TIMELINE How it unfolded |
TRANSCRIPTS Main appearances |
TRANSCRIPTS The victims |
TMI Medical & drug use |
TUNNEL TEAM Expedition updates |
THIRDENNY Mini-blogs |
Each third-density mini-blog is based on a Twitter thread analyzing a different aspect of Anjali's story. The date indicates when I tweeted it (oldest at the top). These are a mixture of opinion and fact, with evidence where required. The blog is split into parts:
Thirdenny 2021 (you are here)
Thirdenny 2022
Thirdenny 2023
Thirdenny 2024
In some places I have added notes with hindsight, especially where we learned that Anjali was obfuscating about what was happening behind the scenes. I spoke to the "Wayne and Trisha" of her story in late-Feb 2022. They sent me all their correspondence with Anjali, and she released it publicly (along with audio of their Aug 16, 2021 Zoom call) on Mar 20, 2022.
Thirdenny 2021 (you are here)
Thirdenny 2022
Thirdenny 2023
Thirdenny 2024
In some places I have added notes with hindsight, especially where we learned that Anjali was obfuscating about what was happening behind the scenes. I spoke to the "Wayne and Trisha" of her story in late-Feb 2022. They sent me all their correspondence with Anjali, and she released it publicly (along with audio of their Aug 16, 2021 Zoom call) on Mar 20, 2022.
Waffling (Aug 16, 2021)
This is very exciting! Alien contactee @AnjaliOnGaia is holding a press conference to assemble a team to visit her alien friends in the Mojave Desert.
The dangers of waffling when HUMANITY IS AT STAKE!
The dangers of waffling when HUMANITY IS AT STAKE!
This is Anjali’s Reddit post in early July, a repost of a March post that was deleted by mods. She has since done some interviews and regressive hypnotherapy (uh-oh!) but I’ll just be going through her initial post.
In her efforts to help save humanity, Anjali wrote her story “all in one sitting, no editing, sent button pushed before I could change my mind.” I dunno, considering the weight of the message that just seems disrespectful.
Anjali says many times in her 6238-word post there’s no room for details. Maybe if she didn’t waffle on... 515 words intro and notes 670 on her mega-secret military background 434 on being trustworthy and a talented writer 847 on seeing dead people…?
In her efforts to help save humanity, Anjali wrote her story “all in one sitting, no editing, sent button pushed before I could change my mind.” I dunno, considering the weight of the message that just seems disrespectful.
Anjali says many times in her 6238-word post there’s no room for details. Maybe if she didn’t waffle on... 515 words intro and notes 670 on her mega-secret military background 434 on being trustworthy and a talented writer 847 on seeing dead people…?
Finally, we get 1438 words on meeting a lavender alien who has this message: “Humans must evolve faster, dump language, and communicate only via downloadable encrypted images. Spread the word!”
Lavender Dude, I’ll call him Lavvy for short, provides no links on how to do this but it will bring peace on Earth and enable us to talk to aliens. (We find out later some of those aliens want to kill us, so screw them I say.) Lavvy’s message is urgent and imperative for our survival, so he decides to tell Anjali, who tells Reddit, where she has to delete it because the mods aren't impressed. Awesome start. |
Lavvy visits 3 times over the course of a month with the exact same message, still no supporting links. Lavvy, c'mon mate, I feel like you're not really trying.
Next Anjali writes 555 words on meeting Wayne & Trisha and an unnamed couple who serve no dramatic purpose in the plot, not even important enough for Anjali to ask Wayne their names so she can friend them on Facebook. I guess they’ll return in Act 3?
The aliens have “allowed” Wayne, who’s dying of cancer ya'll, to expend his precious energy digging a tunnel thru a mountain to their secret base. Military-grade camouflage was necessary to hide the entrance - Wayne’s backyard shed.
Anjali and the mystery couple are invited to meet the aliens! Finally it’s getting good.
Wayne’s rustic rugged tunnel is “several minutes” long.
4 minutes @ 2mph takes you >200 yards. Yes, dying-of-cancer-Wayne dug 200 yards thru a freakin' mountain!
Those aliens are dicks of the highest order, to make Wayne dig that tunnel when they could’ve used their Undetectable Alien-Base-Excavating Machinery to do the job. So many plot holes, Anjali.
We get a paltry 1163 words on the main event, meeting the aliens in person:
Cute Grey is like hey babe I was gonna call I swear what with all human life being at stake and shit but hold up while I get the Lotto numbers from my Supreme White buddies and then we'll hang out no biggie.
Yup they are surprised to see Anjali because they don't have CCTV.
Also, Lavvy is 7’6” to 8’ tall is living in a base with 7’ doors. Are these the higher beings we’re entrusting to save us from doom?
BTW quick aside: How does Anjali know Cute Grey and Lavvy are dudes? I mean they’re nekkid so I guess she looked for their equipment? TBH that’s where my eyes would go if I saw a nekkid alien. (We don’t get a description of their equipment tho.)
The ultimate message is downloaded into Anjali’s brain: “What is going on isn’t what’s really going on.” This is super deep stuff.
“This is the best I can do in this finite post” sez Anjali. Hey hire an editor next time if you want to save humanity with a 6000-word Reddit post.
Today I learned seven alien species are tasked with overseeing Earth. We are an experiment, guys. That sucks. Recently, 4 got mad at us and are coming to exterminate us. The others are powerless to stop them. Fortunately, the 4 bad guys have slow ships.
Next Anjali writes 555 words on meeting Wayne & Trisha and an unnamed couple who serve no dramatic purpose in the plot, not even important enough for Anjali to ask Wayne their names so she can friend them on Facebook. I guess they’ll return in Act 3?
The aliens have “allowed” Wayne, who’s dying of cancer ya'll, to expend his precious energy digging a tunnel thru a mountain to their secret base. Military-grade camouflage was necessary to hide the entrance - Wayne’s backyard shed.
Anjali and the mystery couple are invited to meet the aliens! Finally it’s getting good.
Wayne’s rustic rugged tunnel is “several minutes” long.
4 minutes @ 2mph takes you >200 yards. Yes, dying-of-cancer-Wayne dug 200 yards thru a freakin' mountain!
Those aliens are dicks of the highest order, to make Wayne dig that tunnel when they could’ve used their Undetectable Alien-Base-Excavating Machinery to do the job. So many plot holes, Anjali.
We get a paltry 1163 words on the main event, meeting the aliens in person:
- 3x gorgeous sexy silent humanoids, white of course - we’ll call them Supreme Whites for short
- 1x cute li'l Grey
- 1x Lavvy! Anjali is excited to see him again.
Cute Grey is like hey babe I was gonna call I swear what with all human life being at stake and shit but hold up while I get the Lotto numbers from my Supreme White buddies and then we'll hang out no biggie.
Yup they are surprised to see Anjali because they don't have CCTV.
Also, Lavvy is 7’6” to 8’ tall is living in a base with 7’ doors. Are these the higher beings we’re entrusting to save us from doom?
BTW quick aside: How does Anjali know Cute Grey and Lavvy are dudes? I mean they’re nekkid so I guess she looked for their equipment? TBH that’s where my eyes would go if I saw a nekkid alien. (We don’t get a description of their equipment tho.)
The ultimate message is downloaded into Anjali’s brain: “What is going on isn’t what’s really going on.” This is super deep stuff.
“This is the best I can do in this finite post” sez Anjali. Hey hire an editor next time if you want to save humanity with a 6000-word Reddit post.
Today I learned seven alien species are tasked with overseeing Earth. We are an experiment, guys. That sucks. Recently, 4 got mad at us and are coming to exterminate us. The others are powerless to stop them. Fortunately, the 4 bad guys have slow ships.
“We must evolve, or we will fail to transcend,” sez Anjali.
How do we learn to download encoded images to save humanity? The aliens are being coy about that but I’m gonna guess it has something to do with Anjali becoming a guru in the Mojave Desert.
(Last time a bunch of people engaged in an attempt to transcend while waiting for aliens to arrive, it didn’t end well - a little warning from untranscended Charlie Wiser who likes old fashioned language.)
How do we learn to download encoded images to save humanity? The aliens are being coy about that but I’m gonna guess it has something to do with Anjali becoming a guru in the Mojave Desert.
(Last time a bunch of people engaged in an attempt to transcend while waiting for aliens to arrive, it didn’t end well - a little warning from untranscended Charlie Wiser who likes old fashioned language.)
555 more words and the credits roll.
By the way, don’t ask Wayne and Trisha to reveal the location of the base. Why should these noble folk give up their backyard shed to save humanity??
Would you?
I see her leading an exodus into the desert where they spend all day attempting to flick mental images back and forth. The carrot is meeting the three good aliens, the stick is the impending arrival of the four bad aliens. I hope Wayne gets to be her 2ic after his mammoth effort.
I want to find a person who is going to the press conference. I want that person to live tweet. I very much want that person to be selected for the team to meet the aliens. (I feel sorry for them already because the meeting is gonna be canceled but still.)
By the way, don’t ask Wayne and Trisha to reveal the location of the base. Why should these noble folk give up their backyard shed to save humanity??
Would you?
I see her leading an exodus into the desert where they spend all day attempting to flick mental images back and forth. The carrot is meeting the three good aliens, the stick is the impending arrival of the four bad aliens. I hope Wayne gets to be her 2ic after his mammoth effort.
I want to find a person who is going to the press conference. I want that person to live tweet. I very much want that person to be selected for the team to meet the aliens. (I feel sorry for them already because the meeting is gonna be canceled but still.)
Consolidating a fantasy (Aug 17, 2021)
Anjali posted on YouTube her regressive hypnotherapy session with Barbara Lamb, which took place 2 months after she first posted her Reddit essay about the fate of humanity. Following is a discussion about a hypothetical therapist and patient.
Cast of characters:
FACT: A stay in the ICU can cause a person to reexamine their life. It can also cause mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD (fear, horror, helplessness, avoidance, intrusive thoughts).
FACT: A patient put into a suggestible state and asked to recount an event is going to describe the event, or make up details to fill the gaps, or both. The patient will then believe the fabricated stuff is a real memory.
A person with a poor imagination will come up with a dumb story. A person with a good imagination will come up with a great story. But any person who’s actually been abducted by aliens will tell a phenomenal story. Aliens aren’t boring. Anjali tells a dumb, unoriginal, extremely repetitive story lacking in detail, logic, or practical application. Barb is practically begging her for clearer instructions on how to save humanity but Anjali’s imagination doesn’t stretch that far. Barb prods at Anjali’s fabrications – it’s a Rorschach test.
My totally non-diagnostic conclusion is that Anjali’s aliens are her security blankie. That’s fine. What’s not fine Anjali spreading woo to create a death cult.
Wait, death cult? We’ll get to that.
Curiously, Anjali only glosses over the central points of the Reddit essay: bad slow aliens coming to “end the human experiment”, and the necessity of dumping language for the badly designed image-dumping comms method. Here’s the thing: Aliens coming to “end” us doesn’t play well. And learning telepathy is hard. So Anjali is making everything a bit more palatable for the masses.
Cast of characters:
- “Anjali”, a formerly healthy and well employed person who ends up in the ICU unexpectedly, where she sees dead people, receives alien holograms, then meets aliens in their secret base
- “Barb”, a “hypnoregressionist” specializing in ET, past lives etc.
FACT: A stay in the ICU can cause a person to reexamine their life. It can also cause mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD (fear, horror, helplessness, avoidance, intrusive thoughts).
FACT: A patient put into a suggestible state and asked to recount an event is going to describe the event, or make up details to fill the gaps, or both. The patient will then believe the fabricated stuff is a real memory.
A person with a poor imagination will come up with a dumb story. A person with a good imagination will come up with a great story. But any person who’s actually been abducted by aliens will tell a phenomenal story. Aliens aren’t boring. Anjali tells a dumb, unoriginal, extremely repetitive story lacking in detail, logic, or practical application. Barb is practically begging her for clearer instructions on how to save humanity but Anjali’s imagination doesn’t stretch that far. Barb prods at Anjali’s fabrications – it’s a Rorschach test.
My totally non-diagnostic conclusion is that Anjali’s aliens are her security blankie. That’s fine. What’s not fine Anjali spreading woo to create a death cult.
Wait, death cult? We’ll get to that.
Curiously, Anjali only glosses over the central points of the Reddit essay: bad slow aliens coming to “end the human experiment”, and the necessity of dumping language for the badly designed image-dumping comms method. Here’s the thing: Aliens coming to “end” us doesn’t play well. And learning telepathy is hard. So Anjali is making everything a bit more palatable for the masses.
[Tin foil hats on.] Earth’s vibration is increasing from 3rd to 4th density. Humans who transcend to 4th density (don’t ask how, no one knows) can stay here. 3rd density humans can’t survive the vibrations of 4th density Earth and will be reincarnated/respawned on Orion.
Wait, Orion? Isn’t that a… constellation? Multiple stars making a pattern as viewed from Earth? These stars have no relationship to each other in reality, being hundreds of light-years apart. Anjali doesn’t know this. Anjali thinks Orion is a 3rd density planet. PLOT TWIST!! Anjali realizes she is from Orion! |
By the way, this interminable session is just Anjali saying in six different ways that her job, if only she would get off her “attention” meds that cause seizures and amnesia so she could remember it properly, is to tell people to raise their vibration thru meditation.
“I am to help humanity understand what’s to happen next” - yet Anjali is frequently confused. These aliens are crap at getting their message across via their image-dumping tech. Why don’t they just speak English or write a 6000-word essay on Reddit for her? For us?
The aliens say they’ve contacted other humans. Where are these people?! Out of 7+ billion humans, why didn’t they pick one who doesn’t suffer from drug-induced amnesia that’s fucking up her ability to save humanity?
Oh here’s why: “They’ve known me all of my life since before I was born… I have an elevated consciousness. I am connected to them.” See, she chose to be “deployed” from Orion to sucky Earth.
Special snowflake, fated hero, and reincarnated martyr all in one.
So, death cult time: 3rd and 4th density humans will be reincarnated “on Orion” or on Earth respectively. The aliens are getting frantic - this will happen soon.
QUESTION: What is the earthly event that precedes reincarnation? (Not a rhetorical question, it's on the test.)
Barb: “There’s nothing more important that you could possibly be doing.”
Anjali: “Yes, they want me to give up all of the things and do only this.” *cough* guru *cough* cult *cough*
Anjali is a mouthpiece by the way and definitely not a spokesperson even though they mean the same thing. Or is this a miscommunication that could be cured by closing the 3rd density dictionary and receiving a 4th density image download?
No mention of what happens to Earth’s animals when Earth elevates its vibrations into the 4th density.
Summary: This was a tough one for several reasons, one being the excruciating session itself but Anjali put it out there with Comments switched on. This was my comment. I'm sorry she's sick. But she is having an incorrect response to her illness.
“I am to help humanity understand what’s to happen next” - yet Anjali is frequently confused. These aliens are crap at getting their message across via their image-dumping tech. Why don’t they just speak English or write a 6000-word essay on Reddit for her? For us?
The aliens say they’ve contacted other humans. Where are these people?! Out of 7+ billion humans, why didn’t they pick one who doesn’t suffer from drug-induced amnesia that’s fucking up her ability to save humanity?
Oh here’s why: “They’ve known me all of my life since before I was born… I have an elevated consciousness. I am connected to them.” See, she chose to be “deployed” from Orion to sucky Earth.
Special snowflake, fated hero, and reincarnated martyr all in one.
So, death cult time: 3rd and 4th density humans will be reincarnated “on Orion” or on Earth respectively. The aliens are getting frantic - this will happen soon.
QUESTION: What is the earthly event that precedes reincarnation? (Not a rhetorical question, it's on the test.)
Barb: “There’s nothing more important that you could possibly be doing.”
Anjali: “Yes, they want me to give up all of the things and do only this.” *cough* guru *cough* cult *cough*
Anjali is a mouthpiece by the way and definitely not a spokesperson even though they mean the same thing. Or is this a miscommunication that could be cured by closing the 3rd density dictionary and receiving a 4th density image download?
No mention of what happens to Earth’s animals when Earth elevates its vibrations into the 4th density.
Summary: This was a tough one for several reasons, one being the excruciating session itself but Anjali put it out there with Comments switched on. This was my comment. I'm sorry she's sick. But she is having an incorrect response to her illness.
What plays well (Aug 17, 2021)
Travis Walton's abducting aliens became benevolent in the last few years - an "ambulance call" after their beam accidentally killed him. Evil aliens don't play well with the audience. Anjali figured the same, I guess.
In her March & July Reddit posts she says the four alien races who gave up on humanity and left the council are hostile. They are coming back to end humanity. But at her press conference she "regrets" the way she explained this. The hostile aliens become merely advanced beings on their way to help us transcend and become one with source. (She also said they're already here.)
These aliens are putting an end to this era of humanity - we will be reincarnated either on Earth, or "on Orion" for those vibrating at the wrong frequency. But no worries, these aliens just doing their job. As is she.
In her universe, humans are monkeys in a zoo observed by advanced beings - some of whom think we're cute. This is a pathetically infantile view of life and love. This is a humanity-hating view. It's the root of Christianity, actually - we are worms writhing in the mud, and only by the grace of a superior being will we learn the key to salvation.
Oneness with the source is new age mumbo jumbo - and of course not new. The idea that individuality needs to be stamped out as we merge with a higher consciousness might appeal to you, if you hate yourself, but some of us like being who we are, thanks.
To be honest, the best thing about Anjali's humanity-hating alien-worshipping cult is the going-to-Orion part. I choose not to elevate my vibrations (except as shown). I choose to go to Orion! Sounds like a blast. #ichooseOrion
In her March & July Reddit posts she says the four alien races who gave up on humanity and left the council are hostile. They are coming back to end humanity. But at her press conference she "regrets" the way she explained this. The hostile aliens become merely advanced beings on their way to help us transcend and become one with source. (She also said they're already here.)
These aliens are putting an end to this era of humanity - we will be reincarnated either on Earth, or "on Orion" for those vibrating at the wrong frequency. But no worries, these aliens just doing their job. As is she.
In her universe, humans are monkeys in a zoo observed by advanced beings - some of whom think we're cute. This is a pathetically infantile view of life and love. This is a humanity-hating view. It's the root of Christianity, actually - we are worms writhing in the mud, and only by the grace of a superior being will we learn the key to salvation.
Oneness with the source is new age mumbo jumbo - and of course not new. The idea that individuality needs to be stamped out as we merge with a higher consciousness might appeal to you, if you hate yourself, but some of us like being who we are, thanks.
To be honest, the best thing about Anjali's humanity-hating alien-worshipping cult is the going-to-Orion part. I choose not to elevate my vibrations (except as shown). I choose to go to Orion! Sounds like a blast. #ichooseOrion
Obsessive tunnelers (Aug 20, 2021)
Anjali: “Someone sent me an article - I was tickled pink... - about the Burro Schmidt tunnel that I’d never heard of, but I was so pleased.” – Apr 2021
This 700-yard tunnel in the Mojave Desert is curiously similar to Wayne’s tunnel. Did Anjali incorporate it into her alien experience? Burro Schmidt single-handedly (plus dynamite) built it in 1900-1938. Anjali claims she’d never heard of it, though we know she already liked tunnels…
This 700-yard tunnel in the Mojave Desert is curiously similar to Wayne’s tunnel. Did Anjali incorporate it into her alien experience? Burro Schmidt single-handedly (plus dynamite) built it in 1900-1938. Anjali claims she’d never heard of it, though we know she already liked tunnels…
Burro Schmidt was famously “obsessed” with completing his tunnel through a mountain - even after a road was built that rendered it obsolete. Took him 38 years to excavate 700 yards. Meanwhile: “He [Wayne] was obsessed. He had to dig the tunnel.” - Anjali
Let's get hypothetical for a moment. If I was in a SoCal coffee shop and bonded with Wayne over our intractable illnesses, and he invited me to his house to trip on shrooms in order to connect with a higher consciousness, I might say: Sure, why not!
If I was tripping under Wayne’s mystical wooden arch while he guided me through a visualization involving aliens in an underground tunnel... I might confuse the fantasy with a real tunnel I’d heard of, or maybe even visited as a tourist.
Let's get hypothetical for a moment. If I was in a SoCal coffee shop and bonded with Wayne over our intractable illnesses, and he invited me to his house to trip on shrooms in order to connect with a higher consciousness, I might say: Sure, why not!
If I was tripping under Wayne’s mystical wooden arch while he guided me through a visualization involving aliens in an underground tunnel... I might confuse the fantasy with a real tunnel I’d heard of, or maybe even visited as a tourist.
In my psychedelically distorted state I might believe, in sober retrospect, that the arches of that actual tunnel, in my imagination, were a portal between two worlds – between a rustic hand-blasted tunnel and an alien base. If I noticed, I was walking through this tunnel, that the extraneous wives were “just chatting… I’m thinking to myself, how are you people having a conversation right now?”... Maybe it’s because these tripping wives were in fact just chatting. As you do, among friends.
Disclaimer: Anjali claims she was not high while “visiting” the aliens in the tunnel. Prior to that, in 2020, she explicitly stated she met aliens while tripping. More importantly she has since deleted that admission (see image, right).
What people hide is more telling than what they reveal. Anjali loves the sound of her own voice, details galore! - yet she goes back thru her Reddit history to delete the one post that explains everything. |
What a trip (Aug 24-27, 2021)
[Note: From the first time I read Anjali's account, and watched the "press conference", it seemed to me she believed her story, and since clearly the alien base story was nonsense it seemed likely she was on a drug trip at Wayne's place. DMT/ayahuasca were options if she'd hallucinated a tunnel and aliens. After learning in Feb 2022 that she'd taken Rick Simpson oil, I speculated she had simply had a confusing day and her imagination had created the story over the days, weeks, and years that followed.]
Ways in which Anjali's experiences match an ayahuasca trip:
And there's nothing wrong with that, especially if you've had a tough year and are looking for healing - until you decide that what you experienced was unique and earth-shattering, and you add a bunch of New Age mythos with a dash of and Star Trek and create a suicide cult.
Anjali is a bit of a Star Trek fan btw. Nothing wrong with that either! I like me a bit of sci-fi but not when a galactic council is on its way to "separate" human wheat from chaff.
Ways in which Anjali's experiences match an ayahuasca trip:
- shaman
- tunnel (or road)
- higher beings (or god)
- information downloads
- out-of-body
- oneness of consciousness
- longing to stay
- peace & love messages
- time dilation
- teleportation
- worldview change
And there's nothing wrong with that, especially if you've had a tough year and are looking for healing - until you decide that what you experienced was unique and earth-shattering, and you add a bunch of New Age mythos with a dash of and Star Trek and create a suicide cult.
Anjali is a bit of a Star Trek fan btw. Nothing wrong with that either! I like me a bit of sci-fi but not when a galactic council is on its way to "separate" human wheat from chaff.
Anjali is a politically liberal. Nothing wrong with that! Me too! She says meditation takes years of practice to get the benefits. You know who has TIME to devote to years of meditation leading to transcendence? Retired middle-class White ladies.
If Anjali says she wasn't using drugs when she met her beings, I don't believe her. Firstly because she's already said she met beings while high. But also because of posts like this (and the fact she deleted it):
I think she had an eye-opening experience on psychedelics followed by those experiences being examined and consolidated (until they felt real) by meditation (and, later if not before as well, hypnoregression). Again, no judgment - nothing wrong with any of this until she started searching for a way to make it unique and landed on her sci-fi narrative - which infantilizes all humans, and offers salvation only for those able to meditate until they learn image-telepathy.
Adding two Reddit posts for the record. This is Anjali's deleted post about seeing entities while using shrooms:
Adding two Reddit posts for the record. This is Anjali's deleted post about seeing entities while using shrooms:
And this one speaks for itself:
Orion is a planet (Aug 28, 2021)
Anjali had a hypnoregression session with Barbara Lamb in May. Excruciating to watch and not much new - except for Orion being a planet!
After Lavvy’s message about “remember who you are” and “stop taking your medication that’s making you forget”... Anjali regresses to a past life and learns that the beings “have known me all of my life since before I was born… I’ve been with them before, and I keep forgetting.” Anjali discovers she’s special: “I have an elevated consciousness. I am connected to them.” [Barb: Even before this lifetime?] “Yes. I agreed to come here. It’s like a deployment.” |
Reincarnating on Earth is a tough assignment for higher density beings.
Anjali: “They’re showing me how difficult it is here, and how dense and heavy and low, and it’s like a hardship to be here… I had to want to come, I wanted to be here, this is what I wanted to do.”
[Barb: Describe where you came from.] Anjali delves deep into her mind, which isn’t the most imaginative place as we know, and comes up with: No description. But it does take her three minutes (I kid you not) of pausing and sighing to manage the following revelatory 46 words:
“It’s a place that - they keep showing me Orion, but I’m not *from* Orion. Or am I? It’s like I work for Orion. I don’t understand. It’s a place like Earth but it’s different. I can see it. I think it’s Orion! I’ve been here before.”
Revelatory for two reasons:
Anjali: “They’re showing me how difficult it is here, and how dense and heavy and low, and it’s like a hardship to be here… I had to want to come, I wanted to be here, this is what I wanted to do.”
[Barb: Describe where you came from.] Anjali delves deep into her mind, which isn’t the most imaginative place as we know, and comes up with: No description. But it does take her three minutes (I kid you not) of pausing and sighing to manage the following revelatory 46 words:
“It’s a place that - they keep showing me Orion, but I’m not *from* Orion. Or am I? It’s like I work for Orion. I don’t understand. It’s a place like Earth but it’s different. I can see it. I think it’s Orion! I’ve been here before.”
Revelatory for two reasons:
- Anjali, a reincarnated being with elevated consciousness, is from Orion, and used to work “for” Orion.
- Orion is a “place like Earth". (Earth is a planet btw.)
How elevated does one’s consciousness have to be to understand Orion is not a place, not a planet, and not a thing you can work for? Orion is a random assortment of stars in 3D space, spread out by hundreds of light-years, that happens to make a shape when viewed from Earth.
To pre-empt the excuse that Anjali comes from “a star in Orion”, this makes no sense from the perspective of the being she was in her past life. Orion means nothing to anyone except 3rd density beings on Earth. Furthermore, when asked if 3rd density people will incarnate on Orion:
"Yes, on Orion because they’re not ready for fourth density."
ON not IN. Anjali thinks Orion is a planet.
To pre-empt the excuse that Anjali comes from “a star in Orion”, this makes no sense from the perspective of the being she was in her past life. Orion means nothing to anyone except 3rd density beings on Earth. Furthermore, when asked if 3rd density people will incarnate on Orion:
"Yes, on Orion because they’re not ready for fourth density."
ON not IN. Anjali thinks Orion is a planet.
If you’re curious about “Orion”, you can go there!
Anjali: “The people who don’t reincarnate here - respawn here - the people who don’t, who can’t be in the fourth density, they go to Orion. Yes, they go to Orion.”
Anjali: “The people who don’t reincarnate here - respawn here - the people who don’t, who can’t be in the fourth density, they go to Orion. Yes, they go to Orion.”
Dense (Sep 2, 2021)
Let's get our transcension mythology straight okay? Here's the gist of it, as it pertains to humanity. (This is all happening right now, so remember who you are etc. Do it now.)
THE ANCIENTS are here in their moon-sized ship to grade.
THE FOUR renegade former council members on their final paper: separating the wheat from the chaff.
Meanwhile THE THREE remaining in the council want us to stop exploding nuclear bombs that hurt other places here but not here. (BTW I have never exploded a nuclear bomb so THE THREE can eff off with their sanctimonious generalizations.)
It's a lot to take in, I know. How to transcend:
But back to the moon-sized ship. The Ancients live inside it. It's as dense as an anvil compressed to the size of a BB which is, guys, that's pretty dense. SOMEONE DO THE MATH.
THE ANCIENTS are here in their moon-sized ship to grade.
THE FOUR renegade former council members on their final paper: separating the wheat from the chaff.
Meanwhile THE THREE remaining in the council want us to stop exploding nuclear bombs that hurt other places here but not here. (BTW I have never exploded a nuclear bomb so THE THREE can eff off with their sanctimonious generalizations.)
It's a lot to take in, I know. How to transcend:
- Realize your biotechnology (body) doesn't matter.
- Be present in the moment when you're washing dishes.
- Or watch Netflix on your bed and keep an eye on the corner to the right of the TV.
But back to the moon-sized ship. The Ancients live inside it. It's as dense as an anvil compressed to the size of a BB which is, guys, that's pretty dense. SOMEONE DO THE MATH.
The Ancients' ship has mist leaking out the bottom. It has tree roots or vines on it. It's ALIVE! Anjali has provided this helpful drawing. No I do not know why it wears a hat shaped like a Star Trek communicator. It's a high-density secret.
Anjali likes old vines btw. I'm not saying the one has anything to do with the other, I'm just saying she likes old vines. They tell a story. |
Transparency (Sep 9, 2021)
Is Anjali being "transparent"? Can you trust her? Here's why I think this Mojave expedition will never get off the ground.
Anjali's had 3 years to go back to that base - just to confirm for herself it wasn't a hallucination caused by multiple medications, psychedelics, brain issues, guided meditation &/or hypnosis. But she never went back. Max never said Babe maybe just once? Just to be sure... |
Instead of doing this bare minimum due diligence, Anjali's going all out with the most complicated expedition imaginable. Top scientists risking their reputations to join the team! Two teams! "Equipment for measuring!" Wayne's livelihood at risk! Anjali has designed her expedition in such a way that there are dozens of ways it can fail.
And it will fail. I predict there will never be a team announced, let alone an expedition.
The confirmed team members Anjali said would be named 1-2 weeks after the presser (Aug 17)? Who are these names?
The twitter poll Anjali keeps talking about, to select a member of the UFO community? Where is this poll? What possible reason is there to delay the poll? There's a global pandemic, folks. People need to make plans. [Note: Anjali finally posted round 1 of the Twitter poll on October 8, more than 7 weeks after the press conference. Only three weeks earlier (Sep 13) she'd told the owners that she wanted to visit with her partner and "No one else ever needs to come, ever."]
Let's not forget Anjali announced this expedition before she was back in touch with Wayne, excavator extraordinare. Yep, she planned to invite herself onto his land with a bunch of determined alien-hunters (there at their own expense) and knew he'd be okay with it?
And it will fail. I predict there will never be a team announced, let alone an expedition.
The confirmed team members Anjali said would be named 1-2 weeks after the presser (Aug 17)? Who are these names?
The twitter poll Anjali keeps talking about, to select a member of the UFO community? Where is this poll? What possible reason is there to delay the poll? There's a global pandemic, folks. People need to make plans. [Note: Anjali finally posted round 1 of the Twitter poll on October 8, more than 7 weeks after the press conference. Only three weeks earlier (Sep 13) she'd told the owners that she wanted to visit with her partner and "No one else ever needs to come, ever."]
Let's not forget Anjali announced this expedition before she was back in touch with Wayne, excavator extraordinare. Yep, she planned to invite herself onto his land with a bunch of determined alien-hunters (there at their own expense) and knew he'd be okay with it?
Something tells me Wayne is not okay with this.
Anjali likes to say the higher beings are in control of this process - they're even telling her who to pick for the team - but you can bet that narrative will change when things start falling apart.
It's happened before:
1. Anjali said the higher beings wanted her to write a book. When she was accused of doing this to promote the book, the narrative changed: it was her friends who wanted her to write the book, and she decided not to.
It's happened before:
1. Anjali said the higher beings wanted her to write a book. When she was accused of doing this to promote the book, the narrative changed: it was her friends who wanted her to write the book, and she decided not to.
2. Anjali said the higher beings put the idea of a meditation center in her mind and she saw it happen with precog. When she was accused of promoting the center, the narrative changed: there will be no center - even though she says she willingly does everything the beings want.
Now the beings want "soft disclosure" in this very specific bizarre way, and it will happen before the end of the year. There's no way it can fail, Anjali says, despite zero named team members and a hundred ready-to-go excuses.
Folks, there are no higher beings in Wayne's mountain. There is no alien base. Wayne did not dig a tunnel. Anjali will postpone the expedition with a series of neverending excuses, especially excuses where it's someone else's fault. Stand by.
Folks, there are no higher beings in Wayne's mountain. There is no alien base. Wayne did not dig a tunnel. Anjali will postpone the expedition with a series of neverending excuses, especially excuses where it's someone else's fault. Stand by.
There is no spoon (Sep 14, 2021)

Bad news, guys. Anjali’s expedition to Wayne’s mountain to meet higher beings in their hidden base is not going to happen. My takeaways from Anjali’s interview on Truthseekers with Steven Cambian, Sep 13, 2021, focusing on the expedition and reasons why I believe it won’t happen. I hope I'm wrong!
It inhabits physical space in the mountain but when you go from tunnel to base you transition from the here to the not here. And if there is a base, there is no art on the walls because it collects dust.
“Yeah, I’m not releasing the names. Um, I’m not. Not after the way that I’ve been treated”. Every single member of the (alleged) team wants anonymity and zero publicity.
A public poll would mean the eventual public naming a team member and we can’t have that. [Note: There eventually was a complex Twitter Poll in two rounds, including famous people in ufology that she hadn't asked beforehand if they'd like to be on the team. The top 50 from 100 nominees went through to the second round in a mathematically nonsensical manner that in theory could have seen the 1st and 47th most popular nominees on the team. The final outcome was never announced because Anjali "postponed" the expedition shortly after.]
She didn’t inform him about the expedition before announcing it, and would prefer not discuss this further.
And if you’re wondering what sciencey equipment Anjali plans to take, she finds it “really hard” to describe because she’s "not a scientist".
because there’s no cell coverage. Steven suggests setting up a wi-fi booster in Wayne’s house. Anjali’s response is to avoid eye contact, pause, and say: “Um, okay, so anyway, I’m sorry, remind me what the question was again.”
Not even a sketch, which would be better than nothing since Lavvy & co. won’t allow Anjali to snap photos when they visit. She will not be taking up Steven’s rec of an artist, nor showing us her own sketches of the Bulbous One because she’s not a portrait artist.
Actually there probably will be a book but not for money which would be the "sickest thing" she’s ever heard.
Anjali conceded it might all be in her mind. She admits the experience was confusing and poorly recalled, requiring hypnosis and meditation to fully access because that’s just how it is with aliens.
Anjali considers what she’ll do when (sorry, if) she’s been misled or otherwise fails to bring back evidence: she’ll find a shaman “who could help me get my head back on straight from such a terrible disappointment and… a shatter of my ability to trust my own experience.”
Kudos to Anjali for finally entertaining the idea she may fail because it's all a fantasy. But she is pretty sure it’s real because it was such a moving, transformative experience.
It inhabits physical space in the mountain but when you go from tunnel to base you transition from the here to the not here. And if there is a base, there is no art on the walls because it collects dust.
“Yeah, I’m not releasing the names. Um, I’m not. Not after the way that I’ve been treated”. Every single member of the (alleged) team wants anonymity and zero publicity.
A public poll would mean the eventual public naming a team member and we can’t have that. [Note: There eventually was a complex Twitter Poll in two rounds, including famous people in ufology that she hadn't asked beforehand if they'd like to be on the team. The top 50 from 100 nominees went through to the second round in a mathematically nonsensical manner that in theory could have seen the 1st and 47th most popular nominees on the team. The final outcome was never announced because Anjali "postponed" the expedition shortly after.]
She didn’t inform him about the expedition before announcing it, and would prefer not discuss this further.
And if you’re wondering what sciencey equipment Anjali plans to take, she finds it “really hard” to describe because she’s "not a scientist".
because there’s no cell coverage. Steven suggests setting up a wi-fi booster in Wayne’s house. Anjali’s response is to avoid eye contact, pause, and say: “Um, okay, so anyway, I’m sorry, remind me what the question was again.”
Not even a sketch, which would be better than nothing since Lavvy & co. won’t allow Anjali to snap photos when they visit. She will not be taking up Steven’s rec of an artist, nor showing us her own sketches of the Bulbous One because she’s not a portrait artist.
Actually there probably will be a book but not for money which would be the "sickest thing" she’s ever heard.
Anjali conceded it might all be in her mind. She admits the experience was confusing and poorly recalled, requiring hypnosis and meditation to fully access because that’s just how it is with aliens.
Anjali considers what she’ll do when (sorry, if) she’s been misled or otherwise fails to bring back evidence: she’ll find a shaman “who could help me get my head back on straight from such a terrible disappointment and… a shatter of my ability to trust my own experience.”
Kudos to Anjali for finally entertaining the idea she may fail because it's all a fantasy. But she is pretty sure it’s real because it was such a moving, transformative experience.
Due diligence (Sep 16, 2021)
I think Anjali thinks (thought?) there are aliens in Wayne’s mountain, and came to believe this through a perfect storm of events. Due diligence could’ve ended this possibly dangerous mess before it started.
I have an additional more pressing concern relating to the transcendence part of her schtick, and especially since she believed 2 months ago people might kill themselves, but... But here I’m talking about how Anjali presented her story, which led to gathering hopeful followers, which led to her fearing they might kill themselves. The hubris of her approach defies belief for a transcending consciousness. |
It’s become apparent that Anjali’s confidence about what happened to her is not as strong as she implied in her March Reddit post and subsequent posts and interviews. One of many posts making the unqualified claim:
Now Anjali admits:
A reasonable, careful, FORMER INTEL person would have pondered the above, in combination with her specific brain health issues, and doubted the reality of the experience. But Anjali came forward with her story after doing zero verification.
Immediately after the visit to the base, Anjali was desperate to be back with the beings but can’t explain why she never tried. Did she even ask Wayne to confirm the base is real? Has she now?
Where was the due diligence?
Despite no evidence for an alien base, her own confusion about what happened in the tunnel, and her reluctance to trespass, this didn’t stop Anjali announcing an expedition before asking Wayne. She just knew he’d let her onto his land.
Anjali had 3 years to do even the smallest amount of due diligence, even just a quick note from Wayne verifying the base, so that she herself would have hard evidence her incredible experience was real.
(Hypnoregression, meditation, DMT trips, "I want to believe" and "It feels true to me" are not evidence of higher beings living in a physical underground base preparing to facilitate the transcendence of humans.)
- Her “memories” were retrieved in part through meditation & hypnoregression.
- In particular, going from the tunnel into the base: “I’m not as clear as I was a moment before.”
A reasonable, careful, FORMER INTEL person would have pondered the above, in combination with her specific brain health issues, and doubted the reality of the experience. But Anjali came forward with her story after doing zero verification.
Immediately after the visit to the base, Anjali was desperate to be back with the beings but can’t explain why she never tried. Did she even ask Wayne to confirm the base is real? Has she now?
Where was the due diligence?
Despite no evidence for an alien base, her own confusion about what happened in the tunnel, and her reluctance to trespass, this didn’t stop Anjali announcing an expedition before asking Wayne. She just knew he’d let her onto his land.
Anjali had 3 years to do even the smallest amount of due diligence, even just a quick note from Wayne verifying the base, so that she herself would have hard evidence her incredible experience was real.
(Hypnoregression, meditation, DMT trips, "I want to believe" and "It feels true to me" are not evidence of higher beings living in a physical underground base preparing to facilitate the transcendence of humans.)
Then & now (Sep 19, 2021)
The current human era is ending! Clear communication about this event is vitally important. Fortunately we have Anjali to tell us about it with her peer-surpassing vocabulary.
Let's look at crappy confusing conscious communication and how the message has changed: THEN vs NOW.
Let's look at crappy confusing conscious communication and how the message has changed: THEN vs NOW.
Anjali is an elevated consciousness from Orion who chose the hardship of being deployed to Earth as a mouthpiece for the beings. She has a job to do. |
She’s nothing special. |
Anjali was shown a network of human messengers like herself with whom Lavvy is in contact. |
Anyone can contact Lavvy and friends by meditating or by living in the present moment while washing dishes. |
The most ancient beings of all are here in an extremely dense, invisible, moon-sized living spaceship (I guess with a gravitational pull undetectable to Earth scientists?). |
Anjali never mentions the moon ship again, and anyway the beings travel on light. |
Anjali was duped by Lavvy into thinking for 3.5 years that 3 friendly guardian races were outnumbered by 4 hostile races coming to judge the viability of humanity and end the human experiment. |
The 4 are simply here to facilitate our choice and get graded on it. |
Humans who fail to recognize our singular consciousness and transcend will be unable to survive on 4th density Earth and will respawn on 3rd density Orion where they’ll be more comfortable. |
Anjali never mentions the fate of the untranscended again. |
The Four will separate wheat from chaff “based on our openness to the sanctity of life” and elimination of national borders. |
Anjali never mentions wheat & chaff again. Separation will be based on elevating our vibration into the 4th density. |
Cynical me says it looks like Anjali took 3 years to develop a message, delivered it on Reddit, then dropped the things that weren’t playing well. Practical me says Lavvy should’ve teleported himself to a wifi hotspot and just written that Reddit post himself.
Culty vibes (Sep 21, 2021)
Anjali dresses up her message with aliens but it’s still a religion, and as their “mouthpiece” with “a job to do” (her words) she is the guru. After disclosing their presence with indisputable evidence she’ll be the most famous person in human history.
So yeah, Anjali is pretty special.
People who like to believe in alien guardians, who are full of hope for a more compassionate era, are following her, excusing her blunders, and defending her against detractors. She is creating a new religious movement.
These things often fall apart, but Anjali added a yardstick by which to measure her credibility: evidence of Lavvy by the end of 2021.
“Wait and see! Everyone will dump her if she can’t produce the evidence!” - History tells us this isn’t what will happen.
When you emotionally invest in a guru and they let you down, you have two choices:
The more emotionally invested you were when the guru fails to deliver, the bigger the fool you feel – and the harder it becomes to acknowledge you were badly fooled. So, you dig in deeper. You accept the guru’s justifications and make excuses for her.
Anjali’s new religion is taking baby steps toward culty behavior: enlightened guru, devout followers, prophecies, emotion-based contradictory messaging, non-standard vocab for everyday words to create an in-group, salvation.
So yeah, Anjali is pretty special.
People who like to believe in alien guardians, who are full of hope for a more compassionate era, are following her, excusing her blunders, and defending her against detractors. She is creating a new religious movement.
These things often fall apart, but Anjali added a yardstick by which to measure her credibility: evidence of Lavvy by the end of 2021.
“Wait and see! Everyone will dump her if she can’t produce the evidence!” - History tells us this isn’t what will happen.
When you emotionally invest in a guru and they let you down, you have two choices:
- Accept you were a fool to believe, and walk away.
- Refuse to accept you were a fool, and make excuses.
The more emotionally invested you were when the guru fails to deliver, the bigger the fool you feel – and the harder it becomes to acknowledge you were badly fooled. So, you dig in deeper. You accept the guru’s justifications and make excuses for her.
Anjali’s new religion is taking baby steps toward culty behavior: enlightened guru, devout followers, prophecies, emotion-based contradictory messaging, non-standard vocab for everyday words to create an in-group, salvation.
Side note: Examples of newspeak from parallel Heaven’s Gate and Anjali concepts – a rose by any other name... [I’m not suggesting any of this is new. The presentation, not the uniqueness or otherwise, is the issue.]
When Anjali fails to provide evidence of higher beings, some will fall away. And some will dig in deeper to avoid feeling foolish - any excuse will do and they will accept her rationalizations. |
The problem: Same thing happens when the Earth fails to move into the 4th density. Anjali hasn’t been shown what 4th density Earth will look like, but so far her info says it looks exactly like 3rd density Earth. Same body, same fleas, same 3rd density meanies living out their lives while the awakened are being nice to everyone.
You’d think it’ll be clear cut, the moment when “the veil is lifted”, but apparently not. Either way, this dangles the carrot, eternal waiting for transcendence to happen.
When you have followers endlessly waiting for something that never happens… you or they have to make it happen.
This warning, of course, makes no sense to people who think 4th density Earth is a thing and yearn for it.
4th density Earth is not a thing though. If you disagree, there are subreddits and hashtags for that. I’m talking about observable reality here. Anjali is aware of the dangers - she was talking about it in private, in July. Took her 2 months to address it openly.
You’d think it’ll be clear cut, the moment when “the veil is lifted”, but apparently not. Either way, this dangles the carrot, eternal waiting for transcendence to happen.
When you have followers endlessly waiting for something that never happens… you or they have to make it happen.
This warning, of course, makes no sense to people who think 4th density Earth is a thing and yearn for it.
4th density Earth is not a thing though. If you disagree, there are subreddits and hashtags for that. I’m talking about observable reality here. Anjali is aware of the dangers - she was talking about it in private, in July. Took her 2 months to address it openly.
When physical reality has been renamed "an illusion"
when your body is not really you
when the beings are “here but not here”
when you yearn to level up
when the separation doesn’t come…
What happens next?
when your body is not really you
when the beings are “here but not here”
when you yearn to level up
when the separation doesn’t come…
What happens next?
Retconning (Sep 25, 2021)
Anjali is retconning childhood encounters with aliens into her story because what’s an experiencer worth if they haven’t been experiencing all their life?
DISCLAIMER: If you are an experiencer with childhood experiences uncovered through hypnoregression, you won't like the following. Believe what you like, I don't really care, but please don't start a cult-like-thing.
On Angelia’s pre-Anjali social media (Instagram, Facebook, old Twitter, Reddit) there’s no mention of lifelong contact with aliens or visiting their craft. She liked Twilight but showed no particular interest in aliens.
Now, on Linked In:
DISCLAIMER: If you are an experiencer with childhood experiences uncovered through hypnoregression, you won't like the following. Believe what you like, I don't really care, but please don't start a cult-like-thing.
On Angelia’s pre-Anjali social media (Instagram, Facebook, old Twitter, Reddit) there’s no mention of lifelong contact with aliens or visiting their craft. She liked Twilight but showed no particular interest in aliens.
Now, on Linked In:
Anjali never mentions lifelong contact in her coming-out Reddit post in March 2021. If she had lifelong memories of contact or abductions prior to Dec 2017, she wouldn’t have reacted this way the first time she met Lavvy:
So, we’ve established that before March 2021 Anjali had no lifelong memories of contact. She goes public… and the reconning begins. In her second interview she says she had lifelong contact she wasn't aware of, and in her third interview says the beings told her about it only recently, which conveniently explains why she never mentioned it before.
April 7, 2021: "When I was finally ready to share with [my mother] my experience in the Mojave, we revisited that experience and it involves some pretty close contact when I was a child. It’s really quite interesting. I think that there may be a lifetime of contact that I just wasn’t quite consciously aware of."
April 25, 2021: “[The beings] have told me they’ve been visiting me my entire life” and abducted her when she was 4 during a neighborhood UFO sighting.
Hedging her bets in April, her hypnoregression with Barbara Lamb in May convinces her it definitely happened. Through meditation and hypnoregression she now recalls being aboard craft and more.
Anjali knows hypnoregression has a reputation for implanting memories, so when asked today if her memories existed before hypnoregression… wait, of course they did! All of them! She just forgot to mention it earlier I guess?
April 7, 2021: "When I was finally ready to share with [my mother] my experience in the Mojave, we revisited that experience and it involves some pretty close contact when I was a child. It’s really quite interesting. I think that there may be a lifetime of contact that I just wasn’t quite consciously aware of."
April 25, 2021: “[The beings] have told me they’ve been visiting me my entire life” and abducted her when she was 4 during a neighborhood UFO sighting.
Hedging her bets in April, her hypnoregression with Barbara Lamb in May convinces her it definitely happened. Through meditation and hypnoregression she now recalls being aboard craft and more.
Anjali knows hypnoregression has a reputation for implanting memories, so when asked today if her memories existed before hypnoregression… wait, of course they did! All of them! She just forgot to mention it earlier I guess?
Because childhood high strangeness is an essential feature of the modern experiencer’s credibility, Anjali’s unexplained skin discoloration and that time she missed the bus are now significant.
Anjali even passive-aggressively retconned being unknowingly influenced by Lavvy 8 yrs ago while writing her YA novel The Nameless. I’ve read the book and its themes are unrelated to Lavvy’s later message. It’s anyone’s guess why Lavvy inspired her to write about bickering angels and lip gloss.
Anjali is now saying she’s had lifelong specific memories in addition to the UFO sighting at age 4: “full faces, bodies with a lot of detail”. Then why did she freak out and question her sanity when she saw Lavvy?
Working backwards, in summary:
Note: Hypnoregression will uncover whatever the hell you want it to uncover, which is why it might be used for therapy. That doesn't mean the memories are necessarily real, no matter how real they seem afterwards.
- Today: Anjali has lifelong memories of aliens; the beings inspired her 2013 novel; she has typical experiencer weirdness with her body and missing time.
- May/Apr: the beings tell her during hypnoregression about lifelong contact.
- Mar: Anjali recounts the 2017-18 meetings with aliens, does not mention prior contact.
- Dec 2017: questions her sanity when she sees an alien for what is clearly the first time.
- Jan 2017: sees dead people and it’s clearly the first time something odd ever happened to her.
- Prior to 2017: Anjali's social media shows no particular interest in aliens over vampires or ghosts.
Note: Hypnoregression will uncover whatever the hell you want it to uncover, which is why it might be used for therapy. That doesn't mean the memories are necessarily real, no matter how real they seem afterwards.
Careful wording (Oct 4, 2021)
Does Anjali have Wayne’s explicit permission to bring a team of scientists and other experts with their “equipment to measure” onto his land in 2021 and enter his tunnel to bring back evidence from the Cave of Wonders?
Let’s back up a little. Did Wayne dig a tunnel through the mountain in his backyard? Apparently he told Anjali that he did, as unlikely as that seems, after seeing UFOs then meeting two aliens on his mountain.
Was Wayne yanking her chain? Embellishing a more “spiritual” experience he had while meditating? We only know what Anjali tells us and she thinks not, since she has a fuzzy memory of meeting aliens, later clarified through hypnoregression.
What exactly is Anjali’s relationship with Wayne? Has she – to use her terminology – "overstated" his support? Like she overstated her drug use, and Max overspoke Wayne’s recovery from cancer?
Was Wayne yanking her chain? Embellishing a more “spiritual” experience he had while meditating? We only know what Anjali tells us and she thinks not, since she has a fuzzy memory of meeting aliens, later clarified through hypnoregression.
What exactly is Anjali’s relationship with Wayne? Has she – to use her terminology – "overstated" his support? Like she overstated her drug use, and Max overspoke Wayne’s recovery from cancer?
Anjali met Wayne & the aliens in Jan 2018, spoke to him briefly the next day, “exchanged several texts” but never got together again: “the responses stopped coming.”
Jump ahead to March 2021 when Anjali comes out on Reddit because a peaches-n-cream light being told her it was time. She had not been in touch with Wayne for 2 years despite trying. Why wouldn’t he take a call from the lady who kept texting him about talking to aliens? [NOTE: As we later learned from the messages Anjali released, she had not spoken to the owners for three years at this point, and would not attempt to contact them until March 30 - despite saying the March 21 tweet below that she was trying.]
Jump ahead to March 2021 when Anjali comes out on Reddit because a peaches-n-cream light being told her it was time. She had not been in touch with Wayne for 2 years despite trying. Why wouldn’t he take a call from the lady who kept texting him about talking to aliens? [NOTE: As we later learned from the messages Anjali released, she had not spoken to the owners for three years at this point, and would not attempt to contact them until March 30 - despite saying the March 21 tweet below that she was trying.]
July: Despite no contact in three years, and Wayne not returning her calls for 4 months, Anjali announces an expedition back to the tunnel because she trusts the beings won't lead her astray regarding matters of trespassing. [We now know that Anjali did hear from the couple within a day of making this post. She failed to respond to them for another week because her cat died.]
Aug 10: Anjali is back in touch with Wayne! Her partner Max (LowerBunchMonkey on Reddit) is asked outright if they have his permission for the expedition – you’d think this is a yes/no question, wouldn’t you? But the evasive answers begin. [We now know that during this time, Anjali had told them about meeting aliens in their tunnel, which they had no memory of, but she did not mention wanting to return to their property - let alone bring a team with her - until a very brief mention during their Aug 16 call the day before her D.C. press conference. Everything was certainly not "just fine".]
Aug 17: Press conference. Anjali again does not specify that Wayne is supportive of the expedition, only of the presser itself with a vague comment about his support “in this effort”. Max adds his own odd comment later the same day. [The released Zoom call from the day before indicates Wayne listened to Anjali's story and was interested in her experience, but told her there were no tunnels on his land. No arrangements were made for her to return, and they later told me they were stunned by the extent of her planned expedition as outlined during the presser.]
Aug 25: A very odd thing happens. Anjali posts that she and Max are FaceTiming the soon-to-be world’s-most-famous couple Wayne & Trisha. Then 12 days later she edits the post to remove Max’s name. I can’t explain it. She overstated Max's videoconferencing appearances?
[Note that her phrase "I FaceTime with him and Trisha now" is designed to imply they have talked several times. In fact they had spoken once (Aug 16), and they had not messaged her since Aug 19 after watching her press conference (she sent them the link on Aug 20, three days late). Nor did they respond to her numerous and lengthy messages for a whole month because, as Trisha told me, the press conference made them realize she was crazy.]
[Also note that from the released Zoom call we now know Max did not speak to the couple during the call, though he was present. Perhaps Anjali removed Max's name because his interactions with Anjali's critics on Reddit were disastrous. He stopped posting altogether after Sep 20, 2021.]
[Note that her phrase "I FaceTime with him and Trisha now" is designed to imply they have talked several times. In fact they had spoken once (Aug 16), and they had not messaged her since Aug 19 after watching her press conference (she sent them the link on Aug 20, three days late). Nor did they respond to her numerous and lengthy messages for a whole month because, as Trisha told me, the press conference made them realize she was crazy.]
[Also note that from the released Zoom call we now know Max did not speak to the couple during the call, though he was present. Perhaps Anjali removed Max's name because his interactions with Anjali's critics on Reddit were disastrous. He stopped posting altogether after Sep 20, 2021.]
We found a candidate for Wayne, a millionaire real estate developer, and Steven Cambian confronted Anjali about him. She confirmed to his satisfaction that it was her Wayne. [She later would explain she did so in order to protect the real Wayne.]
Sep 9: Anjali panic-tweets about Wayne’s ruthless armed guards. Six tweets, not one word about his knowledge of or permission for the forthcoming invasion of his property and worldwide exposure of himself due to having Lavvybeans in his mountain.
[Note: At the time, Anjali was telling the real Wayne and Trisha that her tweets were to throw researchers off the trail. Then she told them her ruse had worked, that a podcaster (Cambian) had fallen for it and pinpointed the wrong man. This was intended to make herself look clever in their eyes, at a time when they had been silent for 3 weeks. But in fact Cambian had presented her with a candidate matching the very description she was tweeting about, and she'd already led him to believe he was right.]
Sep 9: Anjali panic-tweets about Wayne’s ruthless armed guards. Six tweets, not one word about his knowledge of or permission for the forthcoming invasion of his property and worldwide exposure of himself due to having Lavvybeans in his mountain.
[Note: At the time, Anjali was telling the real Wayne and Trisha that her tweets were to throw researchers off the trail. Then she told them her ruse had worked, that a podcaster (Cambian) had fallen for it and pinpointed the wrong man. This was intended to make herself look clever in their eyes, at a time when they had been silent for 3 weeks. But in fact Cambian had presented her with a candidate matching the very description she was tweeting about, and she'd already led him to believe he was right.]
Sep 13: Steven Cambian asks Anjali that same direct yes/no question about whether Wayne is aware of Anjali’s expedition. We get the evasiveness we've come to know and love:
Have you been in contact with Wayne in the past three years? He is aware of this expedition and what you’re doing on the internet and all of this stuff, correct?
"I have been in contact with Wayne more recently. The time when I said that I had not been in contact with Wayne, that was correct, and now it’s changed, and yes I have been in contact with him. And that’s really all that I’m happy to say about Wayne, really, I would just prefer not to discuss that too much."
[At this time, Wayne and Trisha had not been responding to Anjali since they watched her press conference more than 3 weeks earlier.]
Sep 30: Anjali reiterates she trusts the beings’ guidance, with a carefully worded tweet that again fails to confirm she has Wayne’s permission, only that his permission would be needed. As usual, no response when I asked that pesky direct yes/no question…
Have you been in contact with Wayne in the past three years? He is aware of this expedition and what you’re doing on the internet and all of this stuff, correct?
"I have been in contact with Wayne more recently. The time when I said that I had not been in contact with Wayne, that was correct, and now it’s changed, and yes I have been in contact with him. And that’s really all that I’m happy to say about Wayne, really, I would just prefer not to discuss that too much."
[At this time, Wayne and Trisha had not been responding to Anjali since they watched her press conference more than 3 weeks earlier.]
Sep 30: Anjali reiterates she trusts the beings’ guidance, with a carefully worded tweet that again fails to confirm she has Wayne’s permission, only that his permission would be needed. As usual, no response when I asked that pesky direct yes/no question…
Oct 1: Here comes the careful wording again. Anjali says the expedition won’t happen if permission is revoked – yet she has never confirmed permission was given. And despite her assurances, she did not explicitly confirm it during the presser, either.
In conclusion we don't know if Anjali’s expedition has Wayne’s explicit approval. She could be transparent about it, but I kinda don’t trust her anymore. Now I kinda want actual evidence of his approval. We have an unnamed team, no expedition date until it's over, and Anjali's evasiveness about whether she currently right now has his permission. It's not making much sense to me.
Postponed! (Nov 3, 2021)
The #TeapotExpedition is postponed. NOT CANCELED OKAY?
A post about Anjali’s higher beings being thwarted by the soon-to-be most famous man in the world (once the higher beings can figure out how get around him and get shit done).
A post about Anjali’s higher beings being thwarted by the soon-to-be most famous man in the world (once the higher beings can figure out how get around him and get shit done).
Anjali appeared on Aliengirl111's podcast on Nov 2, 2021. [Transcript]
Anjali just got back from a 2-week, 2638-mile, round-trip to Wayne’s place. Only after she arrived did he tell her she wasted her time: Nobody is permitted on his property to meet aliens with a message to save humanity from 3rd density hell.
Anjali just got back from a 2-week, 2638-mile, round-trip to Wayne’s place. Only after she arrived did he tell her she wasted her time: Nobody is permitted on his property to meet aliens with a message to save humanity from 3rd density hell.
Let’s unpack this. (I’ve always wanted to say that.) #thingspeoplesayinmovies
Wayne was so obsessed with finding this alien base that he single-handedly dug 400 yards through solid granite, while dying of cancer, to find it. Now he refuses humanity the disclosure we need because... he’s a very private person.
Meanwhile, the higher beings are so confounded by Wayne’s need for privacy that they don’t realize they could relocate their super-duper transdimensional base to a property owned by a person with a more standard desire to bring humanity the aforementioned disclosure we need.
Wayne was so obsessed with finding this alien base that he single-handedly dug 400 yards through solid granite, while dying of cancer, to find it. Now he refuses humanity the disclosure we need because... he’s a very private person.
Meanwhile, the higher beings are so confounded by Wayne’s need for privacy that they don’t realize they could relocate their super-duper transdimensional base to a property owned by a person with a more standard desire to bring humanity the aforementioned disclosure we need.
“It was always a fragile situation,” Anjali says. “I saw this nightmare situation coming.”
Yeah, no. You kept saying everything was fine, moving forward, Wayne and Trisha were thoroughly supportive. So much for transparency.
Yeah, no. You kept saying everything was fine, moving forward, Wayne and Trisha were thoroughly supportive. So much for transparency.
Anjali is asked again if Wayne was ever on board with the Teapot Expedition. She responds with a lengthy definition of “higher”, as in: beings.
She is asked yet yet again. She responds by talking about her new phone that she got for Xmas (2018). [Timestamped link - has to be seen to be believed]
Can I just ask, before you revealed this to the public, that you were gonna reveal the cave with the aliens in, did you tell Wayne that you were gonna go and reveal it to the general public? Was he on board then?
"Okay so this is the accurate calendar of chronological events, okay. The higher beings – and when I say higher, please don’t think I’m using any kind of religious term whatsoever. It’s all about the density of consciousness that they have achieved over their span of existence and so it’s not a judgement, they’re not in positions of judgement and authority, it’s not that kind of relationship at all. But they are in a different position where they have a different kind of sight than we have, that has been intentionally strangled here, it’s what’s called the veil – everybody hears about it, it’s intentional, to create this forgetfulness and to allow for an awakening experience and self-realization. Um…"
Did Wayne know you were going--
"Yes, I am getting to that, I am, believe it or not. [She never gets to it, believe it or not.] So, having this experience and having this ongoing contact for several weeks, they were prodding me to say, y’know, “Let’s get a team together, bring them here. Let’s provide the proof, it’ll be okay.” We had this ongoing conversation where I was very reluctant and I’m almost to be frank panic-contacting Wayne and Trisha because I feel nearly compelled to announce a formation of an expedition team to return to the base. And I had not spoken to them since some time in 2018. I don’t know exactly when our last messages were. Unfortunately I got a new phone that Christmas of 2018."
Next, Anjali strawmans the DMT/psychedelic accusations by dismissing the idea she was tripping on spiked coffee from 11AM until 3AM the following night. Sounds like fun I guess, but nobody said she did that.
Anjali once again announces Wayne’s medical status to the world. I don’t think she should be doing that. The man wants his privacy! BTW his dire situation is lowkey Twitter’s fault for stressing him out. I wish him all the best.
She's actually sounding irritated with Wayne, who is evidently not vibrating at the right frequency: “I don’t know why Wayne has said no right now, but this is a huge moment and this is part of his consciousness process.”
But look, it’s actually the fault of the “freaks” on social media who hurt Wayne’s feelings. Okay, Anjali did announce the Teapot Expedition without telling him. But you have to understand that’s not her fault - she was compelled by those darned higher beings to do it.
She is asked yet yet again. She responds by talking about her new phone that she got for Xmas (2018). [Timestamped link - has to be seen to be believed]
Can I just ask, before you revealed this to the public, that you were gonna reveal the cave with the aliens in, did you tell Wayne that you were gonna go and reveal it to the general public? Was he on board then?
"Okay so this is the accurate calendar of chronological events, okay. The higher beings – and when I say higher, please don’t think I’m using any kind of religious term whatsoever. It’s all about the density of consciousness that they have achieved over their span of existence and so it’s not a judgement, they’re not in positions of judgement and authority, it’s not that kind of relationship at all. But they are in a different position where they have a different kind of sight than we have, that has been intentionally strangled here, it’s what’s called the veil – everybody hears about it, it’s intentional, to create this forgetfulness and to allow for an awakening experience and self-realization. Um…"
Did Wayne know you were going--
"Yes, I am getting to that, I am, believe it or not. [She never gets to it, believe it or not.] So, having this experience and having this ongoing contact for several weeks, they were prodding me to say, y’know, “Let’s get a team together, bring them here. Let’s provide the proof, it’ll be okay.” We had this ongoing conversation where I was very reluctant and I’m almost to be frank panic-contacting Wayne and Trisha because I feel nearly compelled to announce a formation of an expedition team to return to the base. And I had not spoken to them since some time in 2018. I don’t know exactly when our last messages were. Unfortunately I got a new phone that Christmas of 2018."
Next, Anjali strawmans the DMT/psychedelic accusations by dismissing the idea she was tripping on spiked coffee from 11AM until 3AM the following night. Sounds like fun I guess, but nobody said she did that.
Anjali once again announces Wayne’s medical status to the world. I don’t think she should be doing that. The man wants his privacy! BTW his dire situation is lowkey Twitter’s fault for stressing him out. I wish him all the best.
She's actually sounding irritated with Wayne, who is evidently not vibrating at the right frequency: “I don’t know why Wayne has said no right now, but this is a huge moment and this is part of his consciousness process.”
But look, it’s actually the fault of the “freaks” on social media who hurt Wayne’s feelings. Okay, Anjali did announce the Teapot Expedition without telling him. But you have to understand that’s not her fault - she was compelled by those darned higher beings to do it.
So, what next for humanity? Who will save us from purgatory on Orion? Anjali! That’s who. Anjali is gettin' salty...
[Note: During this podcast, the owner messaged Anjali asking why she was telling people she would find another way onto the land (and pointing out "You were high as [a] kite that night and you are lying to everyone about that.") She responded to them in a similar fashion to her above statement on the show:
"You OWE me a damn explanation as to what happened on YOUR property, if I am lying. Because I am NOT lying... So you must have had the wrong idea about who you brought to your home, if you think I am just going to go away after what happened to me. You knew I was intel. I would NEVER just go away. This is bigger than both of us, and that’s just the truth of it."]
Anjali has “a lot of different kinds of work to do” putting together her non-existent Teapot Expedition team and their various equipments to measure. She “doesn’t care what anybody online says about this.”
I’ll take her at her word (for once). As we know, Anjali didn’t go through a tunnel or meet aliens. She did a "guided mediation", met Lavvybeans in her head, thought they were real. Wayne got tired of her nutty texts and regretted spinning a yarn about aliens in his mountain. [At the time this was my best guess as to what happened that day, since I was attempting to believe Anjali's lie that she'd not taken drugs.]
So, is Anjali laying the groundwork for blaming Wayne for tricking her? There are several clues in this interview: she’s peeved with him not just for backing out, but for making her believe this was real in the first place. Right now, Anjali wants you to know her experience was absolutely real. She states all the ways in which Wayne’s behavior makes her confident of this fact.
But when it’s time to admit it wasn’t real, face must be saved. Has Wayne been set up to take the fall?
"You OWE me a damn explanation as to what happened on YOUR property, if I am lying. Because I am NOT lying... So you must have had the wrong idea about who you brought to your home, if you think I am just going to go away after what happened to me. You knew I was intel. I would NEVER just go away. This is bigger than both of us, and that’s just the truth of it."]
Anjali has “a lot of different kinds of work to do” putting together her non-existent Teapot Expedition team and their various equipments to measure. She “doesn’t care what anybody online says about this.”
I’ll take her at her word (for once). As we know, Anjali didn’t go through a tunnel or meet aliens. She did a "guided mediation", met Lavvybeans in her head, thought they were real. Wayne got tired of her nutty texts and regretted spinning a yarn about aliens in his mountain. [At the time this was my best guess as to what happened that day, since I was attempting to believe Anjali's lie that she'd not taken drugs.]
So, is Anjali laying the groundwork for blaming Wayne for tricking her? There are several clues in this interview: she’s peeved with him not just for backing out, but for making her believe this was real in the first place. Right now, Anjali wants you to know her experience was absolutely real. She states all the ways in which Wayne’s behavior makes her confident of this fact.
But when it’s time to admit it wasn’t real, face must be saved. Has Wayne been set up to take the fall?
The end is nigh (Nov 21, 2021)
How the end of the world went down.
On the afternoon of Thursday Nov 18, 2021, Anjali was tweeting about music, cats, and Adam Driver lookalikes. Then something went horribly wrong.
That evening, Anjali was asked if she would ask the higher beings questions and share the answers. She said she would do her best.
Two minutes later, from a pensive monkey: “is our Planet facing an imminent cataclysm... in the next 10-15 years that threatens our existence?”
See, Lavvy & co have been so busy indulging in the punch left over from the canceled welcome party for the postponed Teapot Expedition, they forgot to give Anjali some huge news. Fortunately, monkey’s pensive question prompted them.
After an hour of meditation, she posted:
On the afternoon of Thursday Nov 18, 2021, Anjali was tweeting about music, cats, and Adam Driver lookalikes. Then something went horribly wrong.
That evening, Anjali was asked if she would ask the higher beings questions and share the answers. She said she would do her best.
Two minutes later, from a pensive monkey: “is our Planet facing an imminent cataclysm... in the next 10-15 years that threatens our existence?”
See, Lavvy & co have been so busy indulging in the punch left over from the canceled welcome party for the postponed Teapot Expedition, they forgot to give Anjali some huge news. Fortunately, monkey’s pensive question prompted them.
After an hour of meditation, she posted:
Three minutes later, someone with a heavy interest in both futures trading and a “lightworker” who’s predicting an extinction-level event using the buzzwords below, asked Anjali: “have they indicated how imminent? Weeks/months/decades?”
90 minutes of meditation later, interrupted only to remind us realWayne is too sick to deal with the stress of the Teapot Expedition - in the hope we’ll forget it was actually postponed due to doxing millionaire imposterWayne - the beings announce the end of life as we know it:
The immediate response to the lightworker in June and to Anjali this week, from the futures trader and the pensive monkey respectively, was concern for the kids. The monkey understandably also inquired as to whether hairy primates in baggy pants would inherit the Earth.
Let’s offer thanks & Tim Tams to these two Twitterers with their fortuitously timed questions that reminded Lavvy to set down his punch long enough to consciously communicate the apocalypse to Anjali so she could mouthpiece it to the rest of humanity.
What this means, of course, is that Lavvy was rolling drunk at the time. Take from that what you will.
What aroused my suspicions that this disclosure was coordinated was Anjali quote-tweeting in response to random questions, instead of giving her big news the tweet it deserved. It's not plausible that Lavvy kept quiet about the apocalypse until a "random" Twitter account happened to ask about it.
Who will save us? Who will offer help?
What aroused my suspicions that this disclosure was coordinated was Anjali quote-tweeting in response to random questions, instead of giving her big news the tweet it deserved. It's not plausible that Lavvy kept quiet about the apocalypse until a "random" Twitter account happened to ask about it.
Who will save us? Who will offer help?
- Follow the guru
- Sign up for classes
- Visit the meditation retreat
Wayne's character arc (Dec 1, 2021)
Anjali has announced the end of life as we know it. The lavvybeans were supposed to help us with this transition but they and their soft disclosure are stuck in Wayne's mountain. Mounting the #TeapotExpedition has become more urgent than ever. Or has it?
We all know Anjali will drop the Teapot Expedition to bring back irrefutable evidence of a physical ET base in Wayne's mountain. The question is: will she be transparent about what the Wayne subplot was really all about?
One thing's for sure: it was badly written.
Wayne had a co-starring role in this tale - the superhuman mentor to our plucky protagonist. Yet by Anjali's account he's a fickle cruel character. He's the antagonist, thwarting with one word the plans of technologically & spiritually superior alien races who only want to help.
Wayne's character arc is a confusing mess:
Will she be transparent about Wayne's true involvement? Did they ever seriously discuss an expedition? Did he ever give permission? What really happened when they reconnected in July?
One thing's for sure: it was badly written.
Wayne had a co-starring role in this tale - the superhuman mentor to our plucky protagonist. Yet by Anjali's account he's a fickle cruel character. He's the antagonist, thwarting with one word the plans of technologically & spiritually superior alien races who only want to help.
Wayne's character arc is a confusing mess:
- He took a former intel agent, a stranger, to meet his aliens, then cut her off when she wanted to talk about it.
- He lost touch with "old friends" despite them knowing all about his aliens.
- Wayne is kind & generous but uninterested in saving humanity.
- He's a private person but willing to become the most famous man on Earth.
- He was on board with the expedition as soon as he heard about it, yet was always hesitant to let anyone on his land. What?
- Wayne was excited about the expedition plans but - despite knowing how to Zoom - waited for a disabled woman to travel 1500 miles across the country by road before denying her access because he didn't like that a random other guy with a mountain had received 3 phone calls.
Will she be transparent about Wayne's true involvement? Did they ever seriously discuss an expedition? Did he ever give permission? What really happened when they reconnected in July?
Can't keep the story straight (Dec 30, 2021)
Back to the start with Anjali, to something that derailed her entire story from day one. I’ve catalogued multiple ways she hasn’t been transparent, but neither has she been truthful about one very important and basic question:
Did she write down her experience at the time?
It’s implausible that Anjali didn't write down (with pictures) every detail of this incredible experience at the time. She was a writer and an artist. She claims to have an analytical mind. Memories fade and distort with time. Everyone knows this. So why didn’t she write it down?
Did she write down her experience at the time?
It’s implausible that Anjali didn't write down (with pictures) every detail of this incredible experience at the time. She was a writer and an artist. She claims to have an analytical mind. Memories fade and distort with time. Everyone knows this. So why didn’t she write it down?
Or did she?
Two days after her Reddit post, someone told Anjali how their own memory changed completely within months. She said she knew her memory was accurate because SHE WROTE IT DOWN AT THE TIME.
Two days after her Reddit post, someone told Anjali how their own memory changed completely within months. She said she knew her memory was accurate because SHE WROTE IT DOWN AT THE TIME.
Why is any of this important?
An old guy told me about an incredible childhood close encounter with a UFO in his backyard and the report he made years ago in a UFO database. I read his report: it was a meteor. Not a word about the CE. I can only imagine how different the report was from his actual experience.
Look at the Ariel schoolchildren: Their immediate reports were unremarkable. Hind’s write-up shoehorned details that matched her preconceived ideas. John Mack implanted the telepathy narrative 2 months later. As adults their tale continues to grow taller.
How have Anjali’s memories changed since January 2018? If she wrote something at the time, what does it say? If she didn’t, why did she say she did? She says the experience was confusing. She even needed regressive hypnotherapy aka imagination stimulation to get a clearer image.
By the way, that’s not the only inconsistency. The week before her Reddit post, Anjali said she'd been working on it all week – i.e. from ~Feb 15 (because the beings told her to).
An old guy told me about an incredible childhood close encounter with a UFO in his backyard and the report he made years ago in a UFO database. I read his report: it was a meteor. Not a word about the CE. I can only imagine how different the report was from his actual experience.
Look at the Ariel schoolchildren: Their immediate reports were unremarkable. Hind’s write-up shoehorned details that matched her preconceived ideas. John Mack implanted the telepathy narrative 2 months later. As adults their tale continues to grow taller.
How have Anjali’s memories changed since January 2018? If she wrote something at the time, what does it say? If she didn’t, why did she say she did? She says the experience was confusing. She even needed regressive hypnotherapy aka imagination stimulation to get a clearer image.
By the way, that’s not the only inconsistency. The week before her Reddit post, Anjali said she'd been working on it all week – i.e. from ~Feb 15 (because the beings told her to).
So, was it all written on Mar 1 "all in one sitting, no editing", or did she write it over a 2-week period?
If Anjali didn’t write down her experience at the time, what really happened is lost forever unless Wayne steps up to explain the mindfuck. If she did write it down, for some reason she decided to not use it but to write a new & improved & embellished version for public release.
Anjali never kept her story straight about the simple fact of when she first wrote her experience down:
It's evidence that she knows her memories are confused and ever-shifting. Have those memories become embellished with time/hypnosis/meditation?
If Anjali didn’t write down her experience at the time, what really happened is lost forever unless Wayne steps up to explain the mindfuck. If she did write it down, for some reason she decided to not use it but to write a new & improved & embellished version for public release.
Anjali never kept her story straight about the simple fact of when she first wrote her experience down:
- at the time (Jan 21, 2018)?
- over a period of 2 weeks in Feb 2021?
- in one sitting on Mar 1, 2021?
It's evidence that she knows her memories are confused and ever-shifting. Have those memories become embellished with time/hypnosis/meditation?
(c) Charlie Wiser 2022