I mean, not just my yard and my mountain. I mean I do feel good here. There is peace here, there is something here.
S: Well that's good, that's a good healing place.
B: A healing place, exactly.
S: [from chat] Do you like bacon?
B: Oh yeah, I like bacon.
S: --- is always posting bacon. He's a longtime show supporter.
B: Tell him as long as it’s from the pig that I raised, and I know where my bacon comes from, how about that.
S: Where do you see this story going next? Because I’m a little worried that - I thought several times during this story that the story would fall apart and end. The first time that I thought it would end is when there would be no expedition, because she really hyped up this expedition and “We're going to bring you the proof of the aliens,” and then that fell apart and I thought the story would end. But you're right, she went into sort of guru mode and started talking about more general things that the aliens she claims she's in telepathic contact with are telling her. And then I thought you coming out might be the end of the story but I'm a little concerned that she's going to - it'll be like, he said, she said. She'll maybe try to excuse away your recollection of events.
B: Well that's fine, she can go ahead and do that. But again, I wasn't the one in an ambulance getting checked out for - I don't know why. Why was she – she was inebriated, she was not sober here, so I think most of us were more sober than her.
S: Wow. And that’s another thing I wanted to ask you. Are you aware that she took anything other than what you had given her? You didn’t see her -
B: Nope, nope, not unless [she had something] in her purse. I don't even know if she was drinking alcohol. I don't even think she was drinking. I again I can't recollect.
S: But she had claimed in an interview with me that she was completely and totally sober during this event. You would dispute that?
B: Absolutely I'll dispute that. My oil does not - you're not sober on that oil. I mean it puts you in a good place. how about that. Obviously her in a really good place. That's how I see it. Again, I'm still open to - you know I had a friend of mine that was drunk. He was real drunk - or an old friend, an acquaintance. He had a - he died when he was drunk, like wasted. He said he was completely inebriated and he had an accident, and he drowned, and he died, and he had the most amazing near-death experience. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, we could be inebriated on this side and have an experience on that side that's completely different. So perhaps something like that happened with her. I don't know. I’m just - who knows? Who knows? All I know is we didn't get to know anything about this until recently. We didn't know anything about it when it happened, we didn't know, we had no clue - none of this was even talked about. Perhaps she had an experience three years later, or two years later, and this is what came in her mind.
S: Did you did you watch her press release that she did at the Lincoln Memorial?
B: We didn't get the link to it until a week after. So we watched it a week after.
S: And we you surprised at the attention that got?
B: Of course, we were totally surprised. We were totally surprised and we couldn't believe what - I mean, we just couldn't - we were completely taken back.
S: I wanted to check and see what kind of - As I recall, that got a huge number of views. Yeah, sixty thousand views that got.
B: [laughs] Sixty thousand views, wow. That’s a lot of views.
S: Sixty thousand views.
B: And you know, she's believable. She's intelligent, she's [?] intelligent, she's nice.
S: [from chat] Can we keep Bryan and get rid of her?
B: That's what we're here for.
S: I try to be kind and respectful towards her because I don't wish for any ill will, and I like the story, but I didn't believe it was really true from the beginning. And I got a lot of flack for even covering this story. My interest was that I was wrong and I put my mouth in gear before I had facts in hand. I said her background's probably fake, she didn't work there. And then I started digging in and found out that I was wrong about her education and her background and her work history. But people really are a little vicious towards her. I don't know if you're aware, but there's like memes on the internet of like UFO twitter throwing her out of a car. Some people don't take what they believe to be her fabricating this story very kindly. And they've been a little nasty towards her.
B: Well they should all chill out a little bit, you know. There's no reason to be nasty to anybody. Perhaps she's created that though, as far as why people are pissed off. I’ve seen her go back and forth on some things. I’ve seen her not be honest with you, everybody saw that. I think that kind of discredited her there, when you were lied to. I think that was a turning point.
S: But I suppose that her justification for doing so, in protecting you, if you're gonna have to lie maybe that's a good justification. [from chat] When did it become clear that you, Bryan, had become Wayne? When did you first hear her talking about Trisha and Wayne, and connect the dots and say –
B: She told us. She told us that she changed our names to Wayne and Trisha before she was going to Washington. But we didn't know what really was going on in Washington, you know. She just said she was going to go share her story. We didn't know the extent of this story. We didn't know this story. She just told us her experience but we didn't get all the details like she gave at the press conference when we talked, the one time before that conference.
S: Interesting. And I guess it had to feel like you definitely felt a little threatened by her because she's saying, “I work for the government and we're going to do this expedition one way or the other.”
B: Yeah have - we still feel threatened actually. We're still on guard.
S: Are you are you threatened by her, or do you feel threatened by what chaos and circus she might bring to your home, or both?
B: Exactly. All the above. Not so much her. I don't think she has any ill will. I think that some of her fans may, because of some of the comments that we have read out there towards us, you know which I’m not digging.
S: There's a funny part to her story, in that she said - and of course she’s I suppose politically correct, and said that we shouldn't call the aliens “aliens” because they don't like.
B: Okay [inaudible]
S: [from chat] So aliens don’t hate that we call them aliens. Right?
B: I have no idea. Well shit, what do we call them then? We could be the aliens. Maybe we're the aliens. Maybe we're the scientific researcher.
S: I don't know where we go from here. What are your plans for the future concerning this story? Because today is a big thing for you, to come out in public and say “this is who I really am, this is what really happened, this is my recollection of events.” But what's next? Because unfortunately, Bryan, you know that true believers are already saying things like: “Maybe the men in black got to you and threatened you to not talk about the aliens” or you got paid off by somebody.
B: No.
S: They do these mental gymnastics because they love the story so much, and they don't want to see it fall apart. But what what's next for you and your wife?
B: I don’t know. I go on with life, I hope. I don't know, maybe we'll just start digging in the mountain after all and maybe I'll run into something and then I'll start making –
S: Call the History Channel, get a TV show going.
B: Now I am gonna dig in the damn mountain, you know. Now the whole time I'm digging I'm not just gonna be looking for water, I'm gonna hope I'm not gonna hit one of these guys.
S: You mentioned your children. What did your children think? Because you had to share this story with them. What did your children think when they started seeing their dad had an alien mountain and their mom met aliens the story’s all over the internet. What did your children say or think?
B: Well I got three daughters, three grown daughters, and one of them has nothing to say. The other one doesn't really know what to say, and the other one is throwing a full-on watch party right now with all her girlfriends.
S: Well greetings and salutations, Bryan's daughters, good to have you viewing here.
B: Yeah I wish I can see what's going on out there. I guess they really - they got t-shirts made and they're dressed up in Lavvy suits, purple Lavvy suits with alien piss for drinks. They took Mountain Dew bottles, I guess, and changed the labels.
S: …I wanted to ask you if you'd be okay with taking some questions from the live chatters. All right so friends, here's your chance. It's not just me that gets to take this journey, you get to take it with us… Maybe there's something in that mountain you can cash in on this, right? Definitely cash in on this.
B: I hate to disappoint everybody on that.
S: …A lot of people have been very critical of this story and I remember when the story broke a lot of people were saying this story's got to be fake because who takes a perfect stranger home after just meeting them? Why did you take home a perfect stranger?
B: Yes, I do things like that sometimes. I don't know. I don't do that anymore, how about that.
S: It makes sense.
B: I felt safe with that, you know, that's all. We're right down the street from this place. It doesn't happen often, it doesn't happen anymore, how about that. But there for a minute I was just feeling friendly, I suppose.
S: …Anjali had mentioned that you're very qualified to dig tunnels and mountains because you have all these tools. [from chat] Does Bryan have secret covert digging equipment and hidden tools?
B: Nope, I got a pick, a shovel, that's about it. Digging bars. We got maybe some jackhammers, I suppose, if I really wanted to. We do have a construction company so we got cool stuff.
S: [from chat] When did Bryan and Anjali's takes start to diverge? Was it from when you all returned to Bryan's house? So her story is accurate and correct according to you until we get to the aliens, right? That's where the divergence happens. She's right about meeting you at the coffee house, talking and then coming back to your home, but then things get different, right?
B: The only thing that got different about it is the ambulance came and stuff, and that kind of definitely changed the energy, you know. When everybody's all buzzed up and I say, you got a sheriff here and an ambulance here, on this stranger that we just brought home - I guess that would be where the diverge started, maybe, with some people here.
S: [from chat] Did Anjali ever have time on Bryan's property alone?
B: No, answer is no.
S: [from chat] Does Bryan have any neighbors, and if so what do they all think of this? Are they aware?
B: We have like one neighbor, but we have big parcels so we're pretty far apart and no, nobody was aware of any of this because we don't really see each other. Can't really see our places.
S: I think wealthy is a relative term but [from chat]: Is Bryan wealthy? I’m sure Anjali claimed he was very rich.
B: No, I'm not wealthy. I'm wealthy in spirit, not money.
S: You've kind of answered this: All in all, Bryan, do you think that she had a paranormal or ET experience?
B: All in all, she is so convinced that - I mean, I wish I would have saw it. So I really don't know what to say with that. I don't think she did, but who am I to say that? It’s for her mind, you know. So all in all I really don't know, but I would have to say, if she did, that's great. If she didn't then this all should be squashed now, right?
S: [from chat] Bryan, what did Anjali's boyfriend think of the false story?
B: I don't know. He didn't come up here from the coffee shop. When he came to pick her up, there was no words exchanged. She just got in his car and they took off. And then the next day when they came back to get her car, that's all they did. I mean it was - they pulled up, she got in her car, and they took off. It was hi and bye. There was no conversation. I didn't even meet the guy. I don't even think - I didn't even shake his hand or anything. I didn't even know his name. So I don't know what he thought.
S: [from chat] wants to know if you could start your own UFO cult so he can join that one instead of hers. You're the guy with the mountain, man. You can cash in. You can have sky watches.
B: We'll talk about tours after here. We'll talk about some tours maybe. Let us get some tunnels dug first.
S: [from chat] What is Bryan's pedigree as far as other paranormal, New Age or UFO ET stories he has read or followed? Have you been a fan of some of this stuff?
B: Just Ancient Aliens, I guess. I’m a big fan of Ancient Aliens and I watch that all the time. Any other show that I can find, I guess.
S: [from chat] Have you considered any legal action against Anjali?
B: Well we've talked to a couple lawyers about some things, so we're - we don't know. We're definitely talking about it.
S: [from chat] Did this strange behavior from AnjalI and the UFO community surprise you?
B: Yes, yes, absolutely. As far as the UFO community, well you can't be surprised with that because they're just listening and following somebody's story. So I mean of course people are going to be on that story. But as far as a strange behavior from Anjali, yes. I wish I could help her.
S: … Do you read any UFO books?
B: I have some but I haven't got to them yet, so they're on the shelf.
S: That's interesting, like maybe I ought to read up on this now that I'm the alien messiah here, and I’m the guy with the mountain with the aliens in it.
B: I'm gonna up my UFO life, for sure.
S: This is a weird question [from chat]: Was the ambulance driver or sheriff wearing lavender or smelled like lavender? Some people have recounted that maybe she was having some kind of a psychotic break or something, and her being in that ambulance is what caused the some of the story, that the aliens laid her on a table and put her out of her body. They weren’t wearing purple uniforms?
B: I didn't go in the ambulance so I didn't see who was in there. That could have been an alien in there, I don't know. But me and the sheriff were talking outside and he was wearing his uniform. I didn't get close enough to smell him.
S: Was she awake the whole time at your place? Was there any time that you didn't see her?
B: She was awake the whole time and there was not any time that I did not see her. In fact our company left. My wife went to bed, and it was just Anjali and I for a couple hours bullshitting in the living room waiting for her ride to show up.
S: Do you think her mental status has changed or digressed since you met her?
B: I couldn't tell you that because I met her one time, what, three years ago, plus? And we've had a couple conversations on the phone here recently. So I wouldn't be able to answer that question as I don't think I know her well enough.
S: A lot of people have suggested that you should consider hypnotic regression and people are asking would you consider a hypnotic regression? But I tend to caution people against that because I don't know that that's really - especially some of these hypnotic regressors that see aliens everywhere, like the woman that Anjali went to, Barbara Lamb. Almost every time she hypnotically regresses somebody, they recall alien experiences. Would you consider that?
B: I would consider it. I’ve been considering getting hypnotized for other reasons. Again I'm real protective about who I'm gonna share that energy with.
S: Would you be prepared to do a show with her?
B: Well of course I would.
S: Well, the door's open, you know. She's gonna do an interview here tomorrow but she made me agree that there would be no other people involved, no surprise guests, no co-hosts, no panelists. Just me and her. But I'll ask her tomorrow if she would agree to appear with you. Maybe that would be helpful. Did you tell Anjali that you excavated a tunnel on your land? I think we've been over that.
B: No, I never told her anything like that because I wouldn't tell anybody something I didn't do. I'm going to one day. I am going to excavate a tunnel. One day.
S: Let us know if you find aliens and I'm on a plane there, Bryan. I want the exclusive.
B: We'll do your show with them in the cave.
S: We can stream it. I think Anjali answered this, but how did her daughter know Bryan's address for the welfare check?
B: Anjali asked us for our address, didn’t she? [to wife] She asked us for our address when she was on the phone with her daughter.
S: People are asking what you think about Max. That would be her partner or her boyfriend.
B: I don't know really what to think about Max. I just don't know if Max - I don't know. Max is obviously her partner but I don't know Max. I just don't know if me and Max would get along.
S: [from chat] Bryan will you please not consider hypnotic regression. It has been debunked repeatedly. That's a real hot button issue because some people believe that the regressors just make suggestions that make people recall memories that aren't true or accurate.
B: Like I said, I wouldn't do it. I really don't need to do it for any kind of beings because I know they exist. I'm not questioning their existence. It'd be for other psychological shit.
S: I don't recall her saying that you did, but somebody is asking did you show your ID to Anjali at the coffee shop?
B: You know, she said, she claims we did, but I don't know. I mean, maybe. I don't recollect that but that's - I don't remember.
S: …We covered an awful lot of ground here. I'm not sure where to go next with you, but you did joke about doing sky watches or maybe a tour, right?
B: You never know. I'd rather just have somebody go ahead and start bidding.
S: Yeah, let them worry about finding those aliens, right?
B: And they can do all of it. Anjali can go ahead and – they can go ahead and start. They can start it. All they gotta do is - they know what they gotta do. It’s okay.
S: Have you had any paranormal experiences that you are comfortable sharing?
B: I wish I did have any. I wish I did. I’ve had a near-death experience and but I don't know if that counts as paranormal. No I don't really have any paranormal experiences that is worth really trying to share about that.
S: Charlie Wiser's here in our live chat and says mail me that lavender please… At any time did Anjali appear to be in a disoriented or disassociated state like having micro-seizures?
B: No, not like that, no. Just disoriented, I would say. Too much cannabis is what it was.
S: But your recollection of her state of mind is that she was very inebriated on this cannabis oil? Impaired, would you say?
B: Well she wasn't feeling good, and that's one of the symptoms when you've had too much. You get the spins. Some people get nauseous. So she was kind of feeling like that, I think. But she appeared to be walking just fine. It wasn't like she was having a problem walking, because she walked out to the ambulance just fine. As far as - I mean I don't know how disoriented she was. But I wouldn't say micro-seizures. I didn't see anything like that.
S: Has Anjali ever approached you with someone else from her line of work in Intel? She did make these threats that she worked for the government, so I guess people are wondering if she approached you with other parties from the government.
B: Not as of yet, but we've gotten somewhat that kind of threat from her in that fashion, I guess.
S: A lot of people have suggested that this whole thing is a government psychological operation for some reason, mostly because of her background.
B: We’ve felt the same.
S: So do you think Anjali is still a covert government operative running a psyop?
B: Those thoughts have ran through our mind. We don't know shit. Who knows? I mean she's something else, I must say, and whatever they're up to they're up to it.
S: Does Wayne drape himself in lavender when he doses people?
B: No.
S: Was anybody wearing purple clothes that day? That maybe explains her seeing some purple being. I don't get how she's seeing a purple being then.
B: No, there was no purple. No I don't drape – no, I don't even dose people anymore, how about that.
S: Well look what happened the last time you did it, right? They start seeing aliens, went to the Lincoln Memorial and they're having press conferences.
B: I don’t take nobody home. We’re not doing that shit anymore.
S: Were there any other drugs taken?
B: Not to my knowledge. We're a holistic place here, so we're only into natural stuff. So if anybody else had drugs in their purse or –
S: If she was on anything else, you weren't aware of her doing anything.
B: That’s exactly right, yeah. We don't have any pharmaceuticals here.
S: Do you think Anjali's experience was like astral travel?
B: Well that's a possibility, I guess that's a possibility. But as she was astral traveling her body was walking with us and hanging out with us. So if that's how astral travel works, that's cool. I can't wait to do it. I can't wait to hang out with my people and then later on let him know, hey I wasn't even there. I was on another planet, in their spaceship, so let me know what the hell happened again last night, cuz my body was there but I wasn't. There that'd be pretty cool, I guess.
S: Some people have said that Anjali is basically starting a cult and it's kind of a scary cult too, because it's what a lot of cult experts would call a doomsday cult, because she says like the world's going to end in 2027, I think, or something like that, and we have to get ready for it.
B: It’s very dangerous.
S: Does Bryan think her guru narrative is dangerous to those with mental health issues?
B: I think it's very dangerous, absolutely very dangerous. In fact we've talked about that. In fact I guess that's what I'm more concerned about with our own life, you know, is maybe some of these people that are not mentally - Cuz some of the things, some of the - I mean look at you, you've had death threats over this bullshit, so.
S: People were so pissed off that that expedition got canceled that they blamed me for finding you, but I didn't really find you, we found somebody else and it was a whole big thing. Did she have any alcohol, drinking before smoking cannabis is never good. Were you aware that she was drinking either at the coffee shop or at your home?
B: I don't recall her drinking. I just don't recall that. Only a couple of us were heavy drinkers. The other couple, they were more of the drinkers, you know. I think I was having wine that day. I don't really get to do that because it's sugar, so that was a rare event. I don't recall, so I don't want to answer that.
S: Was Anjali a spiritual guru type when Bryan met her, or that that happened more after her encounter?
B: It was more of the after. Well I mean, I’ve just been learning about this guru stuff here, just recently since August, since we've been talking. But no, as far as the spiritual guru type, maybe spiritual I suppose. As far as a guru type, no.
S: So she didn't strike you like a guru type when you met her?
B: Not really, not really. She was interested in aliens, though, so that was cool.
S: Why not let Anjali guide you to the cave with Steven Cambian to prove the cave's existence?
B: I'm totally down with that. It’ll just be Anjali and Steve and me.
S: I would totally do that but I would be pissed if I flew halfway across the country with a bag full of cameras and shit and then there was nothing there, I'd be a little upset.
B: You're gonna get upset.
S: But it'll be a nice vacation though. I’ve always wanted to visit the area.
B: You’re welcome anytime.
S: [from chat] Bryan is super humble given the circumstances – kudos.
B: Well thank you, thank you, I'm trying to be.
S: [from chat] Can Bryan come on as a guest on the Truthseekers interview with Anjali tomorrow? She expressly made me agree that there would be only me and her. So maybe in the future. I'll ask her tomorrow if she'd be willing to do that in the future. I'd be happy to host that. Maybe these two can hash it out and reach a better understanding, right?
B: Sure, sure, I mean maybe she'll change her mind tomorrow on the show. I'll be watching. I'll be right there. I'll be ready right there.
S: Somebody wants you to take your webcam to the barn doors in the middle of your house. Oh I guess because of the arch thing. Did she ever talk about a fake alien invasion to you?
B: No.
S: Not that you recall.
B: We'll post pictures of the barn door.
S: Could the whole thing be a psychological operation to discredit experiencers or the topic in general?
B: I suppose it could be.
S: And Wayne's welcome to participate in the chat, but just so everybody knows - when a guest has certain conditions to agree to the interview, I always am a man of my word. So she specifically said no surprise guests, no panel members, no co-hosts, nobody else, just you and me Stephen. And I said okay. So I have to honor that agreement. But I promise you all, I will ask her to do an additional show with with Wayne and her, and then I think that would be the next step. Because I think what we're gonna have here, Bryan, is “he said, she said”. Tonight as he said, and tomorrow night maybe she said, and then we'll be right where we started. Some of these rabbit holes are frustrating, right?
B: Yeah. Well the only thing that won't be frustrating on this side is nothing's going to change over here, as far as what happened physically.
S: Did you guys talk about aliens at the house while you were baked? When she came back to your house from the coffee - I know that you said you talked about aliens a little bit at the coffee shop and so did she. But were you guys talking about aliens when you were at your house?
B: I believe we were, I think we were talking about - we probably were, because we were talking - it was a subject as far as the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, of a book that we're all looking for. That was probably what that - so yes, I would say we probably had a little bit of talk like that. But I don't think it was too deep because the other people that were with us, they weren't much into that, so I can see it not getting too deep, you know.
S: [from chat] Bryan, thank you for coming forward. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for continued recovery, wellness and happiness. Great conversation tonight.
B: Right on, thank you, thank you very much.
S: Who brought up aliens first?
B: You know I couldn't answer that. It was just a conversation about aliens so I don't know who did. I don't you know.
S: I did neglect to ask you a few things. I wanted to know how has this affected your wife and your marriage? What does your wife think of all this?
B: My wife's been extremely stressed out. As a matter of fact, that's a lot why I'm here, because she and Anjali had some words a few weeks ago, and it was just getting stupid. It's just stupid. There's no reason for threats or bullying or manipulation. So now that that shit's occurring, I'm here. Here now, here we are. Here we are, you know. My wife is pissed off so now I'm pissed off. That's kind of where that is on that one. She's lost a lot of sleep over this.
S: I can imagine, yeah. You're all over the internet all of a sudden. [from chat] Would Bryan be willing to describe his near-death experience?
B: Sure I would, I'll do that at another time.
S: Earlier you said you don't really have a paranormal experience. I would consider that definitely on the list, right?
B: It was it was pretty powerful, for sure. I would rather describe that on its own, but it was amazing, how about that. I'll describe it as absolutely amazing. And I'm looking forward to doing that again someday.
S: … As I recall she basically said that at the coffee shop you said: “Do you want to meet some aliens?” and then you took her back and told her there was an aliens in your base.
B: I don't recall saying that because I wouldn't say that to anybody. I wouldn't bullshit somebody to say, “Hey come meet some aliens” when there's no aliens there. That's not my style. So the only thing that was ever talked about is the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, that's it.
S: Charlie Wiser: Did Anjali record your Zoom calls and do you have the recordings? I'm not sure if you're aware, but Anjali is now claiming that she has Zoom calls that are going to contradict what you're saying here tonight, and that she has recordings of so and so.
B: And that’s fine, that's okay, she can have - if she has recorded Zoom calls of us, like I said - and I'll say it straight up, we have had conversations and we did entertain this for a price.
S: Very honest of you.
B: So what, so she's got recordings of us? She evidently she has some recordings she doesn't want to release. She's got this big surprise she's going to release recordings of us that we sent her? I'll just tell you right now, Anjali, if you release recordings of me sending you my land, then you are - I am gonna - don't do that. You don't have my permission. I'm gonna publicly say right now, you do not have my permission to share any photos that I have shared with you, or any talks that we have had. I'll make that clear. Do not send any pictures in public of our land, in any way, or our faces. You don't need to do that. There's no reason for you to defend yourself with us.
S: I would hope that she would respect your privacy. She's been really vocal about doing everything to protect your privacy for quite a while, so I can't imagine why she would turn around and do that now. [from chat] Bryan, bless you brother, you were totally bullied into all of this. Good vibes towards you, your health and well-being…
B: Thank you, appreciate it a lot.
S: A lot of people liking you tonight, Bryan. Bryan should become part of the UFO community. He seems to be cool and funny and we want to hear him talk about aliens and share his cannabis oil recipe. Seems to be good strong stuff.
B: I think I will join this. It sounds fun.
S: I'm a big advocate of cannabis as medicine. I partake myself… cannabis alleviates the pain… So you're a big supporter of medical cannabis and cannabis oil for cancer treatment, right? It's been very beneficial for you?
B: Changed my world. I didn't know anything about it. After the surgery - I had a 13-hour cut on my neck, then I did one round of radiation. My protocol was two rounds but not the third because the third would kill me, they said. So I ate this radiation pill and to this day I have issues from that pill. That was actually the last pill I’ve ever eaten. I haven't even had a Tylenol or an Advil since then. So that was February 17, 2014. I got so sick, I mean I literally lost about 100 pounds. I couldn't eat. I threw up every day for probably two years, maybe less than that, I don't know. I could be off on that, but anyway it was a long time and I did I just couldn't eat. Well a friend of mine introduced me, he said hey, do you know what Rick Simpson oil is? I had no idea.
S: That's the oil that somebody mentioned to me, that said it's super super strong and concentrated and would make you almost feel like you're having an out of body experience, if you take too much.
B: It's really good. Just taking it in mild doses, micro doses, does wonders for people. Cancer patients of stage four, or all cancer patients are recommended to do this at the cancer center that we go to. So I’ve been doing this ever since - the day that I was introduced to this, I was able to eat a plate of food. I couldn't eat. I couldn't eat. I had to force food down me and I hated it. But when this oil came into my life, man, oh I was I was thrashing the kitchen, you know. I’ve seen it do a lot of great things for other people as well and in a lot of different circumstances. I'm a firm believer. I think the whole world should be on it myself. I think if most people were on this, they would get rid of their – it would take a lot of their ailments away if they figured out their dose to take, that it wouldn't hurt, you know not too much. Like I probably overdid Anjali that night, cuz that was always a bad habit of mine, is I'd give people a little too much.
S: Part of Anjali's story is that at your house was her, you and your wife, and another couple. And I guess people want to confirm that part of her story.
B: Yes, that’s it.
S: So there's five of you. So there you go. How many people were at the house? Five, just as Anjali had described. Did you know that other couple, and are they aware of this whole internet story?
B: We kinda lost contact with them. They moved out of state and we just haven't really kept in touch. I don't know if they know or not.
S: I selfishly was thinking if you still knew them, I would call them, too, because if four of the five of you don't remember the aliens that were there that night - not that I need more convincing though, Bryan, but I'm sure people are gonna ask me, are you gonna interview the other people too?
B: I guess you could say we had a mild falling out because we haven't heard from them. I don't really know what to say. I'm not gonna go hound somebody if they're not gonna return my phone call.
S: But those people, to the best of your recollection, that other couple, didn't see aliens or have an alien experience or anything like that, that night, right?
B: No, of course not, no. They left -
S: Just Anjali.
B: Yeah, just Anjali. I mean they left on a normal night. They took off. It was just a simple evening, you know. Like I said, there was none of this talk, none of this talk of anything of this story was until last August, that we even knew anything about this. Just like the world.
S: I guess one of the last things I would like to ask you is - because everybody is speculating on her, on her motivations, on her why she's doing this - is she after money, fame, power? Is she looking for a movie deal, a television deal? What do you think her motivation is for all of this story, this entire thing, and how much it has blown up? What do you think her motives are for doing all of this?
B: I really don't know, because she has made it clear that she doesn't want money although she's kind of offered some money out on the table. For instance when I said 10 million dollars, she said “Oh, well let's just make it 20. And we won't take anything less than 15.” It's like, oh okay, well hey, great, you know, of course I'm going to entertain that.
S: But did you think that was just talk or that she actually had access to that kind of funding?
B: I didn't know what to think, so of course I'm going to entertain it, right?
S: [from chat] Bryan have you ever suspected or dreamt of alien abductions?
B: Nope, I haven’t. Not even after watching hours of shows before I went to bed.
S: Is it true that she mentioned Bigelow might step in and fund this whole adventure?
B: She said Bigelow Aerospace wanted to step in and buy this land, yes.
S: I can contact them and see if that's an accurate part of her story, or if they've never heard of her, right? So what do you think is next for you? You're gonna listen to what she has to say tomorrow?
B: Of course. I can't wait. I hope she [---] me in or has good things to say. Like I said, I'm not trying to come here and be an enemy, or slander her, or make her look bad in any way. I'm just basically coming in here to say: here's the deal, this is the Wayne, and everybody stop looking for Wayne and Trisha.
S: Actually if you could wait one moment, this is what I'm gonna ask you to do, and this is important because it seems to me like you two have been going back and forth, you and your wife and her have been going back and forth and you were very adamant that you wanted to come here and communicate some things directly to her tonight. So i'm going to solo you, and if you could say anything to her about this whole situation she put you and your family through, about the future of whatever she's trying to do, I would like you to just talk directly to her. What would you like to communicate to her?
B: Anjali, I guess all I can say is whatever journey you're doing and you're on, is stay on it and believe in what you believe in, but there's no reason to be dragging us into it and doing this to our life. So please just respect that. And would be it. That’d be what I would like to say.
Bryan: Hey, how you doing?
S: I can call you Bryan now, right?
B: Sure you can. You can call me Bryan.
S: Well thanks for doing this tonight. I'm very happy that I get to bring the public your side of the story. I don't know where to begin but I thought that we could begin with the beginning. How did you meet this woman? How did you end up inviting her back to your home? Let's take it from there.
B: Okay. Well, we met at a coffee shop.
S: So that part's true.
B: Yeah, we were at a coffee shop. This coffee shop’s kind of set up like a living room, at the time anyway. I haven't been there in a long time… couches… so you're kind of intimate in this place. Whoever is laying around the circle is part of the conversation. I used to wear this medicine bag around my neck for about five years when I was fighting cancer. [holds it up, shows the spoon]
S: So you believe that’s what got the conversation started?
B: It could be. I think the conversation might have started with health. I don't remember just walking into a coffee shop and immediately talking about aliens on the mountain. I would say it started with health and I was the guy that used to like to dose everybody. [inaudible]
S: You're my kind of friend, Bryan.
B: I believe I dosed her in the coffee shop along with anybody that wanted any.
S: Okay just to be clear though, when you say dosed - because you know my original theory was that she got dosed with some sort of hallucinogen, but you dosed her with THC concentrate cannabis oil, correct?
B: Yes, cannabis oil, THC, yes. And you know, if you're not used to this stuff it can be strong. If you have - I've found out through the years, if you if you're on any kind of pharmaceutical drugs and you mix this with that, it can have a different effect. I'm not saying that that's the case. These are just things that I know, that I've learned through people, learned by people's stories.
S: Yeah, I’ve heard that as well. I’ve heard that if you're on any kind of - especially if you're on any kind of psychological medication, like for depression or anxiety, it could it could interfere with that.
B: Definitely enhance – it does bring things out, for sure.
S: [from chat] Did she did she know she was getting dosed? You didn't like slip it in her drink?
B: Oh no, no absolutely not.
S: She knew she was taking it, right?
B: Absolutely, yeah, for sure. You have to actually eat it.
S: So you meet her in this coffee shop, you're having a conversation, you start talking about the cannabis oil and she takes a dose of it, right.
B: We probably all did, around the circle, who knows, you know? And this coffee shop serves wine, by the way, so some of us were drinking alcohol and some weren't. I don't know who was and who wasn't really. And then soon after that we came back up to my place. I used to invite people, you know. I was a little - I used to be a lot - I was friendly. And I didn't always think, either. I'll just tell you that. The radiation that I took kind of zapped my brain for a while.
S: But I think that's okay, so you're like happy to be alive and you meet new people, you socialize and say, “Hey, come and hang out at our house”.
B: Yeah it was kinda like - well then we were talking about aliens in the coffee shop, so that's what brought her - that story did come up. The conversation of aliens came up and that's probably what we brought her up here for, just to show her the mountain. All we were saying is, there's alien sightings on our mountain in the 60s. And there's a book out there.
S: I tried to find the book. I have to reach out to a friend of mine who's like a walking encyclopedia of UFO stuff. He would know
B: I’d like to know.
S: Apparently, yes, apparently there is a book that details somebody seeing or experiencing or meeting aliens right in that area, in that mountain, so you were talking to her about the history of there may be some - and sometimes there's UFO sightings in that area, and things like that, right?
B: Yes, yes, and that's all it really was. So when we all came up here - let's see if I can right remember this right. She had a male friend with her, but he didn't come. She drove herself. He left. Other friends came up as well, our friends that stay here sometimes. They were in their car. So anyway we all came up and proceeded to have some more cannabis oil. You know, why not? Now you're home.
S: Yeah I know, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. So she takes one dose at the coffee shop, drives to your house, and then –
B: I don't know if she did a second or not, maybe, I really can't call that one, if she did or not. I know I did, because I was home and I wanted some more.
S: So you go back to your house, maybe there was some more cannabis oil.
B: There definitely was. We walked around the land. We showed - I showed her - now as far as digging, as far as the tunnels –
S: Oh yeah I was gonna get into that. According to according to Anjali's story, you told her that you knew there was an alien mountain base, there was aliens inside the mountain, so you dug a tunnel to reach the base. That's what she said that you relayed to her.
B: No. I haven't even started digging yet. I am digging two tunnels on my land, but I haven't even got a chance to start yet. But the only reason I'm doing that is because I feel like there's water. There's water in the mountain, that's all. It wasn't - I never claimed there was aliens in my mountain, ever.
S: So that contradicts a lot of her story. You did tell me off air though, that you were explaining to her that you were basically going to dig some tunnels and you were gonna build a wine cellar and a man cave in there, right?
B: Yeah, absolutely.
S: It wasn't about aliens.
B: No.
S: It was just about building something into the mountain.
B: Yeah, exactly.
S: But you hadn't begun, you had not – and to this day you have not begun doing anything.
B: I have not even – nope, haven't even started yet.
S: So there's no tunnels on the mountain that you're aware of?
B: There's not a tunnel. There’s not a tunnel on this mountain.
S: Is there any caves or anything, that you're aware of?
B: [shakes head]
S: No. So that kind of contradicts a large part of her story.
B: Where she's claiming these [tunnels] are, you know, is absolutely not.
S: So, no tunnels, no caves that you're aware of, or entrances.
B: No.
S: Someone also suggested that there could be some kind of a shed hiding an entrance into the tunnel or something. Are you aware of anything like that?
B: There's a shed in front of where I'm gonna be digging, so that's what she's talking about and that's where - that was just a conversation anyway, so.
S: But she took it and said that you had already dug the tunnel into the mountain. That you met the aliens, that they take people and then they teleport them back into your house.
B: No, I never told her any of that. The conversation of me digging a hole, I mean I didn't really even talk about that too much with people, you know, because I didn't really want people to know what I was doing. But I mean of course, if you're in a helicopter you're gonna see what I'm doing or whatever, you know. The squirrel's got great houses in the mountains, so I was kind of following the squirrels, you know. It wasn't the aliens.
S: So you yourself have not had an alien experience at the mountain or inside the mountain? And you have never been teleported by the aliens? None of that?
B: No, no. It’d be cool, though. It would be pretty cool.
S: Just to be clear though, you have a bit of an interest in UFOs and aliens, right?
B: Oh I love aliens.
S: That's why you were talking –
B: For sure. Aliens, they exist for sure. I believe they live here now. There's no doubt in my mind that they live underground.
S: But you haven't seen them in your mountain.
B: No.
S: Or dug a tunnel to them, or communicated with any of the aliens.
B: No.
S: So explain for me, when she was at your home - because she tends to say basically that she took a hike to the tunnel with you and another couple, and then you all went in the tunnel, and then this is where she meets the aliens. None of that happened?
B: Well, not in physical appearance here. I mean, if it happened in her experience, that's her experience. I don't want to really take that away from her. If that's what she thinks happened then that's cool. What a great story. I’d be keeping it to myself [inaudible].
S: She described it as a physical experience – she, you and your wife and another couple went into the tunnel.
B: We didn't - we don't remember any tunnel. We don't remember any part of that.
S: So what did happen? She just walked around the grounds, around the mountain, took a hike and then that was it?
B: We all went - okay as far as the hike goes, it wasn't like a hike. It was just up my driveway to the upper level of the of our - of what is cut, you follow me? Like what pads are cut, you know, like where you can walk without hiking the mountain. We didn't hike. We never hiked any mountain. We walked up the driveway about another - I don't know, it's another 200 or 150 feet up. We just went up and I just showed her, them, that area. That's all. And if it was - to my knowledge she wanted to see more of the land, or something maybe. I can't even remember why we walked up there because it was unusual that I walked up there on that day.
S: So basically you guys were just hanging out and you were kind of showing her your –
B: Yeah, that’s all.
S: Your land, right? You have a big chunk of land there, a nice chunk of land with nice scenery and a mountain on it, and you're just showing her the mountain and the land and things like that.
B: Yeah, yeah, that's all, just casual.
S: Could you estimate for me like how long was she at your home in total, and how long was she walking around the grounds?
B: Well, let's see, we got back from the coffee shop probably about two o'clock, maybe three or so. We weren't outside too long, probably maybe a couple hours maybe, before it started getting dark maybe. I don't even remember - it was probably, it was January so yeah, it probably got dark around four. And it was cold. So from that point I can see us coming inside by the fire. And it was about that time though that I think that call - it was still light when - because when the ambulance showed up and the sheriff showed up –
S: Oh yeah, I was going to say, just just to be clear because we're trying to get to confirm or deny some bits of her story. We'll get to the ambulance. I have that on my list. But she claimed that you guys were all in the mountain and then either her or you, I'm a little foggy on the story, it's been a little bit since I’ve reviewed it all, either her or all of you were inside the mountain in this tunnel and you were instantly teleported back to your home.
B: Well I don't - I didn't have that experience.
S: You don’t recall that? You didn’t have that experience.
B: We walked down – we walked right back down the same way we walked up, and came in the house. And you know, she was on her phone. She was on her phone and I didn't think much of it. I mean, you know, a person has a phone call, you know what I mean. So the next thing you know there's a sheriff in my front yard and there's an ambulance right with them.
S: Can you explain to us why would an ambulance show up for her at your home?
B: [shrugs]
S: But they did a wellness check of her, right?
B: It was a welfare check. When I walked outside, I told the sheriff, I said, “Man, you got the wrong house again,” because they've mixed up my address before.
S: Yeah, it happens, especially in rural areas.
B: So I said, “You got the wrong place,” and he said, “No, is Angelia here?” and was like “Well what the fuck is that?” You know? “Yeah.” I mean what - you know, who is this person, you know what I mean? Like I just brought this person to my house and now there's a sheriff here and now there's an ambulance here, you know. Anyway he didn't give me any information until he saw her. And then after he saw her, and then the ambulance was checking her out, then once she was in the ambulance, then the sheriff and I had a, you know, we had talks. And some laughs actually, you know. I straight up told him, I said, “Hey, so what's the deal here? I mean what's up?” And he said “Well somebody called in for a welfare check for her.” I go, “Oh okay, so I mean what's the problem? Are they thinking that she's inebriated or something, or what?” And he goes, “Well I really don't know.” And I go, whatever. He couldn't really - he didn't he wanna share the information with me cuz I guess you can't, because it's investigation stuff or whatever.
S: And I think I’ve heard her explain maybe that her daughter called because she was concerned about her or couldn't reach her on the phone so she called the local authorities to do a wellness check.
B: Right.
S: What goes on for a wellness check? The paramedics just checked her out, checked her vitals to see if she was okay?
B: She was in the paramedics for about, probably, I don't know, 20 minutes or so, 15 minutes. And me and the sheriff, we were just we were laughing. I said, “Hey man, I overdosed her with cannabis oil, that's all that's going on here. you know what I mean. She's probably took way too much.
S: You told the sheriff? You must have a good sheriff.
B: Oh yeah, he was laughing his ass off, man. We were joking about it, you know.
S: Let's get back to the cannabis oil. My original hypothesis is that she took some kind of drugs and that led to her having this strange experience that she related to aliens somehow. And meeting a purple being, which is very very similar to a description that many people give of a DMT experience. How strong is this stuff, and does it really really hit you that hard that you could maybe have some kind of a just out-of-it experience, and somehow interpret it as aliens?
B: Well I’ve eaten this stuff by the spoonfuls and I haven't yet seen an alien yet. I mean, maybe if it's mixed with something, perhaps? I'm not saying that somebody else can't, you know. Maybe it affects people in a different way.
S: I have done a little bit of research and checked in with a few friends who are frequent users, and there's a certain kind - I can't recall it off the top of my head - that somebody recounted to me could definitely knock you on your butt and make you feel like you're out of your own body and a few other strange effects.
B: Oh, for sure. For sure.
S: After this wellness check, did she recount, did she say, talk about aliens or being in a tunnel with the aliens or any of that kind of stuff?
B: No, no, no.
S: So she didn't even mention the aliens to you.
B: The ambulance let her out. She came right back in the house. The sheriff took off. She called for a ride from her male friend. He came back and picked her up about 11:30 that night. She left her car here because she couldn't drive her car. So she came back the next day and got her car about noon and not one word.
S: So she was she was impaired enough to know that she couldn't drive?
B: Oh yes. Absolutely.
S: So the next day she comes back to get her car. Does she tell you about - any talk about the alien experience that she had or anything like that?
B: No. Nothing about any aliens until just last August.
S: And I guess we can pick up the story there, because apparently she doesn't really talk to you guys for several years.
B: About three years.
S: What happens, she starts contacting you, telling you about her alien experience and wanting to bring people there? Take us through that because that's important.
B: My wife was informing me that this lady was trying to get ahold of me and I honestly didn't remember who she was. She goes, “You know, the lady that was here - that worked for the Department of Defense and, you know had the experience here, the ambulance and all that?” Anyway I said, “Oh well, gosh, what would she want? What can she possibly want? It's been years. What the heck.”
S: Yeah you haven't heard from her in a long time, right?
B: Yeah, years and then all of a sudden now this. Now you have to know we met this person one day, one day at a coffee shop. I brought her home, we all hung out for a few hours or whatever, and then that happened. The next day when she picked up her car, we never spoke again. We didn't keep in touch or anything. It was one of those.
S: So then she starts contacting you three years later.
B: She's contacting us, and my wife is informing me that she wants to talk to me. And I was like a little hesitant and reluctant and I didn't really know what to think about it or whatever. Anyway, when she finally said something that sparked an interest, like I want to talk to you about how your husband and I walked up the mountain together after you went to bed. Of course now my wife wants to know what this woman has to say.
S: Oh, that’s terrible.
B: That was a manipulative kind of move there, you know, because we never - her and I never walked together alone up in the mountain. So anyway. Where was I at?
S: About her contacting you and what she wanted, right?
B: Yeah. So finally I went ahead and reached out to her, and we had a talk and we even had a Zoom, we had a couple Zoom calls and whatever, FaceTime. I think it was FaceTime we did. Talked, and she told me her story and she told me what was going on, and of course we’re completely taken back – like whoa, like wow, okay.
S: Because she's recounting an experience that she claims you all had together and your recollection of the events is completely –
B: Not there.
S: Normal, right? I mean it was just like a normal day –
B: It was a normal day.
S: Normal night, no aliens, no UFOs, you didn't see anything strange or even talk about the experience.
B: No, there wasn’t any aliens in sight that night. [inaudible] A normal night.
S: When she contacts you, then at some point she starts telling you that she had this alien experience, there's aliens in your mountain, and she wants to bring a whole team of investigators, right? How do you react to that? How did you react?
B: Well, at first we were almost receptive, we're talking about it, like, okay, I was listening. When she was telling me some of the way it was gonna go down, then I was –
S: Were you open to the idea or did you think - ?
B: I was open for it if she was gonna pay me money to uproot my life and stop me from going to work and stuff like that. Absolutely, sure, you wanna come over and dig in my mountain and bring all your equipment over here, well somebody's writing a check.
S: That's very honest of you, but it's true because I'm sure that you knew that this would turn into some kind of a media circus maybe, because of her Defense Intelligence background or whatever, right?
B: And that's what she - she gave us that threat, too. I mean there's been some threats here. When we started saying no to this, and started going the other way, when it wasn't going in a positive direction, then she was starting - then she was using threats like, you know, “Hey, I’m intel, I work for the government. Who do you think you are? I'm not going away.” Shit like that. “We're coming whether you like it or not.” Shit like that, now that's gotten me pissed off, where you're gonna tell me what you're gonna do on my land. Well, we're not gonna do that because there is nothing on this land. There’s no tunnels on this land. So maybe perhaps Angelia had her - I mean I'm not gonna sit here and say she has not seen aliens or dealt with aliens or anything like that. Perhaps she has. She she probably has, how about that. She probably has had these experiences and they're coming out like this. And that's cool, okay. Whatever - Here's the thing. She can have her experiences, but they're not here on my land. Physically they're not here, you know? And that’s what I want everybody to understand.
S: Were you thinking like, none of this happened so why would she even want to dig here? Did you talk to her and say none of this happened the way that you recall?
B: Yes. Oh, we have –
S: And she just argued with you, right, that you didn't remember it.
B: No, she's telling us we do not remember, and that the beings took our memories away, and now they're telling her that it's time for us to remember.
S: Wow.
B: That's what she's telling me and my wife, that we are now supposed to remember these things. So in other words, it's almost as if she's trying to manipulate our brains or something to believe her story and then go ahead and get on this show here and say, “Yeah Steve, it's totally true. I got aliens in my mountain, I got tunnels –
S: Oh no.
B: [inaudible] would I do that? I wouldn't wanna do that. I mean, you know, why would I do that?
S: Yeah, I hate to say it but your version of the story is quite the letdown, obviously. One thing, point of clarification though. Was she contacting you and doing these phone calls to you, and Zoom calls, before this big press conference she did at the Lincoln Memorial? Or after that?
B: It was coming up to the week of the press conference, like the next week, okay.
S: Okay, so she was trying to get you to agree.
B: We were not aware of this press conference whatsoever. I happened to give her a call. When I finally called her and it happened to be like, I don't know, a couple days before the conference. She kind of - she sugar-coated that conference. She was basically just saying, “Well you know, I'm going to go to Washington and I had an experience at your house and I'm gonna go share my story and I’ve been writing about it for three years and I haven't told you anything. But now I'm ready to tell you. I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna go do this, and is it okay with you?” And we're like, “Well sure,” you know? I mean, “Knock yourself out, I guess.” I didn't really - it was so shocking what she had to say, we really didn't know what to tell her, you know what I mean? So, she never sent us a link to the conference. She never sent us the information so we can watch the conference. We didn't get that information until like a week later.
S: Wow. How did you feel knowing that she stood at the Lincoln Memorial and was telling this story about aliens at your house and involving you and your wife?
B: It was chilling. It was it was tripping us out, man. I mean, we had no idea it was going to end up where it is now.
S: I can imagine.
B: We had no - we didn't know what to do. It actually freaked us out pretty well, how about that. It was - it's been a stressful experience, how about that. This whole thing has been a bunch of stress that we haven't needed. We've never had cameras before. We got ‘em now. There's other things I haven't had before on this mountain that's on this mountain now, you know.
S: So you have to worry about your security.
B: Yeah exactly, security. It’s bullshit. To get everybody vamped up without - how about this: if you want to do this, Anjali, this is what I got to say to you. If you really want to do this, and you really want to bring your people here, then get that checkbook out. Go ahead and buy the land. The starting bid is 10 million dollars, I already told you that, and write a check and you can go dig all you want up here. Straight up.
S: I think that's a very fair way to do it. Just have her buy the mountain, right?
B: Very simple.
S: So after you got wind of the press conference, and you guys, you and your wife, started checking around, were you shocked by the internet? By all the stories on the internet, and the views that her stories were getting, and her following that was getting really big, based on all these stories?
B: Oh yeah, all the shit talk? Yeah, oh yeah. That's what was really starting to stress us out, yeah. People saying they're gonna come and do it anyway, and come take our - do what they want anyway. Shit like that. So yeah, it was definitely scary and still is.
S: Yeah, and there was one filmmaker who – again, back to the wrong Wayne, and we can get into that situation, but somebody threatened to just fly drones over Bryan's mountain but they had the wrong location, thankfully. But people were – yeah, just so every - I wanna make sure that we're very clear on this point. Believers of Anjali, or critics and cynics who wanted to prove her stories were fake, were threatening to just go on to Bryan's land or find Bryan's mountain and find the tunnel. Believers wanted to go and find the tunnel and find the alien. And I think that this is very dangerous because you never know what - you know, hopefully somebody, maybe they're just a little obsessed with aliens and they're not thinking right. But you never know the mindset of somebody that's willing to trespass on somebody else's land or go digging around somebody's basically backyard. It's like your - this thing is in his backyard, basically. Got a huge backyard, lucky guy, he's got a big plot of land there. But the fact that there was all these people on the internet saying, she said, “We're doing the expedition,” then she started saying you wouldn't allow the expedition so then she's saying, “We're gonna do it anyway, or we're going to find a way to do it anyway.” And can you talk a little more about - you mentioned that she basically threatened you that she worked for the government and all these things. So she was trying to twist your arm into her will to do this expedition, right?
B: Basically, when it wasn't working out, when we were pulling back on even thinking about it, that's when she started - that's when the more negative words were coming out.
S: So she has the press conference and then does she continue to pressure you to do this? After the press conference she continues to contact you telling you that she's going to do this expedition. How did you and your wife feel about that? I mean I heard you say, well pay us.
B: Yeah, right. Pay us, pay us. I basically said – cuz I didn't really want to deal with all the stress of, “What are you doing in my land?” I like the land just the way it is. What kind of energy is coming to my land, stuff like that. We're real protective about who we have around us. It was all really a lot to think about. So we just decided, well how about this, how about just a bag of money and then you guys can have it and then we'll just go fishing somewhere, maybe we'll just move to Florida or something. You can have this cool mountain and if everything is true of what she says, then she should be able to make billions with Bigelow or Elon or, you know. If you're so sure about it, then buy it and have at it.
S: Maybe the Skinwalker Ranch owner would be interested, who knows, right?
B: Hey you never know, it might be here. It might be here.
S: After the press conference, and her trying to twist your arm, you guys basically said no, according to her. That “You're not coming here.”
B: Yeah, not without the deal that I just put on the table. You pay us money, we leave, you dig. That's it.
S: And then you guys started actively sort of following what she was saying on the internet. That had to be frustrating for you, knowing that most of her story didn't happen the way she described but she was going on shows and getting all this attention.
B: It was pissing us off, listening to the lies and the changing of the story. Not only was it not true, but she was changing the story, too. So there was some things that she was not remembering what she was saying to people, evidently, because we've been following this pretty closely, from the sidelines of course.
S: This is a personal question and I understand if maybe you just want to keep things private, but it is kind of pertinent to her story. [from chat] At the beginning of the interview Bryan said that he'd beaten cancer, yet Anjali told us - and this was a recurring theme for her, Bryan, just so that you know that we were stressing you out. Everybody questioning her story was stressing you out and making your cancer worse with our questions. So people are very curious, is your recovery recent or was Anjali lying to guilt us and stop us from trying to contact you?
B: I have been fighting cancer since 2013 and I'm still fighting cancer.
S: Sorry to hear that.
B: It started out stage 4 lymphoma and thyroid. I don't know if you can - there's a scar. [shows scar across neck]
S: So you had some surgery to remove the lymph nodes and things?
B: The surgery was actually above my heart, on my heart, on my aortic bridge, that's where it started. I didn't even really know about all the lymph nodes and the thyroid. I'm probably - I don't even know, last I checked I was about a stage 2, stage 1 area.
S: Well that's progress, at least, right?
B: Yeah yeah, I'm in treatment, I’m still in treatment every week and so I got a test coming up here shortly to see if things are moving in the right direction on that. So yes I'm – the cancer never went away. I'm still fighting a lot on it, and it takes a lot to do that, you know. It takes a lot.
S: I’m hesitant to mention this, but I have to voice this concern of mine. One might question the integrity or the ethics of somebody who would involve somebody that's fighting cancer in a story like this. Because obviously she has to know this is going to bring some kind of stress and anxiety on you that you really don't need right now, right? You should be focused on your recovery.
B: We asked her nicely, my wife asked her nicely. We said, “Look, it's not the time.” And it wasn't the time. It's just not the time. I got too much shit going on right now and I got way too much treatment going on. To be gone doing treatment while people are on my land without me here, that's not going to happen. Unless you just go ahead and buy it.
S: Just for any rich people out there who want to buy a mountain that may have aliens in it, it's 10 million dollars, right?
B: It may have. It may. Well, that's the starting number. I'd like to see the bidding war go a little higher than that.
S: God bless you. So we get to the - there's been a lot of back and forth about, yeah, we were stressing you out. I think it's her causing the stress, not people asking questions about her story on the internet or trying - Were you aware that all these people on the internet - it was like, I don't know if you saw that documentary, “Don't mess with cats”, but it was almost like that, like a whole team of people got together on the internet and decided that this story was interesting and we want to hear from Wayne. So whole teams of people, like a whole bunch of different researchers all started doing this detective work trying to find you. I called all these construction companies looking for a guy that owned a mountain. I can't tell you how many dudes hung up on me. Like, “What? I don't have time for this shit. What, aliens? No I don't own a mountain with aliens.” Click. But people were able to find – see, she threw us off the trail because once she said, “Well I changed Trisha's name to something else, but I didn't change Wayne's name.” [Anjali never said this.] So we found a guy who was named Wayne, who owned a construction company, and we could look at the satellite maps and see a mountain right behind his home. We were convinced that was the guy. She lied and said yes that's the guy, claiming that she was trying to just protect you, the real guy. Were you aware that there was like a whole bunch of researchers all over the internet looking for you?
B: Yeah, we were shitting our pants.
S: I'm sorry if I put any stress on you, because I was one of those idiots out there looking for you.
B: No, that’s okay, we didn't - we weren't really mad at you. I mean, how are we going to be mad at thousands of people when one person is doing this, you know?
S: Yeah. And I have to tell you it's a little bit surreal getting to talk to you in person because in my mind I go through this journey I’ve been on, on this whole story of me spending a week on the phone calling all these construction companies. I was looking over satellite maps. Then I started going to public information sites, like okay, who owns this land where this mountain is? Does he own a construction company? There's this whole journey to try to get to you, and it's a little bit surreal to me that a few months later, here you are. And also this kind of humanized part of the story because at first I thought you were her imaginary friends and she just made you two up. Because you were anonymous and the story seems pretty crazy and outlandish. But now having spoken to you and heard parts of your side of the story, it humanizes it a bit more to me. Because people need to remember, when these stories start, that these are real people with real lives and Bryan's got a wife and children and a job and health concerns right now. So it's just odd to me that she would sort of blame us because we went to find you, but she dropped - Didn't you feel she dropped an awful lot of breadcrumbs along the way?
B: She was dropping breadcrumbs. That was pissing us off too, and her and I had talks about that. I said, “You're pretty much giving us up, where we are, who we are.” I mean, it wasn't hard to find out after all those breadcrumbs, you know. So anyway, here it is, this is who I am, and here we are, and we're gonna lay everything out on the table here, and just be truths about it. Because we're on Truthseekers. I like Truthseekers.
S: Thank you, Bryan. I appreciate that Bryan actually, off air, he told me, we have to be careful because I don't wanna beat her up or –
B: Oh no, absolutely not. I wish her the best.
S: He was very clear with me that we have to be respectful to her, which I really respect because he could have come here all guns blazing, cursing her out for causing his family all this stress.
B: No, no, I wish her the best. Good luck with your journey. I think it's an amazing story. I believe that she has amazing experiences from her career. She must. That's all I really can say about that. She's probably had an amazing career in the military.
S: When met her did she talk to you about working for the Defense Intelligence Agency and all that stuff?
B: Very little, not too much. We just knew she did. But she did mention that she worked there and that was about it. Worked for the Department of Defense. And we knew that she wasn't lying, I mean she had stickers all up and down her windshield. A lot of them.
S: I have to tell you the truth. When she first came out with her story, I said this woman's fake, she never worked for the military, she never worked - because most of the time, just so you're aware, a lot of times people come out with these fantastical stories and they make all these claims about where they worked or their education. And it turns out most of the stuff is fabricated. So I was kind of shocked when I started digging in and going, oh, she really was in the Air Force. Oh, she really did work for the Defense Intelligence Agency, not once but twice, once as a contractor and once as a direct employee. So then I got more interested in the story cuz why is this woman that worked for these government agencies suddenly talking about all these aliens, right?
B: Maybe a lot of her - I mean, I think she's had experiences to the point where –
S: She believes those experiences, right?
B: Yes, but you know, it's said that these beings have the ability to take away your memory and all that. Have you heard about anything like that?
S: Sure, and missing time, sure.
B: Yeah and missing time and stuff. So if she got to have that experience here, that's amazing. But again, we're not digging [inaudible].
S: That brings me to another one of my questions. At any point, did you sort of second-guess yourself and go looking more on that mountain?
B: No.
S: Or sitting out there at night looking for spaceships landing or anything?
B: No, no, I'm not gonna do all that. I’ve been up on this mountain a lot of years so I know a lot of - I know pretty much every rock up here. The only thing I thought was, maybe we were stopped in time and she wasn't. That's the only thing I was thinking. Because you hear other stories. You hear other stories of people being abducted and they didn't get to remember anything. So the only thing I was thinking, is it would be something like that with her mind, that she got in her mind only. Not - we didn't get anything, we didn't lose any time on our end. We remember -
S: Not that you’re aware of.
B: Not that we’re aware of, exactly right.
S: Just to play devil's advocate here.
B: Who knows, right? But as far as physical tunnels in my backyard, they're not there. If they're in her mind, then they're there, because she has a pretty descriptive story about my tunnels and my tools and my equipment.
S: Yes, she's very imaginative. And to her credit, she's a writer. She's written fiction books. You have to be imaginative to do that.
B: This could be another one.
S: Yeah, it's quite possible. There was a push - people in the UFO community near her, close to her, were sort of pushing her to write a book and make a documentary, and I believe she had plans to do that at the beginning of this. But then she got a lot of flack for trying to cash in on the story, she's just trying to cash in. So then she canceled those plans for a documentary and a book. So it appears then the motive’s not money, which again makes her a bit of a unicorn because she claims she doesn't want money from the story.
B: Well, you know, I wouldn't claim that at this point. She's got a lot of attention on this story, you know. I mean look, she brought Wayne out of the tunnel.
S: Yeah, I'm telling you, this is very surreal that this is - When I heard that I was actually going to get to talk to you and then - and I have to say, Bryan, I got to talk to Bryan on the phone and I said, “Look, I don't know how to ask you this but people really want to hear your side of the story. Is there any way on earth you would do an interview?” And he said, “Let me think about it – yes! Whenever you want to do it.” And I was like, great, you know, because people did. People want to hear your side of what happened that night. It's a great story, but if this story only happened in her own mind, it's a lot less compelling to me. And again, I agree with you, she may believe - I believe she believes she had this strange experience and met these several different races of aliens. That's the other thing, were you surprised at the level of detail of her story, and how she met human-looking aliens and some of them were gray aliens and then there was the mantis alien. Were you surprised at the detail?
B: Yes. See, that's what - I am surprised of that detail, and also that's what makes me think that she's had a lot of experiences in her career.
S: Yeah, maybe.
B: That maybe she's seen these things in her life and maybe she saw them again here, I don't know. She claims that she's had other experiences in her life, when she was young. She does have other stories here, so why this one is the big one, they really –
S: Well I think maybe because that's where the story begins for many people, that's what they first hear from her. But like many of these people it seems that her story has evolved through a little bit of time and now I believe - last night, really, I think that she claims that she has conscious contact, what she calls conscious contact with the aliens, which is sort of telepathic contact but a little deeper than that because it involves emotions. And she claims she has that every day, which I have a little bit of a problem with because just recently she posted some very fake-looking UFO photos and my question is always why didn't the aliens that you talk to every day tell you, “Those are fake photos, don't tweet those out because it could embarrass you”, or whatever. I don't understand if she's talking to aliens every day, why they wouldn't warn her against certain things, I suppose.
B: Well, that'd be my question too.
S: And somebody else asked if she's in such close contact with the aliens, why wouldn't she ask the aliens to heal you, Bryan, as a favor? After all, they're living in your mountain.
B: What the hell, man? Yeah, right.
S: The least they could do is do you a solid there, right?
B: Yeah, do me a solid, man. I'm tired of IVs, you know.
S: Yeah, that's never fun. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad for your progress, certainly.
B: Oh yeah, well man, it's not that bad actually. It's been an amazing journey. It's been a hard one and a good one at the same time, if that makes sense.
S: Sure.
B: I'm grateful for it all.
S: I wanted to talk about – just, you know, there was this - you first contacted Charlie Wiser. That's why you're here. Can you talk a little bit about that, and why you decided, “I'm just gonna go public” because that's an important part of the story. [Brian produces lavender] Oh, your flowers, here I'll give you the solo layout there. Purple lavender, right?
B: These are for - these represent Charlie.
S: Yeah, Charlie's another mysterious character here.
B: I got you some purple flowers from the desert.
S: After everybody was trying to find you for so long, why is it that you decided to out yourself?
B: Because, well, number one, it was already getting out there. We were figuring out that people were figuring it out. Number two, we saw something that was - some kind of lawsuit that was against Charlie Wiser, and we were being listed as people in this lawsuit, evidently.
S: Yeah, so you decided to contact Charlie.
B: That was by Anjali so it just pissed me off. You're not gonna - that was over the top right there. So I decided to reach out to Charlie Wiser, to personally tell her that we have nothing to do with this. And of course, you know, the trust to figure out that we're who we are, and you know, we had to go through that motion a little bit too, just to make sure we are who we are, you know.
S: Yeah, but that can be confirmed by the 911 call, and also Anjali has confirmed that you are the correct, quote, Wayne, unquote, that she was referencing. She's admitted that on Twitter publicly, and by the way wished you well for the interview.
B: Well thank you, thank you for that. And like I said, I'm not here to bash her. I'm not here to bash her, I'm just here basically to protect us.
S: Yeah, and tell your side of this story because obviously there's two sides of it, and her side is a very fantastical story but when we realized that she involved you, and claimed that you and your wife and another couple were also in this mountain, the story takes on a different meaning when we pull away these so-called witnesses that dispute her telling of the events. I would assume it kind of pokes an awful lot of holes in the story now.
B: Well I would think, you know. I'm sure there's other mountains that there's tunnels in, you know. As far as I'm concerned, these beings live under the earth anyway. They're all underneath us, and over us, and in the sea, in the snow, in the ice.
S: Could be.
B: Maybe they even live in the sun.
S: Yeah, anything is possible, sure. Getting back to - you so you come out to Charlie Wiser and then that brings you to me. Didn't you think that it was kind of ridiculous - because I don't know if you know this, but Charlie Wiser is in Australia, so Anjali threatening to sue Charlie Wiser, who by the way is a researcher and very very critical of Anjali, for anybody that doesn't know, she runs a blog and sort of picks apart everything that Anjali has said and shows inconsistencies in her story. But didn't you think it was kind of ridiculous because - or improbable that she's actually going to sue her because she would have to like go to Australia to sue somebody in Australia, and she's American and it doesn't make a lot of sense, right?
B: Yeah but I didn't even think about it like that, you know, because if somebody wants to sue somebody and if they have some money, all you gotta do is just call a lawyer in that country, right?
S: Yeah, I guess you're right.
B: I mean that's why there's lawyers and legal workers. And, you know, I just, I wasn't having that shit, that's all.
S: Yeah, because apparently she was going to use you guys as witnesses or something to sue Charlie Wiser, is that the gist of it?
B: That's what I was getting out of it. So we just went ahead and put a stop to that and here we are.
S: And you communicated to Charlie Wiser that you wouldn't be a part of that, right?
B: Absolutely not. Absolutely not.
S: And have you and your wife sort of - you were following Charlie Wiser's blog about some of this information coming out?
B: Oh yes.
S: And some other shows and things like that?
B: We've been following everybody. Everybody.
S: That would be quite surreal, right?
B: People on both sides, just watching everything, you know? Mostly my wife. She reads a lot faster than I do. So if she saw something critical, she'd let me know, “Hey look at this, look at that.” And it's like, wow, this is crazy. So yeah, we're trying to brush it off. We went through a stressful period where it was just real stressful, we didn't know what to do. We didn't know what to think. It was definitely making us lose sleep. Then there for a while we thought that this was just going to go away, because Anjali was posting more guru stuff, kind of veering attention away from this. And I thought it was done.
S: Were you and your wife surprised at the amount of attention this story got?
B: Absolutely.
S: Because there's thousands of Reddit posts, thousands of Twitter posts, there's podcasts talking about this, there's shows, mine and others, talking about this, or hosting her, talking about it.
B: It's crazy, it's nuts. I think it's amazing, how about that. It's amazing.
S: It is a little bit amazing, yeah.
B: I mean it is, I mean she's got a lot of people on this story. But in order to back this up, well, she knows what needs to be done.
S: And did you find surprising that the story got this much attention, given that she had just her story and no real physical evidence or corroborating witnesses that would –
B: I'm sorry, say it again.
S: Did you find it surprising that this story got this much attention, given that it was just her story, she didn't have evidence, she didn't have corroborating witnesses that would come forward to confirm what she was saying was true. I found it surprising, that's why I was wondering what you thought of it.
B: It was it was very surprising because we were basically going off of what she said, and this is the way it is, and you just don't remember.
S: [from chat] Completely aside from Anjali's situation, has Bryan ever seen a UFO on his land or elsewhere? You obviously have some interest in this subject, right?
B: Nothing other than what you see in the skies, like fast moving objects that you can say, “Hey, was that that?” That’s about the extent of what I’ve ever seen. I'd love to - I haven't seen anything on my land, but as far as the desert sky, how many people have seen a fast object in the desert sky, or any sky for that matter?
S: Yeah I see lights in the sky but I’m never that excited by just a light in the sky.
B: And that's why I never really made [inaudible] of it, I mean how do you know really what you saw, number one. You're gonna run out there and say, god dang, is this is what it is? That's what it is? I don't know. I really don't know, how about that, to answer that question. I don't know if I have or not. I think, I hope.
S: The devil, Bryan, they say is in the details, and I'm very interested in the fact that people are very very interested in the minutia of parts of her story. And one part of her story is that after her alien experience she was teleported back to a place in your home where there's a big archway and that you said, “That's where the aliens teleport us back to.” Is there an archway like that in your home? Have you ever felt like you were teleported in or out of your home? Is there that archway? People are very focused on this archway, because she made a big deal of this archway in your home.
B: Well, it's not an archway. It's just a door. It's a doorway that goes from one side of the house to the other side of the house. That's it. And I guess you could call it a hallway, if that's what you want to call it. You immediately step into another room. It used to be a hallway, I guess, before I ripped all the walls out. There's no real walls there now. But no it's not an arch, it's just a doorway, a regular door - 32 or 36 inch doorway with a with a barn door on it.
S: That's interesting. She really went into detail about there being this real distinctive archway. I guess that wasn't accurate then, or she remembered it wrong maybe?
B: That's what I'm saying, this is her experience. This is what she experienced. As far as the physical aspect of this story, the archway is square, and there's no tunnels.
S: Okay. Just to play the devil's advocate, I wanted to ask you, have you experienced any strange or paranormal activity in or around your home, the mountain, missing time or anything like that?
B: I wouldn't say missing time or paranormal things like that, but you can definitely feel an energy here. There's definitely an energy here.
S: Well that's interesting. Maybe she felt it more than you.
B: Perhaps, but I mean there's energy in a lot of places, you know. I go hiking and there's energy. So am I being - is that being too silly by saying that? Doesn’t anywhere on the planet – anywhere has energy, you know what I mean, not just my yard and my mountain. I mean I do feel good here. There is peace here, there is something here.
S: Well that's good, that's a good healing place.
B: A healing place, exactly.
S: [from chat] Do you like bacon?
B: Oh yeah, I like bacon.
S: --- is always posting bacon. He's a longtime show supporter.
B: Tell him as long as it’s from the pig that I raised, and I know where my bacon comes from, how about that.
S: Where do you see this story going next? Because I’m a little worried that - I thought several times during this story that the story would fall apart and end. The first time that I thought it would end is when there would be no expedition, because she really hyped up this expedition and “We're going to bring you the proof of the aliens,” and then that fell apart and I thought the story would end. But you're right, she went into sort of guru mode and started talking about more general things that the aliens she claims she's in telepathic contact with are telling her. And then I thought you coming out might be the end of the story but I'm a little concerned that she's going to - it'll be like, he said, she said. She'll maybe try to excuse away your recollection of events.
B: Well that's fine, she can go ahead and do that. But again, I wasn't the one in an ambulance getting checked out for - I don't know why. Why was she – she was inebriated, she was not sober here, so I think most of us were more sober than her.
S: Wow. And that’s another thing I wanted to ask you. Are you aware that she took anything other than what you had given her? You didn’t see her -
B: Nope, nope, not unless [she had something] in her purse. I don't even know if she was drinking alcohol. I don't even think she was drinking. I again I can't recollect.
S: But she had claimed in an interview with me that she was completely and totally sober during this event. You would dispute that?
B: Absolutely I'll dispute that. My oil does not - you're not sober on that oil. I mean it puts you in a good place. how about that. Obviously her in a really good place. That's how I see it. Again, I'm still open to - you know I had a friend of mine that was drunk. He was real drunk - or an old friend, an acquaintance. He had a - he died when he was drunk, like wasted. He said he was completely inebriated and he had an accident, and he drowned, and he died, and he had the most amazing near-death experience. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, we could be inebriated on this side and have an experience on that side that's completely different. So perhaps something like that happened with her. I don't know. I’m just - who knows? Who knows? All I know is we didn't get to know anything about this until recently. We didn't know anything about it when it happened, we didn't know, we had no clue - none of this was even talked about. Perhaps she had an experience three years later, or two years later, and this is what came in her mind.
S: Did you did you watch her press release that she did at the Lincoln Memorial?
B: We didn't get the link to it until a week after. So we watched it a week after.
S: And we you surprised at the attention that got?
B: Of course, we were totally surprised. We were totally surprised and we couldn't believe what - I mean, we just couldn't - we were completely taken back.
S: I wanted to check and see what kind of - As I recall, that got a huge number of views. Yeah, sixty thousand views that got.
B: [laughs] Sixty thousand views, wow. That’s a lot of views.
S: Sixty thousand views.
B: And you know, she's believable. She's intelligent, she's [?] intelligent, she's nice.
S: [from chat] Can we keep Bryan and get rid of her?
B: That's what we're here for.
S: I try to be kind and respectful towards her because I don't wish for any ill will, and I like the story, but I didn't believe it was really true from the beginning. And I got a lot of flack for even covering this story. My interest was that I was wrong and I put my mouth in gear before I had facts in hand. I said her background's probably fake, she didn't work there. And then I started digging in and found out that I was wrong about her education and her background and her work history. But people really are a little vicious towards her. I don't know if you're aware, but there's like memes on the internet of like UFO twitter throwing her out of a car. Some people don't take what they believe to be her fabricating this story very kindly. And they've been a little nasty towards her.
B: Well they should all chill out a little bit, you know. There's no reason to be nasty to anybody. Perhaps she's created that though, as far as why people are pissed off. I’ve seen her go back and forth on some things. I’ve seen her not be honest with you, everybody saw that. I think that kind of discredited her there, when you were lied to. I think that was a turning point.
S: But I suppose that her justification for doing so, in protecting you, if you're gonna have to lie maybe that's a good justification. [from chat] When did it become clear that you, Bryan, had become Wayne? When did you first hear her talking about Trisha and Wayne, and connect the dots and say –
B: She told us. She told us that she changed our names to Wayne and Trisha before she was going to Washington. But we didn't know what really was going on in Washington, you know. She just said she was going to go share her story. We didn't know the extent of this story. We didn't know this story. She just told us her experience but we didn't get all the details like she gave at the press conference when we talked, the one time before that conference.
S: Interesting. And I guess it had to feel like you definitely felt a little threatened by her because she's saying, “I work for the government and we're going to do this expedition one way or the other.”
B: Yeah have - we still feel threatened actually. We're still on guard.
S: Are you are you threatened by her, or do you feel threatened by what chaos and circus she might bring to your home, or both?
B: Exactly. All the above. Not so much her. I don't think she has any ill will. I think that some of her fans may, because of some of the comments that we have read out there towards us, you know which I’m not digging.
S: There's a funny part to her story, in that she said - and of course she’s I suppose politically correct, and said that we shouldn't call the aliens “aliens” because they don't like.
B: Okay [inaudible]
S: [from chat] So aliens don’t hate that we call them aliens. Right?
B: I have no idea. Well shit, what do we call them then? We could be the aliens. Maybe we're the aliens. Maybe we're the scientific researcher.
S: I don't know where we go from here. What are your plans for the future concerning this story? Because today is a big thing for you, to come out in public and say “this is who I really am, this is what really happened, this is my recollection of events.” But what's next? Because unfortunately, Bryan, you know that true believers are already saying things like: “Maybe the men in black got to you and threatened you to not talk about the aliens” or you got paid off by somebody.
B: No.
S: They do these mental gymnastics because they love the story so much, and they don't want to see it fall apart. But what what's next for you and your wife?
B: I don’t know. I go on with life, I hope. I don't know, maybe we'll just start digging in the mountain after all and maybe I'll run into something and then I'll start making –
S: Call the History Channel, get a TV show going.
B: Now I am gonna dig in the damn mountain, you know. Now the whole time I'm digging I'm not just gonna be looking for water, I'm gonna hope I'm not gonna hit one of these guys.
S: You mentioned your children. What did your children think? Because you had to share this story with them. What did your children think when they started seeing their dad had an alien mountain and their mom met aliens the story’s all over the internet. What did your children say or think?
B: Well I got three daughters, three grown daughters, and one of them has nothing to say. The other one doesn't really know what to say, and the other one is throwing a full-on watch party right now with all her girlfriends.
S: Well greetings and salutations, Bryan's daughters, good to have you viewing here.
B: Yeah I wish I can see what's going on out there. I guess they really - they got t-shirts made and they're dressed up in Lavvy suits, purple Lavvy suits with alien piss for drinks. They took Mountain Dew bottles, I guess, and changed the labels.
S: …I wanted to ask you if you'd be okay with taking some questions from the live chatters. All right so friends, here's your chance. It's not just me that gets to take this journey, you get to take it with us… Maybe there's something in that mountain you can cash in on this, right? Definitely cash in on this.
B: I hate to disappoint everybody on that.
S: …A lot of people have been very critical of this story and I remember when the story broke a lot of people were saying this story's got to be fake because who takes a perfect stranger home after just meeting them? Why did you take home a perfect stranger?
B: Yes, I do things like that sometimes. I don't know. I don't do that anymore, how about that.
S: It makes sense.
B: I felt safe with that, you know, that's all. We're right down the street from this place. It doesn't happen often, it doesn't happen anymore, how about that. But there for a minute I was just feeling friendly, I suppose.
S: …Anjali had mentioned that you're very qualified to dig tunnels and mountains because you have all these tools. [from chat] Does Bryan have secret covert digging equipment and hidden tools?
B: Nope, I got a pick, a shovel, that's about it. Digging bars. We got maybe some jackhammers, I suppose, if I really wanted to. We do have a construction company so we got cool stuff.
S: [from chat] When did Bryan and Anjali's takes start to diverge? Was it from when you all returned to Bryan's house? So her story is accurate and correct according to you until we get to the aliens, right? That's where the divergence happens. She's right about meeting you at the coffee house, talking and then coming back to your home, but then things get different, right?
B: The only thing that got different about it is the ambulance came and stuff, and that kind of definitely changed the energy, you know. When everybody's all buzzed up and I say, you got a sheriff here and an ambulance here, on this stranger that we just brought home - I guess that would be where the diverge started, maybe, with some people here.
S: [from chat] Did Anjali ever have time on Bryan's property alone?
B: No, answer is no.
S: [from chat] Does Bryan have any neighbors, and if so what do they all think of this? Are they aware?
B: We have like one neighbor, but we have big parcels so we're pretty far apart and no, nobody was aware of any of this because we don't really see each other. Can't really see our places.
S: I think wealthy is a relative term but [from chat]: Is Bryan wealthy? I’m sure Anjali claimed he was very rich.
B: No, I'm not wealthy. I'm wealthy in spirit, not money.
S: You've kind of answered this: All in all, Bryan, do you think that she had a paranormal or ET experience?
B: All in all, she is so convinced that - I mean, I wish I would have saw it. So I really don't know what to say with that. I don't think she did, but who am I to say that? It’s for her mind, you know. So all in all I really don't know, but I would have to say, if she did, that's great. If she didn't then this all should be squashed now, right?
S: [from chat] Bryan, what did Anjali's boyfriend think of the false story?
B: I don't know. He didn't come up here from the coffee shop. When he came to pick her up, there was no words exchanged. She just got in his car and they took off. And then the next day when they came back to get her car, that's all they did. I mean it was - they pulled up, she got in her car, and they took off. It was hi and bye. There was no conversation. I didn't even meet the guy. I don't even think - I didn't even shake his hand or anything. I didn't even know his name. So I don't know what he thought.
S: [from chat] wants to know if you could start your own UFO cult so he can join that one instead of hers. You're the guy with the mountain, man. You can cash in. You can have sky watches.
B: We'll talk about tours after here. We'll talk about some tours maybe. Let us get some tunnels dug first.
S: [from chat] What is Bryan's pedigree as far as other paranormal, New Age or UFO ET stories he has read or followed? Have you been a fan of some of this stuff?
B: Just Ancient Aliens, I guess. I’m a big fan of Ancient Aliens and I watch that all the time. Any other show that I can find, I guess.
S: [from chat] Have you considered any legal action against Anjali?
B: Well we've talked to a couple lawyers about some things, so we're - we don't know. We're definitely talking about it.
S: [from chat] Did this strange behavior from AnjalI and the UFO community surprise you?
B: Yes, yes, absolutely. As far as the UFO community, well you can't be surprised with that because they're just listening and following somebody's story. So I mean of course people are going to be on that story. But as far as a strange behavior from Anjali, yes. I wish I could help her.
S: … Do you read any UFO books?
B: I have some but I haven't got to them yet, so they're on the shelf.
S: That's interesting, like maybe I ought to read up on this now that I'm the alien messiah here, and I’m the guy with the mountain with the aliens in it.
B: I'm gonna up my UFO life, for sure.
S: This is a weird question [from chat]: Was the ambulance driver or sheriff wearing lavender or smelled like lavender? Some people have recounted that maybe she was having some kind of a psychotic break or something, and her being in that ambulance is what caused the some of the story, that the aliens laid her on a table and put her out of her body. They weren’t wearing purple uniforms?
B: I didn't go in the ambulance so I didn't see who was in there. That could have been an alien in there, I don't know. But me and the sheriff were talking outside and he was wearing his uniform. I didn't get close enough to smell him.
S: Was she awake the whole time at your place? Was there any time that you didn't see her?
B: She was awake the whole time and there was not any time that I did not see her. In fact our company left. My wife went to bed, and it was just Anjali and I for a couple hours bullshitting in the living room waiting for her ride to show up.
S: Do you think her mental status has changed or digressed since you met her?
B: I couldn't tell you that because I met her one time, what, three years ago, plus? And we've had a couple conversations on the phone here recently. So I wouldn't be able to answer that question as I don't think I know her well enough.
S: A lot of people have suggested that you should consider hypnotic regression and people are asking would you consider a hypnotic regression? But I tend to caution people against that because I don't know that that's really - especially some of these hypnotic regressors that see aliens everywhere, like the woman that Anjali went to, Barbara Lamb. Almost every time she hypnotically regresses somebody, they recall alien experiences. Would you consider that?
B: I would consider it. I’ve been considering getting hypnotized for other reasons. Again I'm real protective about who I'm gonna share that energy with.
S: Would you be prepared to do a show with her?
B: Well of course I would.
S: Well, the door's open, you know. She's gonna do an interview here tomorrow but she made me agree that there would be no other people involved, no surprise guests, no co-hosts, no panelists. Just me and her. But I'll ask her tomorrow if she would agree to appear with you. Maybe that would be helpful. Did you tell Anjali that you excavated a tunnel on your land? I think we've been over that.
B: No, I never told her anything like that because I wouldn't tell anybody something I didn't do. I'm going to one day. I am going to excavate a tunnel. One day.
S: Let us know if you find aliens and I'm on a plane there, Bryan. I want the exclusive.
B: We'll do your show with them in the cave.
S: We can stream it. I think Anjali answered this, but how did her daughter know Bryan's address for the welfare check?
B: Anjali asked us for our address, didn’t she? [to wife] She asked us for our address when she was on the phone with her daughter.
S: People are asking what you think about Max. That would be her partner or her boyfriend.
B: I don't know really what to think about Max. I just don't know if Max - I don't know. Max is obviously her partner but I don't know Max. I just don't know if me and Max would get along.
S: [from chat] Bryan will you please not consider hypnotic regression. It has been debunked repeatedly. That's a real hot button issue because some people believe that the regressors just make suggestions that make people recall memories that aren't true or accurate.
B: Like I said, I wouldn't do it. I really don't need to do it for any kind of beings because I know they exist. I'm not questioning their existence. It'd be for other psychological shit.
S: I don't recall her saying that you did, but somebody is asking did you show your ID to Anjali at the coffee shop?
B: You know, she said, she claims we did, but I don't know. I mean, maybe. I don't recollect that but that's - I don't remember.
S: …We covered an awful lot of ground here. I'm not sure where to go next with you, but you did joke about doing sky watches or maybe a tour, right?
B: You never know. I'd rather just have somebody go ahead and start bidding.
S: Yeah, let them worry about finding those aliens, right?
B: And they can do all of it. Anjali can go ahead and – they can go ahead and start. They can start it. All they gotta do is - they know what they gotta do. It’s okay.
S: Have you had any paranormal experiences that you are comfortable sharing?
B: I wish I did have any. I wish I did. I’ve had a near-death experience and but I don't know if that counts as paranormal. No I don't really have any paranormal experiences that is worth really trying to share about that.
S: Charlie Wiser's here in our live chat and says mail me that lavender please… At any time did Anjali appear to be in a disoriented or disassociated state like having micro-seizures?
B: No, not like that, no. Just disoriented, I would say. Too much cannabis is what it was.
S: But your recollection of her state of mind is that she was very inebriated on this cannabis oil? Impaired, would you say?
B: Well she wasn't feeling good, and that's one of the symptoms when you've had too much. You get the spins. Some people get nauseous. So she was kind of feeling like that, I think. But she appeared to be walking just fine. It wasn't like she was having a problem walking, because she walked out to the ambulance just fine. As far as - I mean I don't know how disoriented she was. But I wouldn't say micro-seizures. I didn't see anything like that.
S: Has Anjali ever approached you with someone else from her line of work in Intel? She did make these threats that she worked for the government, so I guess people are wondering if she approached you with other parties from the government.
B: Not as of yet, but we've gotten somewhat that kind of threat from her in that fashion, I guess.
S: A lot of people have suggested that this whole thing is a government psychological operation for some reason, mostly because of her background.
B: We’ve felt the same.
S: So do you think Anjali is still a covert government operative running a psyop?
B: Those thoughts have ran through our mind. We don't know shit. Who knows? I mean she's something else, I must say, and whatever they're up to they're up to it.
S: Does Wayne drape himself in lavender when he doses people?
B: No.
S: Was anybody wearing purple clothes that day? That maybe explains her seeing some purple being. I don't get how she's seeing a purple being then.
B: No, there was no purple. No I don't drape – no, I don't even dose people anymore, how about that.
S: Well look what happened the last time you did it, right? They start seeing aliens, went to the Lincoln Memorial and they're having press conferences.
B: I don’t take nobody home. We’re not doing that shit anymore.
S: Were there any other drugs taken?
B: Not to my knowledge. We're a holistic place here, so we're only into natural stuff. So if anybody else had drugs in their purse or –
S: If she was on anything else, you weren't aware of her doing anything.
B: That’s exactly right, yeah. We don't have any pharmaceuticals here.
S: Do you think Anjali's experience was like astral travel?
B: Well that's a possibility, I guess that's a possibility. But as she was astral traveling her body was walking with us and hanging out with us. So if that's how astral travel works, that's cool. I can't wait to do it. I can't wait to hang out with my people and then later on let him know, hey I wasn't even there. I was on another planet, in their spaceship, so let me know what the hell happened again last night, cuz my body was there but I wasn't. There that'd be pretty cool, I guess.
S: Some people have said that Anjali is basically starting a cult and it's kind of a scary cult too, because it's what a lot of cult experts would call a doomsday cult, because she says like the world's going to end in 2027, I think, or something like that, and we have to get ready for it.
B: It’s very dangerous.
S: Does Bryan think her guru narrative is dangerous to those with mental health issues?
B: I think it's very dangerous, absolutely very dangerous. In fact we've talked about that. In fact I guess that's what I'm more concerned about with our own life, you know, is maybe some of these people that are not mentally - Cuz some of the things, some of the - I mean look at you, you've had death threats over this bullshit, so.
S: People were so pissed off that that expedition got canceled that they blamed me for finding you, but I didn't really find you, we found somebody else and it was a whole big thing. Did she have any alcohol, drinking before smoking cannabis is never good. Were you aware that she was drinking either at the coffee shop or at your home?
B: I don't recall her drinking. I just don't recall that. Only a couple of us were heavy drinkers. The other couple, they were more of the drinkers, you know. I think I was having wine that day. I don't really get to do that because it's sugar, so that was a rare event. I don't recall, so I don't want to answer that.
S: Was Anjali a spiritual guru type when Bryan met her, or that that happened more after her encounter?
B: It was more of the after. Well I mean, I’ve just been learning about this guru stuff here, just recently since August, since we've been talking. But no, as far as the spiritual guru type, maybe spiritual I suppose. As far as a guru type, no.
S: So she didn't strike you like a guru type when you met her?
B: Not really, not really. She was interested in aliens, though, so that was cool.
S: Why not let Anjali guide you to the cave with Steven Cambian to prove the cave's existence?
B: I'm totally down with that. It’ll just be Anjali and Steve and me.
S: I would totally do that but I would be pissed if I flew halfway across the country with a bag full of cameras and shit and then there was nothing there, I'd be a little upset.
B: You're gonna get upset.
S: But it'll be a nice vacation though. I’ve always wanted to visit the area.
B: You’re welcome anytime.
S: [from chat] Bryan is super humble given the circumstances – kudos.
B: Well thank you, thank you, I'm trying to be.
S: [from chat] Can Bryan come on as a guest on the Truthseekers interview with Anjali tomorrow? She expressly made me agree that there would be only me and her. So maybe in the future. I'll ask her tomorrow if she'd be willing to do that in the future. I'd be happy to host that. Maybe these two can hash it out and reach a better understanding, right?
B: Sure, sure, I mean maybe she'll change her mind tomorrow on the show. I'll be watching. I'll be right there. I'll be ready right there.
S: Somebody wants you to take your webcam to the barn doors in the middle of your house. Oh I guess because of the arch thing. Did she ever talk about a fake alien invasion to you?
B: No.
S: Not that you recall.
B: We'll post pictures of the barn door.
S: Could the whole thing be a psychological operation to discredit experiencers or the topic in general?
B: I suppose it could be.
S: And Wayne's welcome to participate in the chat, but just so everybody knows - when a guest has certain conditions to agree to the interview, I always am a man of my word. So she specifically said no surprise guests, no panel members, no co-hosts, nobody else, just you and me Stephen. And I said okay. So I have to honor that agreement. But I promise you all, I will ask her to do an additional show with with Wayne and her, and then I think that would be the next step. Because I think what we're gonna have here, Bryan, is “he said, she said”. Tonight as he said, and tomorrow night maybe she said, and then we'll be right where we started. Some of these rabbit holes are frustrating, right?
B: Yeah. Well the only thing that won't be frustrating on this side is nothing's going to change over here, as far as what happened physically.
S: Did you guys talk about aliens at the house while you were baked? When she came back to your house from the coffee - I know that you said you talked about aliens a little bit at the coffee shop and so did she. But were you guys talking about aliens when you were at your house?
B: I believe we were, I think we were talking about - we probably were, because we were talking - it was a subject as far as the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, of a book that we're all looking for. That was probably what that - so yes, I would say we probably had a little bit of talk like that. But I don't think it was too deep because the other people that were with us, they weren't much into that, so I can see it not getting too deep, you know.
S: [from chat] Bryan, thank you for coming forward. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for continued recovery, wellness and happiness. Great conversation tonight.
B: Right on, thank you, thank you very much.
S: Who brought up aliens first?
B: You know I couldn't answer that. It was just a conversation about aliens so I don't know who did. I don't you know.
S: I did neglect to ask you a few things. I wanted to know how has this affected your wife and your marriage? What does your wife think of all this?
B: My wife's been extremely stressed out. As a matter of fact, that's a lot why I'm here, because she and Anjali had some words a few weeks ago, and it was just getting stupid. It's just stupid. There's no reason for threats or bullying or manipulation. So now that that shit's occurring, I'm here. Here now, here we are. Here we are, you know. My wife is pissed off so now I'm pissed off. That's kind of where that is on that one. She's lost a lot of sleep over this.
S: I can imagine, yeah. You're all over the internet all of a sudden. [from chat] Would Bryan be willing to describe his near-death experience?
B: Sure I would, I'll do that at another time.
S: Earlier you said you don't really have a paranormal experience. I would consider that definitely on the list, right?
B: It was it was pretty powerful, for sure. I would rather describe that on its own, but it was amazing, how about that. I'll describe it as absolutely amazing. And I'm looking forward to doing that again someday.
S: … As I recall she basically said that at the coffee shop you said: “Do you want to meet some aliens?” and then you took her back and told her there was an aliens in your base.
B: I don't recall saying that because I wouldn't say that to anybody. I wouldn't bullshit somebody to say, “Hey come meet some aliens” when there's no aliens there. That's not my style. So the only thing that was ever talked about is the sightings on the mountain in the 60s, that's it.
S: Charlie Wiser: Did Anjali record your Zoom calls and do you have the recordings? I'm not sure if you're aware, but Anjali is now claiming that she has Zoom calls that are going to contradict what you're saying here tonight, and that she has recordings of so and so.
B: And that’s fine, that's okay, she can have - if she has recorded Zoom calls of us, like I said - and I'll say it straight up, we have had conversations and we did entertain this for a price.
S: Very honest of you.
B: So what, so she's got recordings of us? She evidently she has some recordings she doesn't want to release. She's got this big surprise she's going to release recordings of us that we sent her? I'll just tell you right now, Anjali, if you release recordings of me sending you my land, then you are - I am gonna - don't do that. You don't have my permission. I'm gonna publicly say right now, you do not have my permission to share any photos that I have shared with you, or any talks that we have had. I'll make that clear. Do not send any pictures in public of our land, in any way, or our faces. You don't need to do that. There's no reason for you to defend yourself with us.
S: I would hope that she would respect your privacy. She's been really vocal about doing everything to protect your privacy for quite a while, so I can't imagine why she would turn around and do that now. [from chat] Bryan, bless you brother, you were totally bullied into all of this. Good vibes towards you, your health and well-being…
B: Thank you, appreciate it a lot.
S: A lot of people liking you tonight, Bryan. Bryan should become part of the UFO community. He seems to be cool and funny and we want to hear him talk about aliens and share his cannabis oil recipe. Seems to be good strong stuff.
B: I think I will join this. It sounds fun.
S: I'm a big advocate of cannabis as medicine. I partake myself… cannabis alleviates the pain… So you're a big supporter of medical cannabis and cannabis oil for cancer treatment, right? It's been very beneficial for you?
B: Changed my world. I didn't know anything about it. After the surgery - I had a 13-hour cut on my neck, then I did one round of radiation. My protocol was two rounds but not the third because the third would kill me, they said. So I ate this radiation pill and to this day I have issues from that pill. That was actually the last pill I’ve ever eaten. I haven't even had a Tylenol or an Advil since then. So that was February 17, 2014. I got so sick, I mean I literally lost about 100 pounds. I couldn't eat. I threw up every day for probably two years, maybe less than that, I don't know. I could be off on that, but anyway it was a long time and I did I just couldn't eat. Well a friend of mine introduced me, he said hey, do you know what Rick Simpson oil is? I had no idea.
S: That's the oil that somebody mentioned to me, that said it's super super strong and concentrated and would make you almost feel like you're having an out of body experience, if you take too much.
B: It's really good. Just taking it in mild doses, micro doses, does wonders for people. Cancer patients of stage four, or all cancer patients are recommended to do this at the cancer center that we go to. So I’ve been doing this ever since - the day that I was introduced to this, I was able to eat a plate of food. I couldn't eat. I couldn't eat. I had to force food down me and I hated it. But when this oil came into my life, man, oh I was I was thrashing the kitchen, you know. I’ve seen it do a lot of great things for other people as well and in a lot of different circumstances. I'm a firm believer. I think the whole world should be on it myself. I think if most people were on this, they would get rid of their – it would take a lot of their ailments away if they figured out their dose to take, that it wouldn't hurt, you know not too much. Like I probably overdid Anjali that night, cuz that was always a bad habit of mine, is I'd give people a little too much.
S: Part of Anjali's story is that at your house was her, you and your wife, and another couple. And I guess people want to confirm that part of her story.
B: Yes, that’s it.
S: So there's five of you. So there you go. How many people were at the house? Five, just as Anjali had described. Did you know that other couple, and are they aware of this whole internet story?
B: We kinda lost contact with them. They moved out of state and we just haven't really kept in touch. I don't know if they know or not.
S: I selfishly was thinking if you still knew them, I would call them, too, because if four of the five of you don't remember the aliens that were there that night - not that I need more convincing though, Bryan, but I'm sure people are gonna ask me, are you gonna interview the other people too?
B: I guess you could say we had a mild falling out because we haven't heard from them. I don't really know what to say. I'm not gonna go hound somebody if they're not gonna return my phone call.
S: But those people, to the best of your recollection, that other couple, didn't see aliens or have an alien experience or anything like that, that night, right?
B: No, of course not, no. They left -
S: Just Anjali.
B: Yeah, just Anjali. I mean they left on a normal night. They took off. It was just a simple evening, you know. Like I said, there was none of this talk, none of this talk of anything of this story was until last August, that we even knew anything about this. Just like the world.
S: I guess one of the last things I would like to ask you is - because everybody is speculating on her, on her motivations, on her why she's doing this - is she after money, fame, power? Is she looking for a movie deal, a television deal? What do you think her motivation is for all of this story, this entire thing, and how much it has blown up? What do you think her motives are for doing all of this?
B: I really don't know, because she has made it clear that she doesn't want money although she's kind of offered some money out on the table. For instance when I said 10 million dollars, she said “Oh, well let's just make it 20. And we won't take anything less than 15.” It's like, oh okay, well hey, great, you know, of course I'm going to entertain that.
S: But did you think that was just talk or that she actually had access to that kind of funding?
B: I didn't know what to think, so of course I'm going to entertain it, right?
S: [from chat] Bryan have you ever suspected or dreamt of alien abductions?
B: Nope, I haven’t. Not even after watching hours of shows before I went to bed.
S: Is it true that she mentioned Bigelow might step in and fund this whole adventure?
B: She said Bigelow Aerospace wanted to step in and buy this land, yes.
S: I can contact them and see if that's an accurate part of her story, or if they've never heard of her, right? So what do you think is next for you? You're gonna listen to what she has to say tomorrow?
B: Of course. I can't wait. I hope she [---] me in or has good things to say. Like I said, I'm not trying to come here and be an enemy, or slander her, or make her look bad in any way. I'm just basically coming in here to say: here's the deal, this is the Wayne, and everybody stop looking for Wayne and Trisha.
S: Actually if you could wait one moment, this is what I'm gonna ask you to do, and this is important because it seems to me like you two have been going back and forth, you and your wife and her have been going back and forth and you were very adamant that you wanted to come here and communicate some things directly to her tonight. So i'm going to solo you, and if you could say anything to her about this whole situation she put you and your family through, about the future of whatever she's trying to do, I would like you to just talk directly to her. What would you like to communicate to her?
B: Anjali, I guess all I can say is whatever journey you're doing and you're on, is stay on it and believe in what you believe in, but there's no reason to be dragging us into it and doing this to our life. So please just respect that. And would be it. That’d be what I would like to say.
Apr 23, 2022 "My 2018 contact experience is not a cover memory for trauma"
This audio is a response to claims made 3 days earlier that Anjali was open to a YouTube interview that would, among other things, "explore" a possible "trauma" on the day of her experience. The text on slides does not match the audio at all, so I've transcribed it separately at the end.
Anjali: Peace be upon you. This is Anjali. Many blessings. I appreciate you visiting the channel.
This is a difficult recording to make. I had planned to release a video that I’ve been working on the past couple of days refuting some of the recent information that has been released on the internet by Ryan Gordon and Scott Browne and Vennie Kocsis.
So I want to just address a few things because I’m not feeling very well today. I have somewhat of a tremor and I’m not going to be able to finish up the video that I’ve been working on. And so I’ve decided that it would be best to just quickly put out an audio video addressing just a number of things that have been causing absolutely terrible anxiety in some of the people who are involved in this. I want to address it and no longer focus on it, on the social media platform. On any social media platform.
With that said, this is the major point that I would like to address today. I do not think, feel, or believe, that Bryan [___] or [his wife] for that matter, ever sexually assaulted me at any time during those critical hours of my experience at their home on January 21st of 2018.
There have been specific points that we don’t remember them the same way. I have always felt that the [___]s were honest people and sincere people. And what I have seen mostly in their reaction online is sincerely stressed people with high anxiety, afraid that people who don’t understand their boundaries are going to invade their private space threaten their peaceful lives by trespassing on their land. I understand the anxiety of those feelings.
I’m trying to still my voice because my vocal cords are attempting to tremor. I’m having a real difficult time today. So, further to the point, to be very direct:
Outside conclusions about what happened to me when none of those other people who are making these kinds of accusations were even present I can’t stand it. They weren’t even there. I gave them no reason to believe that I had been assaulted. Listen to the audio to know that. Before they even called me, their minds were made up.
Now, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t do my due diligence. (Pardon me, excuse me, I need to get a little water, it’s not functioning very well. Hold on please.)
When I got home, my daughter and I checked over my body for any kinds of signs of physical distress. And this was just precautionary. This wasn’t because I thought I had been. It was because I had to rule out that I had been. Okay, please understand the difference between those two things. I did a body check so that I could rule out and say with great certainty by making evidential observations of my physical body that I had not been assaulted. I could just rule it out.
There was no assault. There was no assault. These kinds of rumors, this kind of conjecture by people who were not even present who just have their own traumatic pasts that they are now projecting onto my experience, this cannot be accepted by you, my friends. We cannot allow these kinds of things to occur and go unrecognized and unstopped. I am stopping it right now. There is no one who has the right to decide what happened to me there. That’s it.
So the rest of you need to sit down, take a pause, take a nice cleansing deep breath and exhale all of this fear and anxiety. We need to embrace each other, keep our minds open. Thank you for being here.
Text on slides:
peace be upon you / thank you for being here
trigger warning: sexual assault
ryan gordon / scott browne / vennie Kocsis have wrecklessly stated that my 2018 contact experience is a cover memory for trauma.
they claimed in a recent live stream that I said that they day after leaving the [___]'s home I went to hospital to submit to a rape kit.
this is untrue. / their behavior was highly unethical / this is my refutation.
I was not assaulted by the [___]s.
I went into a tunnel and met higher density beings of several different races inside a subterranean base. the members of the Council gave me a message for humanity: remember who you are / remember why you are here / prepare to transcend.
the [___]s did not hurt me / 21 jan 2018 was the greatest day of my life
honesty, love, compassion are humanity’s strengths / mercy is our compass / forgiveness is our guiding wisdom
in 2017 & 2018 / weeks prior to meeting the [___]s/ I had conscious contact with a lavender being who appeared in my home one evening in the mojave desert with a message of love for humanity
to learn more follow on Twitter: @AnjaliOnGaia
the [___]s did not assault me
if you are need of help or need to talk to someone please reach out to a loved one or call 1-800-656-4673 National Sexual Assault Hotline
we all do better together / you are a beautiful spark of consciousness / cleansing breath in & out
#peace be upon the #consciousplanet #weareone
thank you for being here
Anjali: Peace be upon you. This is Anjali. Many blessings. I appreciate you visiting the channel.
This is a difficult recording to make. I had planned to release a video that I’ve been working on the past couple of days refuting some of the recent information that has been released on the internet by Ryan Gordon and Scott Browne and Vennie Kocsis.
So I want to just address a few things because I’m not feeling very well today. I have somewhat of a tremor and I’m not going to be able to finish up the video that I’ve been working on. And so I’ve decided that it would be best to just quickly put out an audio video addressing just a number of things that have been causing absolutely terrible anxiety in some of the people who are involved in this. I want to address it and no longer focus on it, on the social media platform. On any social media platform.
With that said, this is the major point that I would like to address today. I do not think, feel, or believe, that Bryan [___] or [his wife] for that matter, ever sexually assaulted me at any time during those critical hours of my experience at their home on January 21st of 2018.
There have been specific points that we don’t remember them the same way. I have always felt that the [___]s were honest people and sincere people. And what I have seen mostly in their reaction online is sincerely stressed people with high anxiety, afraid that people who don’t understand their boundaries are going to invade their private space threaten their peaceful lives by trespassing on their land. I understand the anxiety of those feelings.
I’m trying to still my voice because my vocal cords are attempting to tremor. I’m having a real difficult time today. So, further to the point, to be very direct:
Outside conclusions about what happened to me when none of those other people who are making these kinds of accusations were even present I can’t stand it. They weren’t even there. I gave them no reason to believe that I had been assaulted. Listen to the audio to know that. Before they even called me, their minds were made up.
Now, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t do my due diligence. (Pardon me, excuse me, I need to get a little water, it’s not functioning very well. Hold on please.)
When I got home, my daughter and I checked over my body for any kinds of signs of physical distress. And this was just precautionary. This wasn’t because I thought I had been. It was because I had to rule out that I had been. Okay, please understand the difference between those two things. I did a body check so that I could rule out and say with great certainty by making evidential observations of my physical body that I had not been assaulted. I could just rule it out.
There was no assault. There was no assault. These kinds of rumors, this kind of conjecture by people who were not even present who just have their own traumatic pasts that they are now projecting onto my experience, this cannot be accepted by you, my friends. We cannot allow these kinds of things to occur and go unrecognized and unstopped. I am stopping it right now. There is no one who has the right to decide what happened to me there. That’s it.
So the rest of you need to sit down, take a pause, take a nice cleansing deep breath and exhale all of this fear and anxiety. We need to embrace each other, keep our minds open. Thank you for being here.
Text on slides:
peace be upon you / thank you for being here
trigger warning: sexual assault
ryan gordon / scott browne / vennie Kocsis have wrecklessly stated that my 2018 contact experience is a cover memory for trauma.
they claimed in a recent live stream that I said that they day after leaving the [___]'s home I went to hospital to submit to a rape kit.
this is untrue. / their behavior was highly unethical / this is my refutation.
I was not assaulted by the [___]s.
I went into a tunnel and met higher density beings of several different races inside a subterranean base. the members of the Council gave me a message for humanity: remember who you are / remember why you are here / prepare to transcend.
the [___]s did not hurt me / 21 jan 2018 was the greatest day of my life
honesty, love, compassion are humanity’s strengths / mercy is our compass / forgiveness is our guiding wisdom
in 2017 & 2018 / weeks prior to meeting the [___]s/ I had conscious contact with a lavender being who appeared in my home one evening in the mojave desert with a message of love for humanity
to learn more follow on Twitter: @AnjaliOnGaia
the [___]s did not assault me
if you are need of help or need to talk to someone please reach out to a loved one or call 1-800-656-4673 National Sexual Assault Hotline
we all do better together / you are a beautiful spark of consciousness / cleansing breath in & out
#peace be upon the #consciousplanet #weareone
thank you for being here
(c) Charlie Wiser 2022